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OccultHawk 10-18-2018 07:56 PM

What were we talking about it again


remember when the Steelers won the big game?

One year the Steelers and the Pirates both won championships and they made t-shirts that said city of champions

I’m sad and unhappy


The Batlord 10-18-2018 08:37 PM

Was that the last time you won a bet?

Zhanteimi 10-18-2018 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 2005986)
I myself am totally fascinated by all of this. Not so much because of what [probably] happened, as grizzly as it apparently was, since horrible things happen to people all the time, but just by the sheer arrogance of how it happened.

I dunno. It would've been pretty sweet to let a hungry bear loose in the embassy.

adidasss 10-18-2018 08:52 PM

^^ Is that Japanese humor? It doesn't translate very well...:(

Chula Vista 10-18-2018 08:54 PM

*shaking head*

adidasss 10-18-2018 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 2006229)

Wrong thread brah. You want the "Can't believe this news story thread".

Neapolitan 10-18-2018 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 2006229)

... with your left hand or right hand?

edit: In case people (i.e. Frownland) didn't get that old chestnut, it just means that Chula Vista really likes getting off on Trump News.

The Batlord 10-19-2018 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 2006235)
Wrong thread brah. You want the "Can't believe this news story thread".

You actually find that unbelievable?

adidasss 10-19-2018 05:32 AM

We don't have a Trump thread so everything he does would fall under "wow...".

Cuthbert 10-19-2018 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 2006270)
We don't have a Trump thread so everything he does would fall under "wow...".

We did have one (or three?) but some posters couldn't behave themselves.
It's better now, as every thread is a potential Trump thread :cool:

Frownland 10-19-2018 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 2006235)
Wrong thread brah. You want the "Can't believe this news story thread".

The article ties the comment to Khashoggi.

Lucem Ferre 10-19-2018 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2006075)
Is this the guy that they are claiming Hillary killed for being an Alex Jones insider?

I was thinking of Seth Rich. Thanks for clearing that up, guys.

adidasss 10-19-2018 07:33 PM


Donald Trump says Saudi explanation is "credible"
Donald Trump has told reporters he find the Saudi explanation for Jamal Khashoggi’s death - that the journalist died after getting in a fight at the embassy in Istanbul - “credible”.

Answering questions at a visit to Luke Air Force base in Arizona, the US president welcomed the announcement from the Saudi government admitting that Khashoggi was dead, something they initially denied. He also said he thought third parties were involved in the death.

“Well, I think it’s a good first steps. It’s a big step. There’s a lot of people involved.”

Trump said the death was “unacceptable” and there would be a response from the US, but that he would wait to speak to the Saudi Arabian crown prince Mohammed bin Salman before announcing the US response.

“Saudi Arabia has been a great ally, but what happened is unacceptable,” Trump says.

The president repeatedly said he would prefer that any retribution against Saudi Arabia does not include cancelling weapons contracts and that the US needs Saudi Arabia as a counterbalance to Iran in the region.
Here we go!

OccultHawk 10-19-2018 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 2006563)
Here we go!

You mean here we don’t go?

Psy-Fi 10-19-2018 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2006000)
Trump already put his social media tag on this: Rogue Killers

Here’s what you need to know:

*Saudi Arabia will continue to fuel America
*The relationship will not change
*The American people will forget shortly
*Saudi royalty will continue to do as they please
*Saudi Arabia will continue to be one of the most oppressive societies in the world
*America will continue to be the greediest country in the world
*The truth will continue to be irrelevant

You can learn the details or not. Demand justice or not. Protest or not. Vote or not. Nothing you do is going to matter.

Accuse me of acting like an angst-ridden teenager all you want. The truth remains that it doesn’t matter if you care about this.


Maajo 10-19-2018 09:45 PM

I'm sure Trump's gonna have a tough chat with those Saudis about killing members of the press.

[MERIT] 10-19-2018 10:00 PM

Saudi Arabia Gives U.S. $100 MILLION As U.S. Secretary Of State MIKE POMPEO Visits Riyadh

adidasss 10-19-2018 10:27 PM

I want to vomit.

