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Old 06-10-2012, 05:10 AM   #11791 (permalink)
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Everyone should check out BLACK POND

debut film from two young English directors, fantastically odd black comedy/drama
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Old 06-10-2012, 10:41 AM   #11792 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Exoskeletal View Post

I've been waiting all year to see this. I took my girlfriend to the local(ish) Imax theater to see it. I got there early. I got a good seat. I prepared my mind for awesomeness. I did have to see it in 3d which did not please me but we'll get to that in a minute. First let me get this bad analogy off my chest that most of you will probably disagree with.

It is my honest opinion that sci-fi films are like cheeseburgers. This is why.
  • There are only a few perfect sci fi films, just like there are only a few cheeseburgers I've eaten in my life that could be considered perfect. This short list includes The Thing, 2001, Bladerunner, and if I may catagorize it as sci-fi...The Matrix.
  • There are a bunch of very good sci films just like there have been cheeseburgers that I've eaten and felt refreshed and satisfied afterwards. Not only would I eat it again, but I will remember them for being not only memorable but entirely unique thatn the rest. This includes the first two Alien films, Planet of the Apes, Star Wars, Sunshine, Children of Men, and Solaris.
  • The rest includes films that are what they are...sci fi films. I can't really think of a single sci fi film that I wasn't at least a little bit interested in. I love cheeseburgers. Even the ****ty ones are still a good thing. This list includes Even Horizon, War of the Worlds, 12 Monkeys, Ghostbusters, and the Fifth Element. Good films mixed in wth some bad ones that didn't breach the next level but still left be with a nice feeling and a sense of satisfaction.

Prometheus is a very good burger.

Yet, it still had it's flaws.

The visuals. My god the visuals. This is without a doubt one of the more stunning films to come out since The Matrix. As Bob mentioned, Scott really decided he wanted to wow the crowd with stunning landscapes and atmosphere. The opening shots of an ancient Earth landscape was an amazing intro into what was going to be shown to us for the rest of the film. The shots of the ship from the outside, the shots of the "ship" from the inside, and of course the beautifully constructed carnage that occurred in the middle is something that is going to last a long time. It's one of the few 3d films I've seen where I felt that the 3d helped bring out more depth and sharper images. It really is a sight to behold.

The acting. Michael Fassbender stole every scene he was in. He's been a favorite of mine since Hunger and he does not disappoint one bit. He was creepy and dark at the same time he was soulful and bright which was a great contrast to how the rest of the crew treated him. Noomi Rapace was also very very good and I think that she is going to be a go too actress for further sci fi films. She just has this face for sci fi/horror. The rest of the cast did what they needed to do and they all did it well. I had no idea that was Guy Pearce for a while.

Surgery Scene. That is all. One of the best I've seen in a while.

I did have some issues with it though. The script could have been a lot better. I felt there were a lot of unanswered questions and I'm not talking about the main plot line. I'm talking about what I felt were pieces of character development that were inserted to give us more depth but left me with questions as to why they were even introduced. Like I said before in my retarded analogy, there are very few perfect sci fi movies, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that the ideas are so immense and complex that getting everything hemmed into a script can be a daunting task. I didn't feel like it took that much away from the film, but it just could have been better.

Go and see this movie in a good theater. If you like sci fi then you owe it to yourself to see a master craftsman at work giving us an absolutely beautiful film that is dark as it is incredibly bright and exciting. I'll be seeing it again.

Very comprehensive review that really mirrors my own feelings towards the film. I have a feeling there's a lot of scenes that were cut from the theatrical version that will be available on the DVD so hopefully some more of the character building will be there. I really liked Idris Elba's character, I wish he could have used his natural British accent though, but he can pull off an American one as well as any American I know.

Anyways, after my friends and I watched Prometheus and the Eastern Conference Finals game, we decided to watch this gem.

Zardoz (1974)

This is definitely one of those "you want to smoke up before" movies because everything about this film is pretty damn silly.
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Old 06-10-2012, 11:13 AM   #11793 (permalink)
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Crazy, Stupid, Love. was on the movie network a couple days ago. Pretty bad, with only a few funny moments. Carell has made some interesting choices for films.
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Old 06-10-2012, 02:58 PM   #11794 (permalink)
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Ghostbusters. What a classic.
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Old 06-10-2012, 06:54 PM   #11795 (permalink)
not really
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Pretty good entertainment. I think the script was okay, but it wasn't organized right. Scenes seemed to be in the wrong order or character interactions that took place had no weight or consequence.


The ending was a real patch-job. The transformation into the alien being we recognize didn't make much sense. Character motivations/actions don't always make sense, contradict themselves earlier.

