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Old 04-18-2013, 06:51 AM   #13131 (permalink)
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The last film I saw was Oz: The Great and Powerful.

Great movie. Better than I expected.
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Old 04-18-2013, 07:00 AM   #13132 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post

I'm guessing you must be younger than me. I was like five or six when that movie came out and I'm pretty sure everyone on Earth saw it, and if you were a kid that movie ruled your ****ing life. I have no idea how many times I saw that movie in the theater. The next time I would have a movie experience that mind blowing was when Star Wars Special Edition was in theaters.
I'll be 23 in a month. I was too young to see the movie in the theatre but my parents went to see it. We owned the ****ing videotape of it and I never watched it. Can't believe I waited this long to see it.

Fred, yeah they definitely could have gone into more detail about the process. Crichton dedicated a good chunk of the book to it but so much got cut out of the film.
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Old 04-18-2013, 09:37 AM   #13133 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. View Post
They should have gone into more detail about the extraction of the dna from the amber fly, I thought that part was particularly interesting and took up a few chapters of the book. The movie was good though. Much better then Sphere or Congo, two good books ruined by Hollywood.
i agree...that part of the book was fascinating...but at the same time i kind of understand that they had to get the movie moving as quickly as possible

Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
Has anyone seen the recent Evil Dead?
I need to go back and re-watch the Bruce Campbell one.

I enjoyed it for the most part but the first half of the movie seemed to take itself too seriously and I can't remember if the original one was just unintentionally funny or was it campy on purpose.
i went and saw it yesterday and i loved it.....there are tons of little tiny shout outs to the original and if you plan on seeing it there is a great little thing at the end of the credits that is specifically for fans of the original films

from what i understand the original film was meant to be a serious horror film but turned into a campy cult classic

on the remake.....this film is old school gory...with very little cg effects and...well lets just say however supplied the blood will be able to send at least three kids to an ivy league school after this film

if you really like just rampant gore and a few good loud jumping parts this film is for you....over the top to the point of being laughable but in a good way
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Old 04-18-2013, 09:55 AM   #13134 (permalink)
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9.5/ 10

Sergio Leone is a ****ing god. He officially created my favorite genre. I have no clue how no one has suggested I watch this film before, because I highly recommend it to all of you.
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Old 04-18-2013, 10:04 AM   #13135 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Exoskeletal View Post

Happy - Go - Lucky

You're only going to enjoy this if you like films that focus on characters and nothing else. I enjoyed this for the performances; Sally Hawkins and Eddie Marsan were incredible. A lot of people are going to find Hawkins' character annoying but I found her endearing and a purely happy person. Definitely worth the watch.
I love love love Happy Go Lucky. Every time I see it on one of the movie channels while I'm surfing I will stop and watch the rest of it. She reminds me of a friend of mines that is so perky and optimistic that it can get on your nerves at times but I still care about her all the same.

Originally Posted by bob. View Post
i went and saw it yesterday and i loved it.....there are tons of little tiny shout outs to the original and if you plan on seeing it there is a great little thing at the end of the credits that is specifically for fans of the original films

from what i understand the original film was meant to be a serious horror film but turned into a campy cult classic

on the remake.....this film is old school gory...with very little cg effects and...well lets just say however supplied the blood will be able to send at least three kids to an ivy league school after this film

if you really like just rampant gore and a few good loud jumping parts this film is for you....over the top to the point of being laughable but in a good way
I saw it before I posted about it on here just wanted to get the opinions of others that may have seen it. I was so pissed when I got home and did some digging around and found out that I missed the after credits scene.

I really liked it. The tone of the film near the beginning seemed to do just that take itself a bit seriously then the funny stuff started popping up here and there.

I loved the audience reactions to some of the gory stuff. A few people walked out pissed saying it sucked but I didn't agree with them. Yeah, one of the bonus points was the practical effects that were used.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You're a terrible dictionary.
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Old 04-18-2013, 11:07 AM   #13136 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Burning Down View Post
I'll be 23 in a month. I was too young to see the movie in the theatre but my parents went to see it. We owned the ****ing videotape of it and I never watched it. Can't believe I waited this long to see it.

Fred, yeah they definitely could have gone into more detail about the process. Crichton dedicated a good chunk of the book to it but so much got cut out of the film.
As much as I'd like to agree with you, it's a movie about watching dinosaurs eat people. The sciency bits are just the window dressing to get you to the dinosaurs eating people. Anything that takes away from the dinosaurs eating people should be edited with extreme prejudice.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 04-18-2013, 11:42 AM   #13137 (permalink)
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Orgazmo - 1997

Pretty much the dumbest movie that i've seen, I just wish it had SOME sort of plot so I could have gotten through it.

The theme song is the best however.

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Old 04-19-2013, 05:43 PM   #13138 (permalink)
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Silver Linings Playbook

So I finally sat down to watch this after always finding a reason not to go to the theater to see it. I don't think I missed anything of a theater experience but I regret waiting so long to see it because I found it pretty great. I connected to the first half of the film...especially Cooper who was very impressive in this role. I'm growing into a fan of him considering the 2nd film I saw with him today; more on that later though. I got a bit emotional during his first days out of the mental hospital due to my brother going through the exact same thing. Seriously. He named the same medicine my brother is taking. It was weird. The second half turned its romantic side toward me but it struck the exact right chords as far as romantic movies go. Jennifer Lawrence earned the sh*t out of her Oscar. She was fantastic. I also enjoyed Bob DeNiro and Jackie Weaver but I didn't quite understand their nominations. They were good but Bob played a version of himself that he always plays and Weaver just kind of went along with everybody else. Just a thought.

Overall a great film that I'd like to own. It had the right amount of romance, comedy, and sadness that I loved in Lost in Translation and loved in this.


The Place Beyond the Pines

I sporadically decided to go see this film by myself today. Great decision. This was fantastic and easily the best film in theaters right now. I don't know if anybody saw Blue Valentine but it's made by the same director. I didn't really know anything going into this other than the director and the fact that it's got an 80 on RT. This is essential.

If you're planning on seeing this film , go into it knowing nothing. It's not like there are huge twists but the way the story unfolds hits you way harder when you are blind to it. Just trust me on this.

The film was beautifully shot on location in New York State. It was a powerful, haunting, and draining film that I'm going to be thinking about for some time. Cooper and Gosling were great but the real star was the direction and screenplay that made for a suspenseful gut puncher of a film. The only thing that I could call a negative is it's a bit patchy in a few spots which lead to it being a long film but it's in no way a serious problem.

Superb film

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Old 04-20-2013, 12:04 AM   #13139 (permalink)
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I finally re-watched one of my favorite gangster films: American Me

I only saw it once, 15 or 20 years ago, so I had no recollection of this song that plays in the end credits. Very nice sampling of a Bill Withers classic

Like an arrow,
I was only passing through.
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Old 04-20-2013, 11:38 AM   #13140 (permalink)
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Oz and I didn't like their dress/apparel as it was v eclectic and not time-related. It would've been best if they'd dressed them in the same clothing style as the time The Wizard of Oz was written by Frank L.Baum or whatever time he intended it all to be.
I'm also tired of Michelle Williams' monotone facial expression in every roll.

*Role I meant, lol
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