Our military commercials are pretty ****ing hysterical. Usually an intense action scene of a dude doing backflips out of a helicopter and catching a baby in midair before landing on a mountain that he skis down while shooting terrorists. Sometimes they make it very computer and action driven as if to say "join the military kids, it's just like Fortnite!". Now they're on a "find your meaning by joining the military" campaign because someone in the US propaganda board heard that millennials look for meaning in their careers. Then the claims of honour, just lmao at that one.
Anyways, here's Trumpy Bear.
10-28-2019 10:45 AM
Ours aren't much better. Here's one for the Royal Navy.
10-28-2019 12:07 PM
One Got Fat
10-29-2019 06:24 AM
Here's a two-fer from Budweiser in the funny ad category...
Bud Light Lime ad
Bud Light ad
11-05-2019 06:26 PM
11-05-2019 06:43 PM
09-04-2020 05:00 PM
Oorah, or sometimes Oorah Kiruv Rechokim, Hebrew for "awaken and bring in those who are far" (a reference to educating non-observant Jews), is an incorporated Orthodox Jewish kiruv (outreach) organization founded in 1980 "with the goal of awakening Jewish children and their families to their heritage."[1] It is a United States-based 501(C)3 non-profit organization.[2]
Oorah employs a number of different fund-raising entities to keep its many programs running. They operate Kars4Kids (a car-donation program) and run an annual "Chinese auction", offering tickets for a variety of prizes at five dollars each. They have a mascot named Fiveish, a five dollar bill who has starred in YouTube videos in both animated and costume version.[7]
According to UNICEF, every day in India, "620 million Indians are defecating in the open. That's half the population dumping over 65 million kilos of poo out there every day. If this poo continues to be let loose on us, there will be no escaping the stench of life threatening infections, diseases and epidemics."
This music video is part of a huge campaign for 'Poo to the Loo', which is a UNICEF initiative to stop open defecation in India.