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OccultHawk 08-16-2018 03:07 AM

Dog Appreciation Thread
Dogs are wonderful.

Maybe this is an epic fail idea but I thought maybe we could discuss dogs, our own and the species, and how cool they are and how much comfort and happiness they provide.

Paul Gauguin

Oriphiel 08-16-2018 03:22 AM

Mindy 08-19-2018 08:08 AM

i got to see some dogs yesterday. one was a mean dog and wasnt friendly at all, i wondered why they even have the damn thing. why own a mean pet? because the other two dogs there were so nice and happy. just walking around all nice and asking to be rubbed. the mean dog though, just lurking, barely doing anything.

MicShazam 08-19-2018 08:30 AM

DwnWthVwls 08-19-2018 11:23 AM

Cuthbert 08-19-2018 12:09 PM

Dogs are always happy. Always living in the moment, no concern about the future, no regrets when it comes to the past, just taking each moment as it comes and trying to seize as much happiness as possible each day.

We could learn a lot from the dogs. We really, really could.

OccultHawk 08-19-2018 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Fluff (Post 1988809)
Dogs are always happy. Always living in the moment, no concern about the future, no regrets when it comes to the past, just taking each moment as it comes and trying to seize as much happiness as possible each day.

We could learn a lot from the dogs. We really, really could.

I agree that it’s important to learn from dogs but I’m not so sure about the past/future thing. I might be taking it a little too literal but they worry about tthe recent past and soon to be future and sometimes they have long memories.

But yeah basically what I think you’re saying is dogs are always up for celebrating the moment which is cool. My dog is 100% cool with everything as long as we’re together but when I gotta ditch for work it’s like hey no bueno occult

Janszoon 08-19-2018 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Fluff (Post 1988809)
We could learn a lot from the dogs. We really, really could.

Not the eating shit part though.

Zhanteimi 08-19-2018 07:41 PM

I love dogs. My family had chihuahuas when I was growing up, and I learned a lot about life and death whenever the dogs had puppies. Tiny little things, so cute, so fragile. One of my fondest memories as a child is holding a runt chihuahua newborn in my hand and feeding him formula from an eye dropper because he was too weak to suck on his mother's nipple. I fed him and kept him warm at all times (we lived in Michigan, and it was winter), and the good boy survived. It's probably the best thing I did in all my childhood.

OccultHawk 08-28-2018 03:55 AM


Drug-seeking pet owners harm their animals to get narcotics
Veterinarian have been warned to look out for the latest trend related to the nation's drug crisis: harming pets to seek narcotics.
No addiction can justify this. What a bunch of cowardly losers.

OccultHawk 10-20-2018 01:47 PM

My dog is developing cateracts

If she goes blind I’m going to sell my record collection so she can see

The Batlord 10-20-2018 02:22 PM

At least it'll make her happy not having to listen to all that ****.

OccultHawk 10-20-2018 02:28 PM


Joke of the week at least

Good one

BillySparks 10-20-2018 06:36 PM

We have rough collies, 2 of them. One is a white with a tri face, the other more of the classic Lassie type sable color. Great dogs, very smart although a bit protective and go nuts when people come by. Gentle though its all noise.

Lucem Ferre 10-21-2018 10:29 AM

My friend's little brother got a Rottweiler earlier this year and he left it with his mom at their Grandma's house because he doesn't have a place to keep it. (He's an idiot.) Well everybody is being evicted from the house so they're all moving **** out. After a while of doing that they came home to find the Rottweiler dead in the back yard with 3 exit wounds in the back of the head and nobody has a clue what happened and dumb bitch wouldn't call the police. Theory is that either the neighbors shot him or the home owner shot him.

Chula Vista 10-21-2018 10:40 AM

Missing Max a lot. Got to see him a couple of weeks back. He's not got much more time left.

Every time I get a text from his dad I cringe before opening it.

OccultHawk 10-21-2018 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2006984)
My friend's little brother got a Rottweiler earlier this year and he left it with his mom at their Grandma's house because he doesn't have a place to keep it. (He's an idiot.) Well everybody is being evicted from the house so they're all moving **** out. After a while of doing that they came home to find the Rottweiler dead in the back yard with 3 exit wounds in the back of the head and nobody has a clue what happened and dumb bitch wouldn't call the police. Theory is that either the neighbors shot him or the home owner shot him.

Someone probably concluded a chronically unsupervised rottie was a menace to the neighborhood.

It seems around here people who get the most powerful dogs are the least inclined to properly care for them. That’s a heartbreaking story. When you get a dog your honor bound to care for it. That’s the deal for a creature that will love you so much. That story sucks. **** whoever shot that dog.

Lucem Ferre 10-21-2018 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2007031)
Someone probably concluded a chronically unsupervised rottie was a menace to the neighborhood.

It seems around here people who get the most powerful dogs are the least inclined to properly care for them. That’s a heartbreaking story. When you get a dog your honor bound to care for it. That’s the deal for a creature that will love you so much. That story sucks. **** whoever shot that dog.

He was in the back yard never bothered anybody, really nice dog too.

But yeah, there are a lot of people that get the big dogs almost as if it's to make up for their own insecurities and don't supervise it or what not. Like, in my experience, most people I know that have a big dog fetish are irresponsible dude bros that always try to prove their manhood. With this one, pretty much, my friend's little brother didn't take care of it or watch it or even buy it's food his mom did. I don't understand why he got a big dog prior to having a place to keep a big dog. But idiots will be idiots. ****er owes me money too. Either way, I was upset that the dog was killed. Who just suddenly decides to shoot your dog in the backyard? Ace was goddamn sweetheart, people are pieces of **** sometimes. I'd take a big happy rottweiler over most people any day.

