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The Batlord 10-23-2018 06:07 PM

Bruh, Murica ain't doin' **** but setting the stage for doing business with the Saudis. Don't look to us for justice. It's gonna come from some other country if it's coming at all.

I mean you wouldn't look to us for justice on any other thing so why look to us for justice right now when our economy is at stake?

adidasss 10-23-2018 06:13 PM

Hey now, Muricabro was pretty adamant that justice be served in the Skripal case, and the guy didn't even die there: Skripal attack: Russia faces US sanctions over poisoning

But Russiabro is not a brobro like Saudibro.

Frownland 10-23-2018 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 2008111)

Murica lays the smackdown. Justice is served.

America: just send us 20 cronies, dawg.
Saudi Arabia: I gotchu fam.
America: rad bro, beers later?
Saudi Arabia: Seen 5:10 PM

OccultHawk 10-23-2018 06:33 PM

If the Saudi prince just hired terrorists to blow up the entire embassy and killed everyone in it the story wouldn’t have this human interest angle. Just goes to show there’s a lot of truth in go big or go home. On the daily someone said you don’t bring a bone saw to a fist fight. Intrigue.

adidasss 10-27-2018 08:35 PM


Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister has described the kingdom as a “vision of light” in the region
:laughing: What a comedian.


Condemning the media coverage of Khashoggi’s killing as “hysterical”, Jubeir rejected a call from Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Turkish president, to try the 18 suspects in Turkey, stressing that they would be “held accountable” on Saudi soil.
Of course they will. I'm surprised they haven't executed them already.

[MERIT] 11-07-2018 05:13 PM

Saudi Arabia To Financially Compensate Family Of Murdered Journalist JAMAL KHASHOGGI

windsock 11-07-2018 06:12 PM

[MERIT] 11-07-2018 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by windsock (Post 2013333)

I would totally wear that.

Lisnaholic 11-16-2018 06:21 AM

^ Just seen your T-shirt meme, windsock. Nice!

Today, the Khashoggi case is back on the front page of one of Britain's more serious mainstream newspapers, with a column titled:-


Saudi inquiry clears crown prince of involvement in Khashoggi murder.
In a completely unexpected development, it turns out that the crown prince was innocent after all. So that's alright then - it was just a fuss about nothing.

[MERIT] 11-16-2018 01:47 PM

5 Saudis are facing the death penalty for the murder of Khashoggi. Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been cleared of all wrong-doing.

The Batlord 11-16-2018 01:54 PM

5 fewer Muslims I have to kill.

[MERIT] 11-16-2018 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Dharma & Greg (Post 2016138)
5 fewer Muslims I have to kill.

I'm gonna make the same joke, but about Jews or homosexuals, and see how long it takes me to get banned.

The Batlord 11-16-2018 01:59 PM

Yeah see people don't think I'm serious about that.

DwnWthVwls 11-16-2018 09:30 PM

You think MERIT is?

[MERIT] 11-16-2018 09:37 PM

Between this and the "sand n!gger" comment in the video game thread, you need to reign it in a bit homie.

The Batlord 11-16-2018 09:38 PM

Nah **** that. Damn camel jockies ****ed with my brothers.

DwnWthVwls 11-17-2018 02:56 AM

Batlord the type of dude to make a joke about his colored tv if you called him out on his racism. Much edgy.

The Batlord 11-17-2018 09:47 AM

Much cuck.

[MERIT] 11-17-2018 08:42 PM

CIA: Saudi Crown Prince MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN Ordered Assassination Of Journalist JAMAL KHASHOGGI

Oriphiel 11-18-2018 11:25 AM

Poor Saudi Arabia. Their Salman don't swim upstream.

[MERIT] 11-20-2018 12:30 AM

Germany Places Travel Ban On 18 Saudis In Wake Of JAMAL KHASHOGGI Murder

OccultHawk 11-20-2018 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 2016965)

One man is a tragedy a million is a statistic.

How many Yemeni civilians have the Saudis murdered with American weapons? Tens of thousands... but who can count past one?

[MERIT] 11-20-2018 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk
One man is a tragedy a million is a statistic.

How many Yemeni civilians have the Saudis murdered with American weapons? Tens of thousands... but who can count past one?

Estimates put it near 80,000. This one was different because it was high profile, premeditated and it occurred on the grounds of a federal building. But I agree with your sentiments. All unnecessary deaths are hard to swallow.

Quotes From The JAMAL KHASHOGGI Murder Tape


Khashoggi was immediately confronted by four Saudis after entering the consulate, one of whom grabbed his arm.
"Release my arm! What do you think you are doing?"

Khashoggi was then brought to the embassy's "B Room," where the leader of the hit squad started threatening the journalist.
"Traitor! You will be brought to account!"
The rest of the recording features verbal fighting, brawling and torture. After Khashoggi had been murdered, one of the hit squad members donned his clothes in an attempt to disguise himself as the journalist, to bolster the embassy's claim that he left the embassy. This prompted a joke from one member of the hit squad:
"It is spooky to wear the clothes of a man whom we killed 20 minutes ago."

