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deadkennediespunk 09-09-2005 03:56 PM

things you hate about school
teachers and redneck sophmore superority

( sorry about the spelling )

sleepy jack 09-09-2005 03:58 PM

The Kids,The Work,The Teachers,The School.

ladyluckrules 09-09-2005 04:00 PM

Everything, coursework, rules, uniform, restrictions, 'reward systems', the only thing worthwhile is me friends.

right-track 09-09-2005 04:02 PM

I hate the recurring dream I have (left school years ago by the way) where I am walking through the busy school corridors in full school uniform minus my trousers and underwear.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 09-09-2005 04:07 PM

WOOOOOOO I hate it.

1. My form. They SUCKED so much. When I was eleven and first joined, I was labelled as "EFFING GOFF" because I had long brown hair. YES I see the logic there...

2. My lesbian PE teacher. Too "touchy feely" for her own good. It was wrong. I swear she would feel up us girls, but she always just said she couldnt help it, sports was very physical....

3. My maths teacher. She barked instead of spoke. And she had a mullet. And she smelt of bad eggs and vomit, all the time.

Yeah ok I would go on but I got bored. Hah.

sleepy jack 09-09-2005 04:15 PM

We should make a thread on bad teachers!!

ladyluckrules 09-09-2005 04:19 PM

please,i have many.

Barnard17 09-09-2005 04:20 PM

I hate the lack of orgasms.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 09-09-2005 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Fal
I hate the lack of orgasms.

...What school did you go to? Thats crazy.

right-track 09-09-2005 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Fal
I hate the lack of orgasms.

Do you go to an all girls school Fal :)

Merkaba 09-09-2005 05:26 PM

Fal just needs some inspiration

deadkennediespunk 09-09-2005 05:34 PM

i hate schools with uniform are school dosent have a uniform like it matters though every one dresses the same and artist in the abulance i know how you feel me and my friends are referd to as the goth kids this is by the "popular kids" and if the dont call us the goth kids the just call us *** and none of us are *** except the poser who even we dont like

holdyoualways 09-09-2005 05:50 PM

the arrogant teachers who think theyre the smartest people in the world an that you should know everything that they know and if you dont then youre just stupid. ie mr morrison. gah! hate him.

.angie. 09-09-2005 08:03 PM

err. Al Wayne. He's an jerk. I walk into the school, within three seconds of being in it, first thing he says is, "HOLY GOTH."

Kurt_Cobain 09-10-2005 03:07 PM

I hated the ****ing popularity chain!! It was so annoying that you were expected to take **** from people, 'cause they considered theirselves to be more important than you. Other than that, I loved school.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 09-10-2005 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Kurt_Cobain
I hated the ****ing popularity chain!! It was so annoying that you were expected to take **** from people, 'cause they considered theirselves to be more important than you. Other than that, I loved school.

They werent CONSIDERED to be more important than me, they actually were. Oh well, Im rid of them now :D

Urban Hat€monger ? 09-10-2005 03:29 PM

I hate the fact that I live in the same road as a school.

It takes me ages to get to work because I have to constantly walk around vacant looking schoolkids walking around like extras from dawn of the dead totally oblivious to anything.

anticipation 09-10-2005 03:36 PM

having to go, and having the hottest girl in my class a kid named kevin.(this is a dis to the girls in my class, and in no way do i think that a kid named kevin is hot.)

C0CKontheL00SE 09-17-2005 12:55 PM

reason1: its all bull$#!#

C0CKontheL00SE 09-17-2005 12:59 PM

reason2: f@#en senior $#!# @#$&ers who think they're superior

ladyluckrules 09-17-2005 01:28 PM

Right now all the teachers are telling me iim depressed and un-interested in school, nyeh?

Josephine 09-17-2005 01:46 PM

What I hate about school? It's easier to say what I like about school. Meeting my (few) friends, art, drama, excursions and vacations for sure.

Well, there're some certain points which really really really piss me off...

1. Incompetent teachers: For example my English class teacher. Well, the lessons are not at all challenging. Not at all. She's bored and we do the same stuff every day... She's got a serious lack of skills. I don't see any sense in this shit.

2. Annoying classmates: Their only ambition is to be popular. All these faked, hypocritical so-called "friendships"... I can't relate to that, not in any single way...

3. Extended school days: Well, my class schedule is just horrible this year. My day is totally complete with school.

4. Class tests and exams: Do I need to say more than that? My A-Levels next year. Damn.

I hate school. I'm looking forward to the day when I'm done with it. Hope this'll be next May.

Hype8 09-17-2005 02:45 PM

In class essays
Big Presentations
Hard tests

thats just what everyone has to deal with anyway, youll get over the hump somehow.