[MERIT] 10-19-2018 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 2006714)

I can't get anything to come up [I'm using TOR]. What is it?

adidasss 10-19-2018 10:38 PM

Official statement by the Saudis about how they're doing everything they can to get to the truth.

[MERIT] 10-19-2018 10:45 PM

I figured out how to view it.

grindy 10-20-2018 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 2005989)
If they have their backs against their wall, the Saudis will tell that some of their operatives got a bit overzealous and did it out of their own initiative, without the rulers' knowledge. Then there'll be some kind of show trial for a few of them, the west will grumble a bit and then continue sucking the Saudis' dick like good girl. Case closed.


adidasss 10-20-2018 06:21 AM

Looks like it.

It will be a bit harder to be so openly chummy with a murderous regime, but business will go on as usual, a bit more discreetly I suppose.

Lisnaholic 10-20-2018 06:28 AM

^ Yep! The way this saga is unfurling is as predictable as it is depressing. With Trump's inevitable acceptance of the implausable Saudi story we now have the unedifying spectacle of liar agreeing with liar so that the mutually beneficial relationship between the Saud family and the Trump family can continue.

OccultHawk 10-20-2018 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 2006763)
Looks like it.

It will be a bit harder to be so openly chummy with a murderous regime, but business will go on as usual, a bit more discreetly I suppose.

Remember when Trump said we kill people, too? He was right, you know.

adidasss 10-20-2018 06:45 AM

My question is, are there alternative political options that offer a different stance for the situation? I haven't read anything from the US democrats about this, since it seems they were and would want to continue to be quite friendly with the Saudis, I think some elements of the British left want a re-evaluation, but would it really happen? Would the people actually support the cutting of ties with SA if it meant loss of jobs or higher oil prices/cost of living? Not so convinced. :/

adidasss 10-20-2018 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2006765)
Remember when Trump said we kill people, too? He was right, you know.

Well that's certainly true, but not american people, surely, not critics, or at least not lately...and certainly not in such a shockingly open and gruesome way...

OccultHawk 10-20-2018 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 2006768)
Well that's certainly true, but not american people, surely, not critics, or at least not lately...and certainly not in such a shockingly open and gruesome way...

Tell that to every American family that lost a member for walking while black.

Lisnaholic 10-20-2018 07:19 AM

^ Governments are understandably cautious about suddenly changing allegiances in an area as volatile as the Middle East, so if you're hoping to see any dramatic action I think you'll be disappointed, adidasss.
Long-term, it might be possible to undermine the Saudi's strong global position, and here's how:-


Originally Posted by Lisnaholic (Post 2006039)
Voting still brings about change for parties that promote green energy solutions and the Saudi Oil bogeyman will see his stranglehold on the West declining.

adidasss 10-20-2018 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2006775)
Tell that to every American family that lost a member for walking while black.

Apples and oranges brah ;)


Originally Posted by Lisnaholic (Post 2006776)
^ Governments are understandably cautious about suddenly changing allegiances in an area as volatile as the Middle East, so if you're hoping to see any dramatic action I think you'll be disappointed, adidasss.
Long-term, it might be possible to undermine the Saudi's strong global position, and here's how:-

You're probably right Lisna, the region is extremely complicated, and who knows, maybe backing Saudi Arabia is actually the least bad option at the moment. Hopefully, one day, the people will topple all their oppressive regimes and fight for their better future themselves. :/

OccultHawk 10-20-2018 08:30 AM


maybe backing Saudi Arabia is actually the least bad option at the moment
FTR, Iran was well on the way to being a shining star of liberalism in the Muslim world before we radicalized them and funded their horrible war with Iraq. If we hadn’t been so set on constantly destabilizing the Middle East maybe we would have trading partners who aren’t monsters.

The people of Iran have been calling out for cultural liberation for decades. The women used to wear blue jeans and sunglasses and went to discos and all that. We have been ****ing with them forever. It’s bull****.

