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Old 11-12-2018, 06:19 PM   #1 (permalink)
county fair energy
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Default MB Awards 2018 (Nominations)

Best Avatar:
Best Signature:
Sexiest Member (female):
Sexiest Member (male):
Howard The Duck Memorial Award for Most Inane Member:
Biggest Fanboy / Fangirl of the Year:
Best Writer:
Nicest member:
Smartest poster:
Funniest member:
Angriest Member:
Best Mediator:
Best Site Contributor:
Biggest Music Contributor:
Best Media Forum Contributor:
Best Plugger (plug.dj):
Best Taste in Music:
Most Improved Member:
Most Underrated Poster:
Best Thread Starter:
Most Missed Poster:
Most Diverse Music Taste:
Most Mainstream Music Taste:
Thread of the Year:
Moderator of the Year:
Best Journal 2018:
Best New Member 2018:
Member of the Year 2018:
Best Rivalry:
Biggest Lounge Lizard:
Virtuoso of the Year:
Best Member Music Album (Released in 2018):
Lifetime Achievement Award:

Post your nominations here. Be a sport and say a word or two about your nomination(s) to make it more fun.

Nominations will close FRIDAY 30 NOVEMBER at midnight;
Voting will be begin SATURDAY 1 DECEMBER;
Awards will be announced TUESDAY 1 JANUARY.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I know what real life is, I've been living in it for well over a decade
Originally Posted by jadis View Post
WWWP is pretty but should be cancelled (digital blackface)

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Old 11-12-2018, 06:52 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Thumbs up

Best Avatar: I am going to give it to my man Q-Man. Really clever and Qwertyesque.
Best Signature: If Janszoon still has his sig about the flat earth/pan, then that.
Howard The Duck Memorial Award for Most Inane Member: Nobody really stands out in this category this year. I'll go with Franco as he has posted this year so is eligible.
Best Writer: Pedantic, her listening to the past thread has been one of my favourite music related threads to read, and is fun to read even if I don't care for the particular album being reviewed.
Nicest member: WWWP, has been kind to me and would be a worthy winner of this award.
Smartest poster: Pedantic, always writes good arguments and doesn't get abusive.
Funniest member: I think its been another solid year for The Hawk to be honest. That thread he posted about unbanning Chula after calling for his ban (if I remember correctly) was cheeky as ****
Angriest Member: For me, Chula is the angriest member during my time on MB, with no real close competitor. His recent rants sealed it.
Best Site Contributor: It's between Trollheart and Trollheart. The forum suffers a lite when he isn't around.
Biggest Music Contributor: Frownland I suppose.
Best Taste in Music: MicShazam has excellent taste in music and deserves this award.
Most Underrated Poster: MicShazam, a TopLad on the forum.
Best Thread Starter: Adidas has started the most interested threads this year I think.
Most Missed Poster: Burning Down, wherever she is I hope she is doing well.
Thread of the Year: World Cup thread, and I'm not just saying it because it was my thread. It was the best thread this year. Even the American non soccer lads were hooked.
Moderator of the Year: A year of top modding from Grindy.
Best New Member 2018: Windsock seems promising. I think this guy will become a big hitting forumista soon.
Member of the Year 2018: Mindfulness for the pngs, the food updates, the lulz and all round pleasantness.
Best Rivalry: Frown vs Chules, its not what it once was but it has still been the best rivalry this year.
Biggest Lounge Lizard: Mindfulness, this might be because I don't see him in the same music threads though.
Lifetime Achievement Award: I am going to nominate three posters. Adidas, Merit and DJChameleon. I think these are good shouts.

Thanks for posting the thread. Categories I've left out are either because I haven't seen enough or haven't decided yet so I may go back in and edit.

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Old 11-13-2018, 08:32 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Best Avatar: Batlord (fits perfectly)
Best Signature: Mondo and Plank (for obvious reasons)
Sexiest Member (female): Chiomara (swamp witches are in this year)
Sexiest Member (male): Exo (would let him play footie with my lads, if you know what I mean)
Howard The Duck Memorial Award for Most Inane Member: BassonPlatoon (for replying to more inactive members than active) and Mindfulness (the king of inanity)
Biggest Fanboy / Fangirl of the Year: MicShazam (omg, shut up about Dir Ein Grey) and elph (although to be fair it does seem like he's branching out into more genres lately)
Best Writer: OccultHawk (when he wants to say something, he doesn't play games like Chula and try to sneak it in. He just gets right in there and says it, usually in a way that makes me spit out whatever I'm drinking)
Nicest member: WWWP ('cause she is)
Smartest poster: Xurtio (too bad he doesn't post much these days)
Funniest member: Neapolitan (I can't even)
Angriest Member: Chula (nobody else even comes close)
Best Mediator: Exo (someone insulted me. Exo!!!!)
Best Site Contributor: Rostasi (bumps dos sexy riddims)
Biggest Music Contributor: Rostasi (see above)
Best Media Forum Contributor: Fownland (for the memes)
Best Plugger (plug.dj): Haven't plugged this year, so I'll abstain.
Best Taste in Music: Rostasi
Most Improved Member: DwnWthVwls (because he posted way less often this year)
Most Underrated Poster: Neapolitan (low key the funniest member)
Best Thread Starter: Batlord (all killer, no filler)
Most Missed Poster: GunmouthGrace ()
Most Diverse Music Taste: Rostasi (impossible to pin him down)
Most Mainstream Music Taste: MicShazam (no offense, but his taste is usually really bland and safe)
Thread of the Year: https://www.musicbanter.com/rap-hip-...di-b-feud.html , https://www.musicbanter.com/lounge/9...ignore-me.html , https://www.musicbanter.com/current-...er-chance.html
Moderator of the Year: WWWP (she cool)
Best Journal 2018: https://www.musicbanter.com/members-...-oblivion.html
Best New Member 2018: Unitron and Windsock (they cool)
Member of the Year 2018: Hawk (twas the year of the Hawk, tbh)
Best Rivalry: Batlord vs. Fluff (riveting stuff) , Frown vs. Chula (lol)
Biggest Lounge Lizard: Mindfulness
Virtuoso of the Year: Mondo Bungle (he cool)
Best Member Music Album (Released in 2018): Was Noosefiller this year?
Lifetime Achievement Award: Janszoon (he old)
|---Mic's Albums---|
|---Deafbox Industries---|
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Old 11-13-2018, 10:18 AM   #4 (permalink)
Fck Ths Thngs
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Thanks, Ori.. haha
I don't got a god complex, you got a simple god...

Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
I'd vote for Trump
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Old 11-13-2018, 10:28 AM   #5 (permalink)
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Originally Posted by Oriphiel View Post
I've only made one entry this year. All the rest of my comic posts were in the comic thread.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 11-13-2018, 10:43 AM   #6 (permalink)
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*shrug* The one entry was really good?
|---Mic's Albums---|
|---Deafbox Industries---|
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Old 11-13-2018, 11:30 AM   #7 (permalink)
one-balled nipple jockey
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Best Avatar: ori
Best Signature: ori
Sexiest Member (female): blue vesty
Sexiest Member (male): elph
Howard The Duck Memorial Award for Most Inane Member: mindfulness (in a good way)
Biggest Fanboy / Fangirl of the Year: ori - free
Best Writer: ori
Nicest member: ori
Smartest poster: bat
Funniest member: bat
Angriest Member: chula
Best Mediator: plank
Best Site Contributor: elph’s condomless dong
Biggest Music Contributor: ros for supplying the tunes as well
Best Media Forum Contributor: fluff
Best Plugger (plug.dj): fluff
Best Taste in Music: me ffs
Most Improved Member: plankton for stepping down
Most Underrated Poster: nea
Best Thread Starter: chula
Most Missed Poster: chula
Most Diverse Music Taste: bat
Most Mainstream Music Taste: grindy
Thread of the Year: your day
Moderator of the Year: wolf
Best Journal 2018: ros radio
Best New Member 2018: elph’s pregnancy scare chick
Member of the Year 2018: elph’s member of course
Best Rivalry: chula vs the field
Biggest Lounge Lizard: mindfulness
Virtuoso of the Year: frown
Best Member Music Album (Released in 2018): Desert Universe (mondo)
Lifetime Achievement Award: Chio (we’re a thing)

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Member of the Year & Journal of the Year Champion

Behold the Writing of THE LEGEND:


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Old 11-13-2018, 12:53 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Oriphiel View Post
Most Mainstream Music Taste: MicShazam (no offense, but his taste is usually really bland and safe)
Forgive me if I say that I think you don't really know what you're talking about. I'll bet anything you've barely listened to 99% of the albums I love. You're just making boring brush offs and assumptions like everyone else.

But whatever. It's fine. I didn't sign up to get praised or pretend I like avant garde or experimental music or whatever.
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Old 11-13-2018, 01:05 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Sexiest Member (female):Chiomara
Sexiest Member (male): Ori (I don't even remember what he looks like but he made me wet.)
Howard The Duck Memorial Award for Most Inane Member: Mindfulness (and we love him for that)
Best Writer: Ori
Nicest member: Lisna (as usual)
Funniest member: Ori
Angriest Member: Chula (really stepped up his hate game this year)
Best Mediator: Exo (duh)
Best Site Contributor: OH
Biggest Music Contributor: rostasi
Best Taste in Music: rostasi (He's on another level than anyone I've ever encountered.)
Most Underrated Poster: MicShazam (Don't understand why so many people tend to be dicks to him. He dislikes a lot of stuff everyone seems to love, but so what. He's cool and chill.)
Best Thread Starter: Ori
Most Missed Poster: Trollheart
Most Diverse Music Taste: rostasi
Most Mainstream Music Taste: Mindfulness
Thread of the Year: MB Awards 2018 (Nominations)
Moderator of the Year: WWWP (Great addition to the team. So far...)
Best Journal 2018: Museum Musica (Mord revived it this year so it counts. Some great stuff mentioned there.)
Best New Member 2018: windsock (Dude rocks. Cool guy, knows his music. So glad he made me reverse the ban.)
Member of the Year 2018: Ori
Best Rivalry: Chula vs MB
Virtuoso of the Year: Mondo Bungle
Lifetime Achievement Award: The Batlord (Not calling him anything else.)
A smell of petroleum prevails throughout.
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Old 11-13-2018, 01:47 PM   #10 (permalink)
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