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Old 10-23-2011, 05:26 PM   #10681 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by Raust View Post
Yeah I'm aware that there was an original in '51. Is it similar to the '83 version of the film and begin the same way?
I haven't seen the 50s film, but I read that Carpenter's movie is actually closer to the original story.
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Old 10-23-2011, 05:27 PM   #10682 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
I haven't seen the 50s film, but I read that Carpenter's movie is actually closer to the original story.
Yeah it just seemed though from seeing the 80's version of the film that the newer one was kind of riffing off of it.
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Old 10-23-2011, 05:31 PM   #10683 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Raust View Post
Yeah it just seemed though from seeing the 80's version of the film that the newer one was kind of riffing off of it.
I haven't seen the prequel yet (will go see it tomorrow), but the stories are pretty similar. Antarctic stations are under attack by a shape changing alien .. I can see why the movies would be similar even if it wasn't deliberately trying to "rip off" the 80s version.

Still, I'll see how I feel about it tomorrow. Of course I do hope it's more than a simple copy of Carpenter's film.
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Old 10-23-2011, 06:03 PM   #10684 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Raust View Post
Yeah I'm aware that there was an original in '51. Is it similar to the '83 version of the film and begin the same way?
No. If I remember correctly the John Carpenter one work more like a sequel to the original.
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Old 10-23-2011, 07:34 PM   #10685 (permalink)
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I'm usually not much for this type of film but the Japanese have such an imagination with imagery. Makes them much better equipped for fantasy films as such since they keep the narrative simple, and execute imaginatively. Not the most cerebral experience, but it isn't intended to be.

Fascinating, ****ed up, amazingly watchable documentary on the religious right, and Evangelical extremism. Highly recommended.
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Old 10-23-2011, 07:58 PM   #10686 (permalink)
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^If you like Spirited Away, you should definitely check out more Hayao Miyazaki films. He's a pretty bomb film maker and he's put out quite a few movies over the years. Most of his films are considered anime classics.
Originally Posted by Goofle11 View Post
Hip Hop generally bores me now I just listen to stuff I know will be slightly interesting.


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Old 10-23-2011, 09:37 PM   #10687 (permalink)
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Saw Cave of Forgotten Dreams about the Chauvet cave paintings in France. I kind of tolerated the narration by Werner Herzog because I was interested in the paintings. I can't say he offered some unique perspective. The 3D was ok but I saw it on a pretty small screen so it wasn't as immersive as I'd hoped. Still worth seeing though.

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Old 10-24-2011, 08:36 AM   #10688 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Raust View Post
Eh it was alright. It seemed to borrow a lot from the original even with some similar scenes.
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Even going as far as to realize that any of the characters could be this alien and taking blood tests. The only difference was they never got to it
. I also found the original being much more frightening and unnerving then the prequel. The movie also didnt seem to be based around the same time the 1982 Thing took place.
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Maybe its just that The Thing is dated, but this movie is very modern and really didn't have the same feel as opposed to the other one.
It makes a decent movie though and I do kind of like how it ends where the '82 version begins. Kind of strange how they decided to make a prequel after 29 years. I would've been perfectly fine without one.
not really....if you think about it it was quite different...
Spoiler for scene:
the blood test in the original is very representative of what was happening at that moment....a bunch of kind of "working class" joes.....who feel that the thing infected blood will react to heat as if it is being attacked....whereas in the prequel its very thought out and scientific "lets expose our blood to the tissue of of the thing and look for cellular responses"....personally i thought it was great.....and of course a group of scientist are going to come up with a test

edit.....re-watching the 82 film....and at first they had planned to mix real time blood with sample each person had given before they got to Antarctica.....

as i said in my two previous posts about this film....the newer thing is seriously lacking all of the great film making that Carpenter put into the original (remake)....and is really more a fun monster romp

as for borrowing....i always felt that was alluded in Carpenters Thing....i mean they take off to check out the Nordic camp.....and see all this crazy shit....piles of burnt, gross and distorted flesh....they camp blown up and in complete shambles, people dead everywhere,....hmmmm kind of like the ending of Carpenters Thing

Originally Posted by Raust View Post
Yeah I'm aware that there was an original in '51. Is it similar to the '83 version of the film and begin the same way?
its a fun film....and basically has a very similar premise

Last edited by bob.; 10-24-2011 at 02:41 PM.
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Old 10-24-2011, 02:15 PM   #10689 (permalink)
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The Music Lovers is another good Ken Russell film. Very VERY conservative by Russel standards(there's a few of the trademark break away interpretive sequences, but they're quite tame in comparison to his later works). Covers the life of Tchaikovsky, mostly focusing on his struggles with repressed homosexuality, and theorizing he had a fear of womanhood due to seeing his mother die a gruesome death due to cholera. Good film, a bit soap operay, but well acted, directed, and written.

Weidest film I've probably ever seen. Even weirder than Holy Mountain, and El Topo. ****ing fantastic film in it's vanguard defiance. Jodoworsky's first film, and definitely not stingy on the disturbing. Plus, in 1968 this had to be amazingly ahead of it's time.
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Old 10-24-2011, 03:42 PM   #10690 (permalink)
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Saw The Thing today and then discussed the movie with friends over a few beers afterwards. I honestly didn't expect much from it and so it pleasantly surprised me in many ways. It was suspenseful, nicely gross and entertaining from start to finish. I didn't like everything about it, particularly how things developed towards the end, but on the other hand I don't like everything about Carpenter's version either. Overall, I was very pleased and entertained for the length of the movie.

I'm sure being a norwegian helps lift this movie to another level because of all the norwegian actors and dialogue which is in it. A lot of the norwegian dialogue in the film actually got laughs from the audience. It was so refreshing to watch a Hollywood film featuring proper spoken norwegian and not the weird ramblings of some fourth generation norwegian immigrant to the states (Carpenter's version got some of that going on). Also, I liked that the nasty scientist was a dane

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