The Batlord 10-20-2018 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Lisnaholic (Post 2006776)
^ Governments are understandably cautious about suddenly changing allegiances in an area as volatile as the Middle East, so if you're hoping to see any dramatic action I think you'll be disappointed, adidasss.
Long-term, it might be possible to undermine the Saudi's strong global position, and here's how:-

Why would the American government give a **** about our opinions on Saudi Arabia? It's a big issue for 9/10 people who don't exist and the economic and political realities of changing our relationship with them would be extreme. So long as politicians do nothing and let things be as they've always been they know full well it won't endanger their re-elections, whereas if they try rocking the boat they paint a target on their ass.

adidasss 10-21-2018 01:52 AM

It's also nice to see how the story is covered by some of Saudi Arabia's other BFFs. This is from the leading UAE newspaper:


Senior scholars in Saudi meanwhile have praised the kingdom's response. The country's highest religious body, the Council of Senior Scholars, on Saturday said the king's decisions on the death of Khashoggi would "achieve justice and equality in accordance with Islamic law", according to a statement on state news agency SPA.

Walid Al-Sama'ani, Saudi's justice minister, said on Saturday that the judiciary had "full independence" to deal with the Khashoggi case and that "the issue will take its regular course...and will reach the judiciary after the completion of the prosecution requirements", according to the Saudi Press Agency.
:laughing: So much lulz.

Lisnaholic 10-22-2018 06:03 AM

^ That's an interesting but sinister-sounding quote!

It's about 19 days after Jamal's murder and despite multiple attempts the Saudi's still don't have a lie in place that stands up to any scrutiny. The footage revealed today of a body double strolling out of the embassy in Jamal's clothes is damning evidence of pre-meditation imo.

And here's some context, some pattern-of-behaviour stuff about how three or four other Saudi critics have gone missing in the last year:-

adidasss 10-22-2018 07:13 AM


But even with this there is still room for the Saudis to claim the top of the government didn't know. What I read today was that apparently they traced some phone calls to the Prince's office after the murder. I think that's as good of a smoking gun they'll ever get.

Everything now depends on Turkey and what their interest here is. If they want the Saudis in trouble, they have the means to put them in trouble. If they get something in return, this could all very easily go away. But it seems, according to the information leaking, from turkish officials, that they mean business.

Let's see what Erdogan will do on Tuesday.

adidasss 10-23-2018 01:16 AM

Very interesting analysis of the situation:


Erdoğan has the Saudis – in particular, the crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman (AKA MbS) – right where he wants him. Out of crisis has come opportunity for the veteran Turkish leader, who has never warmed to the brash 33-year-old, and thinks even less of his regional allies.

The two men have vastly different visions for the future of the region: Erdoğan has been a champion of political Islam both at home and abroad, particularly since the rise and fall of Mohamed Morsi, the ill-fated former president of Egypt who hailed from the Muslim Brotherhood. The Turkish president has partnered with Qatar, Riyadh’s regional foe, given shelter to those exiled after Morsi fell, and remained a bulwark for a movement that Riyadh and its ally the United Arab Emirates see as existential threats.

But he has remained on the losing end of the struggle for regional power and influence.

The prince, meanwhile, has been attempting to remodel Saudi Arabia, eschewing its deep links to the Wahhabi, Salafi religious establishment and turning it into an Arab nationalist police state. Abu Dhabi and Cairo are models here. And with Riyadh, the triumvirate had been in the ascendant regionally, ever since Morsi fell.

For Erdoğan, the gruesome killing marks a historic moment: a chance to turn the tables gifted to him by a cruel and reckless act that has sparked lasting revulsion, even among the kingdom’s allies.
A check mate situation, gifted to Erdogan. I have to say I don't particularly care for the man, as I don't like any autocrat, but I do hope he takes this chances and shakes up the region.

[MERIT] 10-23-2018 01:26 AM

Turkey puts fiancee of slain journalist Khashoggi under 24-hour protection

[MERIT] 10-23-2018 01:27 AM

Saudis Scrap Murder Cover-Up As KHASHOGGI Body Double Wears Wrong Shoes

windsock 10-23-2018 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 2007757)

Lmao I love this black comedy we're all living in.

adidasss 10-23-2018 06:03 PM


Twenty-one Saudis will have their US visas revoked or be made ineligible for US visas over the journalist’s killing, a state department spokeswoman, Heather Nauert, said on Tuesday.
Murica lays the smackdown. Justice is served.

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