The script or dialogue wasn't as poor as i was expecting based on comments/reviews, but a couple things irked me. The film's visual scope is huge but the story is limited to 2 spaceships even though they're on a giant alien planet. Too much of the movie is stuck looking on holographic maps, sure they look cool and make for easy exposition but it made me sleepy. The line "we are going home" is repeated by the main characters a noticeable amount of times.

Also, in the film the planet they're on was a more-or-less a test site to experiment on biological weapons, correct? So were humans created on earth for the purpose of aiding the aliens or "creators" in some way?

I was really hoping the film would be more grandiose with the portrayal of the original aliens, the film started to feel reminiscent of "the thing" by the end. Still enjoyed watching it though, still better then most sci fi
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Old 06-11-2012, 12:11 AM   #11796 (permalink)
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Spoiler for Prometheus:
Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
The ending was a real patch-job. The transformation into the alien being we recognize didn't make much sense. Character motivations/actions don't always make sense, contradict themselves earlier.
The alien she gave birth too seemed to be a proto-version or something quite similar to the head-crab in Alien. Of course it is gigantic in comparison, but it latches on to a person and infects it with an alien larvae much the same way, which is what it does to the alien in the end.

Whether or not the xenomorph like Alien that "hatches" from the other alien's body is actually related to the Aliens we see in the previous Alien movies, I don't know. If the black goo is a biological weapon (seems like it), it seems early stages of infection by consumption promotes sexual behaviour and then later stages turn them into some kind of zombies. I guess it would create an epidemic of both zombies and xenomorph-like aliens.

The vases were just standing around on the floor, much like the Alien eggs in the first Alien movie. I guess they are both biological weapons and the result of the engineers tinkering with life, just a little different.

Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
Also, in the film the planet they're on was a more-or-less a test site to experiment on biological weapons, correct? So were humans created on earth for the purpose of aiding the aliens or "creators" in some way?
I didn't quite understand why humans were created on earth. Perhaps as a breeding ground for xenomorph-like aliens? A place to test out their biological warfare methods on a large scale? Who knows. I think the movie makers intentionally left this and many more questions unanswered.
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Old 06-11-2012, 12:46 AM   #11797 (permalink)
not really
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I don't wan't to make it seem like my questioning is in any way due to me disliking the film, if anything it's the opposite. I think it's cool how they were able to touch on the core framework without giving too much away.

I'm glad you and duga are so knowledgeable

a couple other things-

Spoiler for ":
Do you think the android at the end said something to provoke the last "originator" (for lack of a better term)when he was speaking in their tongue? When the alien first comes out of the pod he isn't immediately violent, but becomes so after either his or shaw's dialogue.

Do you think Charlize was a robot? Her "father" is about 80 years too old, and she was strong enough to physically move the other android, david. Not to mention she was cold and heartless."
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Old 06-11-2012, 01:33 AM   #11798 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
Spoiler for ":
Do you think the android at the end said something to provoke the last "originator" (for lack of a better term)when he was speaking in their tongue? When the alien first comes out of the pod he isn't immediately violent, but becomes so after either his or shaw's dialogue.

Do you think Charlize was a robot? Her "father" is about 80 years too old, and she was strong enough to physically move the other android, david. Not to mention she was cold and heartless."
Ooo I like this theory!


Spoiler for :
But do you think androids can have sex?

sometimes I don't thrill you
sometimes I think I'll kill you
just don't let me fuck up will you
'cause when I need a friend it's still you

Last edited by Violent & Funky; 06-11-2012 at 01:38 AM.
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Old 06-11-2012, 03:24 AM   #11799 (permalink)
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Spoiler for Prometheus:
I don't think Charlize's character was an android and I think that was part of the dramatic tension betwee her father, herself and the android. Her father wanted a son, but got a daughter .. and so he had a son made, the android. This obviously offended her.

If she was an android herself, the drama wouldn't work as well.
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Old 06-11-2012, 05:05 AM   #11800 (permalink)
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on that i agree 100% with Tore

Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post

Assuming this picture shows, it was Bartleby. Based off of the short story, "Bartleby the Scrivener."

As a fan of the story, I almost expected to be underwhelmed. Then again, it was Crispin Glover, the most underrated actor in eons, so I was impressed.

He's bizarre, the film is bizarre, the story itself is bizarre, but I loved every minute of it.

It felt like the film had lasted a mere half hour.

For more Crispin Glover greatness, check out Willard or River's Edge. The latter may not sell you on him, but it's ****ing awesome.

He also impresses in What's Eating Gilbert Grape? and Dead Man.
have you seen Glover's films? What Is It? and It Is Fine. Everything Is Fine. ?
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