[MERIT] 11-28-2018 11:38 PM

The Saudis Planned JAMAL KHASHOGGI's Murder 12 Days In Advance

Saudi Hit Squad Drained KHASHOGGI's Blood Into Embassy Bathroom Sink Before Dismembering Him

FETCHER. 11-28-2018 11:57 PM

I hate reading about this case because it sickens me people could do that to someone.

Just caught up on those articles. I wonder what will happen to the Saudi’s now this has all surfaced.

[MERIT] 11-29-2018 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by FETCHER. (Post 2019407)
I hate reading about this case because it sickens me people could do that to someone.

Just caught up on those articles. I wonder what will happen to the Saudi’s now this has all surfaced.

The Saudi top dogs will have "Plausible Deniability" and won't be touched, per the usual. They tried to cover it up. That failed. And with as much attention as this case is getting, they will throw some pleebs under the bus. 5 Saudis are already facing the death penalty for it.

I foresee some lip-service, bullsh!t U.N. sanctions or probes, but maybe I'm wrong and something GOOD will actually result from this and REAL changes will be made.


FETCHER. 11-29-2018 01:54 AM

Surely the evidence is strong enough to get them? I thought I read that the assassination command came directly from a Saudi Prince? If so he should be the one facing the death penalty.

Yeah I have my fingers crossed too :(. I’m not very hopeful though!

Mindy 11-29-2018 09:30 AM


OccultHawk 11-29-2018 10:05 AM


It’s not that anyone doubts you have valid info and opinions

It’s just we gotta protect your mystique

Mindy 11-29-2018 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2019463)

It’s not that anyone doubts you have valid info and opinions

It’s just we gotta protect your mystique

[MERIT] 12-01-2018 11:17 PM

CIA: Saudi Crown Prince MOHAMMED BIN SALMAN Sent 11 Messages To Head Of JAMAL KHASHOGGI's Hit Team Before, During & After Murder

Spoiler for FULL TEXT:
It has been nearly two months to the day since Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul hoping to retrieve papers needed to marry his Turkish fiance - only to be killed and butchered by a 15-man Saudi murder squad. In the intervening weeks, the Saudis have suffered remarkably little blowback (considering that the uproar elicited by Khashoggi's murder nearly triggered a global diplomatic crisis): To date, the US and Canada have levied sanctions against a 17 Saudis suspected of participating or orchestrating Khashoggi's murder, and a handful of countries who don't sell arms to Saudi Arabia have said they will stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, both Canada and the US have balked at similar measures because they would inevitably kill jobs.

Clearly concerned about the flagging interest in holding Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman accountable for his suspected role in ordering the killing, the CIA has decided to pick up where Turkey left off.

Last week, somebody inside the agency leaked a preliminary report to the Washington Post detailing the agency's determination that MbS had ordered the killing. And on Saturday morning, the Wall Street Journal published the latest (illegal) intelligence agency leak when it reported on the contents of intercepts revealing that during the hours after and immediately before the killing, MbS had exchanged 11 messages with Saud al-Qahtani, a close aide to the prince who is believed to have supervised the murder squad.

Notably, the WSJ report followed a vote in the Senate earlier this week to open debate on a measure to withdraw US support for Saudi Arabia's proxy war in Yemen (the kingdom's brutal bombing campaigns have reportedly resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocents and created one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world). The Trump Administration has opposed the bill, arguing that it would damage its relationship with a crucial geopolitical ally while also killing jobs in the Military-Industrial Complex. While we wouldn't go as far as to suggest that the CIA is deliberately trying to undermine the administration, the timing of this leak is certainly curious.

Al-Qahtani has shouldered most of the consequences of Khashoggi's kingdom (he has been fired from the kingdom's intelligence service and targeted by US and Canadian sanctions) largely due to his reputation as MbS's enforcer. Al-Qahtani has attacked dissidents whom MbS views as a threat, as well as orchestrated their detention and torture (and not just inside the Riyadh Ritz Carlton).

According to the CIA intercepts, MbS also discussed taking steps to silence Khashoggi if he continued to speak out (with talk of "making arrangements" to lure him somewhere outside Saudi Arabia).

The Saudi leader also in August 2017 had told associates that if his efforts to persuade Mr. Khashoggi to return to Saudi Arabia weren’t successful, "we could possibly lure him outside Saudi Arabia and make arrangements," according to the assessment, a communication that it states "seems to foreshadow the Saudi operation launched against Khashoggi."

The previously unreported excerpts reviewed by the Journal state that the CIA has "medium-to-high confidence" that Prince Mohammed "personally targeted” Khashoggi and "probably ordered his death.It added: “To be clear, we lack direct reporting of the Crown Prince issuing a kill order."

The electronic messages sent by Prince Mohammed were to Saud al-Qahtani, according to the CIA. Mr. Qahtani supervised the 15-man team that killed Mr. Khashoggi and, during the same period, was also in direct communication with the team’s leader in Istanbul, the assessment says. The content of the messages between Prince Mohammed and Mr. Qahtani isn’t known, the document says. It doesn’t say in what form the messages were sent.

