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Old 04-01-2011, 01:13 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Health and fitness thread

A place where we can share stories and advice during our efforts to become healthier.

Last year I gave up smoking. I smoked heavily from the age of 14, I was smoking 20 cigarettes a day (and was 21 when I gave up). I stopped cold turkey, and to be honest it wasn't as hard as I might have imagined. I had nights during the first week where I struggled with sleep, waking up with the sweats on more than one occassion per night, but once they subsided I was pretty much clear of them completely.

Problem was, I started eating when I would have usually had a smoke. I started drinking more coffee (with sugar in it), and with winter being fecking freezing I generally did nothing outside at all, apart from walk to work in the mornings. Safe to say, I got a bit chubby.

About 6 weeks ago, I cut out non essential sugars. That is to say that fizzy drinks were gone (4 cans of pepsi or dr pepper through a day was my poison), and replaced that with sugar free blackcurrant squash (which also upped my water intake as well). I stopped getting my coffees every day as well, so I'm also saving alot of money from that. The only sugar I get is now from food stuffs, fruit and the like that have natural sugars in them.

3 weeks ago I started to eat alot healthier. Instead of fried foods, I am grilling alot more. Instead of cooking what looks like a good amount, I am being careful about the amount I put on a plate and weighing things before I cook them so I know what I'm eating. And I'm eating more of the right foods; alot more fish and chicken basically lol.

2 weeks ago I started my own exercise program. I'm doing an hour on a stationary bicycle per night, travelling an average of 30 kilometres per night in the process (which according to the computer on the bike burns 700ish calories).

Since starting this whole process of dieting and exercising more, I have lost about an inch around my waist, and alot of fat from around my ribs and face as well. I dont weight myself, because I think its pointless. As you exercise more you will build muscle, so theoretically you could lose fat but put on weight, and then feel bad. I judge based on how my body feels and looks to me.

I should start to lift weights as well. I know its a good way to burn more calories, and also builds more muscle... but this is where my problem is. I dont know exercises for each muscle.

Anyone got any idea how you work out the muscles on the side of your stomach above your hip bones? And I need good exercises for the 'wing' muscles, the ones at the side of the ribs under the armpit. Also, the shoulder muscles, as in next to the biceps and triceps.

I know someone here can help, and if I can help anyone else with anything I'll try.
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Old 04-02-2011, 07:23 AM   #2 (permalink)
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I was thinking of putting this in the recreation thread, but I think it's more of a general topic so good stuff!

Currently I am doing some intense pilates exercises to strengthen my core. I'm naturally really flexible and this means my back is more prone to aching. I have got so much working out to do. Not to mention the weight I could lose.

Is anyone else just as guilty as me for wanting to lose weight but always going back for the chocolate and chips? I mean I'm not one of those girls that beats myself up for eating junk food, but it's hugely on my mind that without lowering the fat and sugar intake I won't be able to make progress, even with exercise.

Apparently exercise is not enough to lose weight, you have to incorporate a healthy diet or reduced calories in order to shed fat.

EvilChuck you should drink protein shakes if you want to build muscle. It's incredible important you increase your protein as that is what will build your muscles when you use weights. I put on an inch on my thigh within a few weeks from doing weights and bike machines and drinking shakes. It's just milk and protein powder, really yum actually!
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Old 04-02-2011, 08:09 AM   #3 (permalink)
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My diet is pretty good now, alot more lean meats like fish and chicken, and all of my starchy foods like pasta and bread are wholegrain rather their white alternative.

But my goal currently is losing fat, rather than building muscle. Once I get to a size I'm happier with, I'll start bulking up instead. I just read in numerous places that lifting weights is a good way to burn calories as well as just doing cardio work, and the added bonus is that the muscles will grow at the same time.

As for the going back to old foods, I've seen the food in the cupboard and fridge and been tempted, but I dont go any further than that. The way I look at it is once I have reached the point I am happy with myself, my dieting can be less strict and I can treat myself occassionally.
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Old 04-02-2011, 08:42 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Diet wise, I have completely cut out chocolate, milk and unnecessary junk food unless it is a special occasion or whatever, put it this way after my sandwich at lunch I would then have a dairy milk chocolate bar followed by a walkers packet of crisps and a can of diet coke

That's another thing, FIZZY DRINKS AFFECTS YOUR KIDNEY FUNCTIONS (Declines by 30%) if you drink two or more fizzy drinks a day (INCLUDING DRINKS WITH THE WORD 'DIET' IN THEM!)

My biggest give up though was Milk, milk is found in a lot of products and I have cut back especially in my tea and of course foods such as Cheese, Butter, Biscuits heck quite a lot of foods contain milk and I use A LOT OF BUTTER and CHEESE, so I have cut out Butter and Cheese from the diet... which is a lil weird but it's not the end of the world.

I only drink water now (and tea which has no milk) and i drink orange juice now and then and of course the 1 or 2 alcoholic beverages

I go to the gym at least 3-4 times a week with a scheduled program of what I am going to do, usually 7-9 mins doing cardio and then move onto the weights either working on chest, back, shoulders or legs. Of course what you have to take in consideration, those people who go everyday don't get enough out of their gym workouts because you need to give your muscles time to heal, and of course if you are working your chest, you are still using your shoulder muscles so when it comes to shoulders the next day, your shoulders are gonna be racking in pain and screaming "WHY NOT TOMORROW!? I NEED MORE REST!!!"

