Originally Posted by Black Francis
I think you are just focusing on the big crossovers anime and are trying to encapsulate that all animes are similar to those ones, the big crossover anime tend to be shounen anime as Dylstew listed but there are many obscure ones that are very different, in some anime the characters don't fight with superpowers and some anime are the same **** as walking dead or vampire diaries or any Human show without the US censorship and without the limitation of dealing with actors, cause it's animation! no need for CGI to make a character fly or wthvr.
i don't understand what makes a medium more mature than another medium when they put out the same content,
for exmpl, take the anime Full metal alchemist.
if they made that into a human show ppl would love it and wouldn't call it immature.
But if it was a book before it was a show ppl would think the book is more mature.
this unspoken hierarchy of credibility is bull**** if the content is the same and remains unedited.
No I'm focusing on the majority of anime. Most of it is just as formulaic as any kind of pop culture entertainment created by corporations. Sure there are good obscure ones, and I still like looking for them, but I'm getting lazier and lazier as I run out of options.