Other details seemingly culled from the CIA's internal reports also found their way into the WSJ story, including a detailed accounting of the agency's reasons for suspecting MbS's involvement.

The judgment on Prince Mohammed’s likely culpability, the CIA assessment says, is based on the crown prince’s personal focus on Mr. Khashoggi, his tight control over the Saudi operatives sent to Istanbul to kill him, "and his authorizing some of the same operators to violently target other opponents."

Mr. Qahtani has led Prince Mohammed’s efforts to crack down on dissent internally and abroad. He is one of the 17 sanctioned by the Treasury.

The highly classified CIA assessment says that the Saudi team sent to kill Mr. Khashoggi was assembled from Prince Mohammed’s top security units in the Royal Guard and in an organization run by Mr. Qahtani, the Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Royal Court, the Saudi royal court’s media department.

"We assess it is highly unlikely this team of operators…carried out the operation without Muhammed bin Salman’s authorization,"
it says.

The document says that Mr. Qahtani "explicitly requested the Crown Prince’s permission when he pursued other sensitive operations in 2015, which reflects the Crown Prince’s command and control expectations."

Some can argue that these findings don't necessarily contradict the administration's position. Trump, National Security Advisor John Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and even Defense Secretary James Mattis have said that the intelligence agency's findings aren't definitive - which, by the CIA's own admission, is true.

As Trump recently said about MbS's involvement, "Maybe he did, maybe he didn't." While this chilling exercise in realpolitik might make many Americans uncomfortable, it's worth remembering that Canada has also resisted cancelling arms deals with the kingdom, despite its government's scathing rhetoric. And Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan only stands to benefit from a rift between Saudi Arabia and the US (it would weaken one of his biggest regional rivals, while potentially leading to warmer relations with the US).

[MERIT] 01-07-2019 07:38 PM

CCTV Footage Shows Men Transporting KHASHOGGI's Body Parts


Video shows minibus arriving at home of Saudi consulate and men unloading black bags that Turkish television station claims contained remains of slain Saudi journalist.

A Turkish television station has broadcast CCTV footage showing men carrying cases and bags which it says contained slain Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s body parts.

The images shown on A-Haber television late Sunday feature three men carrying five suitcases and two large black bags into the home of the Saudi consul general in Istanbul.

The residence lies a short distance from the Saudi consulate where Khashoggi was murdered in October in a killing that has tested Riyadh’s relations with the West.

Citing unnamed Turkish sources, A-Haber said Khashoggi’s dismembered body was inside the cases and bags.

Khashoggi, a contributor to the Washington Post, was killed on October 2 shortly after entering the kingdom’s consulate in what Riyadh called a “rogue” operation.

The 59-year-old former Saudi insider turned critic was strangled before he was cut up into pieces by a team of 15 Saudis sent to Istanbul for the killing, according to Turkish officials, with media reports suggesting the parts were dissolved in acid.

The consulate and the residence were searched by the Turkish authorities in October along with several other locations but Khashoggi’s body has still not been found.

There has been speculation that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman ordered the hit but Riyadh has absolved the de facto leader of any blame.

Saudi Arabia has also repeatedly rejected Turkish demands to extradite suspects connected to the murder of the journalist, a critic of the crown prince.

A-Haber said the bags and suitcases were put into a minibus which traveled the short distance from the consulate to a garage at the residence. The men are then seen taking them inside.

[MERIT] 01-26-2019 07:18 PM

U.N. Begins Inquiry Into Murder Of Jamal Khashoggi


The United Nations Human Rights Office announced yesterday it is beginning an investigation into the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

In a statement, the UN said that an independent panel would seek to establish “the nature and extent of states’ and individuals’ responsibilities for the killing”.

The UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Agnes Callamard, said she would travel to Turkey next week to head an “independent international inquiry” into Khashoggi’s murder in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on 2 October.

British barrister Helena Kennedy and Duarte Nuno Vieira, a pathology expert and professor at the department of legal and forensic medicine at Coimbra University, Portugal, are among the team. Along with Callamard, they are to visit Turkey between 28 January and 3 February and plan to report to the UN Human Rights Council in June.

Callamard said that the findings will be raised at the UN rights office on 19 June.

This announcement comes just days after a Turkish announcement that the country is ready to conduct an investigation into Khashoggi’s murder.

Zhanteimi 01-27-2019 02:40 AM

Oh finally. I've been losing a lot of sleep about that guy.

grindy 07-16-2022 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 2005989)
If they have their backs against their wall, the Saudis will tell that some of their operatives got a bit overzealous and did it out of their own initiative, without the rulers' knowledge. Then there'll be some kind of show trial for a few of them, the west will grumble a bit and then continue sucking the Saudis' dick like good girl. Case closed.

FETCHER. 07-16-2022 02:27 AM

I remember following this so closely when it was all going on. How sad.

adidasss 07-16-2022 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 2210812)

Best friends forever... <3

Psy-Fi 07-16-2022 08:47 AM

grindy 07-16-2022 10:37 AM

God, politics is ****ing disgusting.

The Batlord 07-16-2022 10:56 AM

And you all laughed at Osama Bin Laden.

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