I am trying to put on weight obviously cos i go down the gym and wanna 'bulk up' but I am scared of eating too much or eating too much fatty foods, my friends tell me I should get on the protein shakes which are like 500 calories each! I dunno but the idea is there for me to try it out and my friend has offered to give me a free shake to see how i get on...
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Old 04-03-2011, 12:01 AM   #5 (permalink)
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I use Myoplex Lite protein shakes, they are only 140 callories are they have about 25g of high quality protein. A good way to build muscle and stay lean.

I have been promising myself to get in better shape. I am still giving myself weekends free on the junk food and alcohol, but during the week I have been realy buckling down on the diet and exercise. I eat fresh pineapple for breakfast and maybe a small salad for lunch, if I even eat a lunch. Then, I do grilled chicken or fish with mixed veggies for dinner. I drink only water for the most part. It's gotten to the point where my body rejects junk food, which is what I had hoped for, so hopefully it will be all but gone soon enough.

I hit the gym at least twice a week. Mixing up weights and cardio. For cardio, I normally do 20 minutes on the elyptical, or play basketball for about an hour. I mix it up between free weights, machines, and isometrics like push-ups and sit-ups. I haven't noticed any kind of crazy results yet, but honestly I haven't put in the effort I need to yet.

So I'm going to keep on it, and hopefully after a few months in 120 degree heat, I will be thin and in decent shape.
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Old 04-03-2011, 12:31 AM   #6 (permalink)
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lol pilates sounds like a alcoholic drink..."yeah boy i had bout 15 pilates last night...i was ****ed up"
Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
Fuck you, bloozin! Your stupid thread too!
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- Hendrix didn't even play the blues that well -

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Old 04-03-2011, 12:50 AM   #7 (permalink)
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At one point I was 195 pounds and no muscle, but I've definitely come a long way. Now that I have access to a gym (my college's), I am on a cloud. I didn't work out all winter, unfortunately, but I'm back on track now. I actually surprised myself! I ended up being able to do weight amounts that I've never been able to before. I only have 90lbs worth, so I'm quite limited.

As for the side muscles, I believe you're referring to the obliques. I usually do wipers, of which there's 2 variations.

I do the hanging ones, cause it feels weird to do it on a floor. If you Google oblique exercises, there are TONS.

As for the wing muscles, I believe you're referring to the Latissimus Dorsi, or just "lats".

Chin ups/pull ups are the most well known lat exercises, as well as the lat pulldown (it's even in the name). I could post others, but I'd just be Googling them. I stick with chin ups/pull ups and the pulldowns.

And as for shoulders, I THINK you're referring to the deltoids (shown in red).

For them you can do lateral raises, front raises, shoulder presses, and upright rows.
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Old 04-03-2011, 06:33 AM   #8 (permalink)
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It also depends on the sets you do, I do 3 sets of 10 each have a 2 min break in between and have the dilemna if I wanna go up to the next set of weights

So for example, I'm doing bicep curls with two 10kg dumbbells, do a set of 10, rest, do another 10 and then go up to 12kg and even if I can only manage 4 or heck 1! Your muscles though will have to work harder and that's the only way you will get big, you have to just be patient, I was on the 8kg dumbbells for a long time but now I am really comfortable with the1 10kg ones..... BRING ON THE 12KGS!!!
"You see? You just can't trust anyone. The first girl I let into my life and she tries to eat me." - Zombieland
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Old 04-03-2011, 06:48 AM   #9 (permalink)
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A thread like this exists already but I don't know if you want to merge it or not

Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post

Is anyone else just as guilty as me for wanting to lose weight but always going back for the chocolate and chips? I mean I'm not one of those girls that beats myself up for eating junk food, but it's hugely on my mind that without lowering the fat and sugar intake I won't be able to make progress, even with exercise.
you have chocolate and chips from time to time won't affect your weight lost too much. It's actually good for you to keep those in there. No one should cut out things cold turkey because you end up craving them and then when you do indulge, you end up guilting yourself for falling off of your diet.

Most diets are complete horse**** and I won't ever do them.

I practice portion control and eat whatever the hell I want coupled with exercise.

It has been a few years since I have cut back on my junk food intake though, I usually opt for fruits and nuts instead of chips but I do have chips and popcorn every now and then.

I have also been craving butterfingers lately. So, I will treat myself to one every three days or so.

I'm waiting for the weather to warm up again so that I can train myself to get ready to jog to the bridge and back.

The total distance is about 5 miles or so.
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Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
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Last edited by djchameleon; 04-03-2011 at 06:54 AM.
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Old 04-03-2011, 10:49 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Howell View Post
So for example, I'm doing bicep curls with two 10kg dumbbells, do a set of 10, rest, do another 10 and then go up to 12kg and even if I can only manage 4 or heck 1! Your muscles though will have to work harder and that's the only way you will get big, you have to just be patient, I was on the 8kg dumbbells for a long time but now I am really comfortable with the1 10kg ones..... BRING ON THE 12KGS!!!
Very good tip! I was stuck with the 30lb. dumbbell I had, but now have moved onto 40lb. ones. Then I do like.. 5 reps with the 45lb. ones and then I am done. It's so cool to even have access to this stuff. I would have made 0 progress with just one 30lb. dumbbell.
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