BabyGurl928 09-17-2005 10:16 PM

that we learn ****in' thingz that we dont ****in' need in our ****in' lives when we get the **** out of that damn hellhole

that really they aint doin' what they say they wanna do "help kids learn". They ****in' rush teachin' ****, & when ya dont know the ****in' thin', they give ya tests afta test, & then ya fail, what the ****, its cuz of all does dip**** mofoz that only wanna get their ****in' days worth of money

that they ****in' try 2 get 2 know ya, interrogatin' ya ass & ****, again...what the ****!

they also try 2 brainwash ya ass 2

why must they bring my mama in2 the ****in' situation when im gettin' in ****in' trouble, why goddammit

Urban Hat€monger ? 09-17-2005 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by BabyGurl928
that we learn ****in' thingz that we dont ****in' need in our ****in' lives

Like grammar?

PhishFood 09-18-2005 12:02 AM

man.... I don't get people complaining about things. How horrible is it? Wow your life is terrible because people say they are better than you and you have no room in your mind to understand these things they test you on. None of those things you people havementioned about school really bother me at all... the only thing that's ever bothered me at school happened earlier this week when a teacher mocked me and accused me of things I had not done.

blackTshirt 09-18-2005 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Like grammar?

:laughing:hehe cuuute

anyways, i really hate big presentations...
and big homework that you don't have time to do, cause it's like for tomorrow
stupid teachers... and their fave kids
stupid kids and the way they kiss asses
the fact that if you talk, you end up outside... where you meet the principal...
the way the ones who never study are the ones who get the best grades (eh, when it happens to me, it' all cool :) )
boredom in schools is hell

conclusion: school sucks until you finish it

Sneer 09-18-2005 05:07 AM

school knaws at my soul.
the teachers are cool, but the lessons bore me rigid. And why complain about uniforms- its just a bloody uniform at the end of the day.. deal with it.

Dezzy 09-18-2005 05:19 AM

Don't know what your all moaning about. School for most of you when you leave will have been a doddle.
Make the most of it. Work hard & play hard.

I hated school myself at the time though. I left in 1984.

dog 09-18-2005 05:22 AM

one of the questions on a drama sheet i got was "why is H.G Fields (i think i got the name wrong) better than Charlie Chaplin?" not letting the students have an opinion, just telling them what to think.

Dezzy 09-18-2005 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by ledzeppelinrulz
"why is H.G Fields (i think i got the name wrong) better than Charlie Chaplin?"

I think it's either :-

H.G. Wells or W.C. Fields.

pastor of muppets 09-18-2005 05:41 AM

HG Wells it would be

Dezzy 09-18-2005 07:52 AM

Unless it's Orson Wells.....

BabyGurl928 09-18-2005 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Like grammar?

:laughing: :thumb:

xEmochicKx 09-18-2005 10:20 AM

i like school..i used to have the coolest teacher ever and he loved me!!And his name was mr Lovell haa. He was this little black man who drank coconut milk And he used to call me a jackass...And then a couple of times when i didnt do my homework he asked me if my mom wanted to trade me in for a goat haha Buuut he gave me 98% in math :D

TheBig3 09-18-2005 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by BabyGurl928
that we learn ****in' thingz that we dont ****in' need in our ****in' lives when we get the **** out of that damn hellhole
that really they aint doin' what they say they wanna do "help kids learn". They ****in' rush teachin' ****, & when ya dont know the ****in' thin', they give ya tests afta test, & then ya fail, what the ****, its cuz of all does dip**** mofoz that only wanna get their ****in' days worth of moneythat they ****in' try 2 get 2 know ya, interrogatin' ya ass & ****,again...what the ****!they also try 2 brainwash ya ass 2why must they bring my mama in2 the ****in' situation when im gettin' in ****in' trouble, why goddammit

You know if you'd just learn to spell correctly, less people would hate you. If I knew where you lived I'd come take the "Z" button off your friggen keyboard.

Schools not so hard. Stop acting like you're fighting the facist leader of the third world country you live in.

Imonlydancing 09-18-2005 12:36 PM

We aren't allowed to wear things around our wrists at school, or nail varnish and our shoes have to be 4cm or less. Needless to say, I take no notice of these rules.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 09-18-2005 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Imonlydancing
We aren't allowed to wear things around our wrists at school, or nail varnish and our shoes have to be 4cm or less. Needless to say, I take no notice of these rules.

Yup, no one listens to the dress code rules at schools anyways. We werent allowed to wear traniers, and our shoes had to be black, no jewelery, nail varnish , and no make up at all either.

Hah, like anyone actually listened to em... :rolleyes:

Shiki Minami 09-18-2005 06:40 PM

If there is one thing I hate about school that has to be teasing or wasted joke on me. Grrrr, I hate it when someone in my third mod say to me with this wasted joke quote, "Hey, you farted." I really knew that nobody in school farted. They must have think I was doing better at school and they suddenly tease me so annoying very hard to me. They must have such homosexual tendencies.

EDGE 09-18-2005 06:43 PM



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