The Batlord 10-21-2018 03:46 PM

Sometimes I think about how much humanity fawns over dogs, but really they're an entire species at the mercy of our fickle whims who as often as not get kicked, left on the street to die, or euthanized because we think as little of them as we do anything that we see as a burden, and I come to the conclusion that possibly humanity's greatest crime was in domesticating wolves to be incapable of existing without us.

Lucem Ferre 10-21-2018 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by 66Sexy (Post 2007045)
Sometimes I think about how much humanity fawns over dogs, but really they're an entire species at the mercy of our fickle whims who as often as not get kicked, left on the street to die, or euthanized because we think as little of them as we do anything that we see as a burden, and I come to the conclusion that possibly humanity's greatest crime was in domesticating wolves to be incapable of existing without us.

Hey, that was a team effort and neither of us understood what we were doing at the time.

OccultHawk 10-21-2018 04:15 PM

It’s a great deal for dogs but we have to keep our end of the deal. Definitely two way deal.

Lucem Ferre 10-21-2018 08:53 PM

I knew this dude who was staying at a friends house who went on this whole tirade about how he hates people that abuse animals and that if he saw somebody do it he'd beat the **** out of them. When he moved out he abandoned his snake that died because he was walking around with it and accidentally dropped it and they think he broke it's jaw but he never took it to a vet or anything and his tarantula that they starved so bad that it started losing it's hair. That dude is a p.o.s. and shouldn't own any pets. I hope his dog gets taken away or something. He's one of those people that owns a big dog and constantly tries to prove his masculinity.

cassavetes 10-21-2018 09:05 PM

Gah, people never fail to disappoint.

I volunteer at a rescue shelter and seeing the amount of abused, mistreated animals that come in breaks my heart. I can’t imagine leaving an animal behind.

OccultHawk 11-26-2018 05:40 PM

I met a married couple I’m friends with today and the told me they gave their dog away to get a cheaper apartment. He’s with a family member but still it’s like an hour away. He’s a pit bull.

Sigh. I don’t think I’ve ever met a single person with a pit that was equipped to take care of it.

Frownland 11-26-2018 05:45 PM


A pet’s death can hurt more than losing a fellow human
****ing duh right? Even if they're amazing people, every human has at least a little bit of **** under their fingernails that you can remember, whereas dogs are only loving and loyal, even if they are an occasional bad boy.

Oh I met a very good pit bull on my train the other day. Had one of those huge heads. Fingers crossed that the owner needs to find a home for that guy because I want it.

windsock 11-26-2018 05:59 PM

My mom adopted a pitbull from the pound a few months ago (despite our family being ill-equipped to take care of a dog at this point in time) and she's a real live wire. She was found in an abandoned house and docs determined her to be not even one year old yet, so she's basically still a puppy. She's a little under medium sized and is ****ing ripped lmao. She leapt over a 5-foot tall fence at the "doggy-day-care" my mom brings her to try and get her to chill the **** out and maybe get some training. My only hope is that in a year or two she's mellowed out.

FETCHER. 11-27-2018 12:00 AM

People who get pets and rehome them constantly really really piss me off. I have a few acquintances who do things like that and no matter how much I tell them it’s a bad idea they go and ****ing do it anyway. My boyfriends sister also decided to get a springer spaniel puppy (5/6months old) when she had a 6yr old and a 6month old baby and I told her 100x she wouldn’t be able to take care of it. That she would find it very hard to give it enough exercise and mental stimulation but nooo, she was going to change her life... low and behold 6 weeks later the 6 month old puppy found itself in its 3rd home.

I honestly don’t understand how being a responsible pet owner is so difficult.

My family have always had Great Danes and it is honestly ridiculous how many of these amazing dogs are getting rehomed between 6-9months of age BECAUSE THEY GOT BIG?! What the **** did you expect to happen.

Janszoon 11-27-2018 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by FETCHER. (Post 2018763)
My family have always had Great Danes and it is honestly ridiculous how many of these amazing dogs are getting rehomed between 6-9months of age BECAUSE THEY GOT BIG?! What the **** did you expect to happen.

Wow. I mean they have the word "Great" in their name for a reason. WTF is wrong with people.

Lucem Ferre 11-30-2018 04:13 PM

I started hiding my friend's minpin's toys from her and letting her search for them through the furniture. Now she's trying to hide them from me, but she's not good at it because she gets really excited about it and shows me where she puts it.

OccultHawk 11-30-2018 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2019948)
I started hiding my friend's minpin's toys from her and letting her search for them through the furniture. Now she's trying to hide them from me, but she's not good at it because she gets really excited about it and shows me where she puts it.

I love playing games like that. Some dogs take that **** crazy serious. It’s like NFL level.

Frownland 11-30-2018 05:38 PM

Sometimes I play with my dog where I'll move around a toy or ball quickly while he runs around and tries to get it. Occasionally I'll whip the ball behind my back while moving around my other hand and he still thinks that he's chasing the ball. Then I'll show him that my hands are empty and it's much confusion. Good times.

windsock 11-30-2018 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2018651)
Sigh. I don’t think I’ve ever met a single person with a pit that was equipped to take care of it.

Can vouch. The scratching of our hardwood flooring from our last dog (a vizsla) is nothing compared to what our pit has done. She speeds through the house at 80 mph and slips and slides over everything like a maniac. Again, can't wait for her to grow out of puppyhood and mellow out a bit. She's off the ****ing wall.

WWWP 11-30-2018 09:50 PM

i love my boy Mulder more than any human

like i feel i waited my whole life to meet him

OccultHawk 11-30-2018 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by WWWP (Post 2020088)
i love my boy Mulder more than any human

like i feel i waited my whole life to meet him

5/5 picture <3

Lucem Ferre 11-30-2018 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2019958)
I love playing games like that. Some dogs take that **** crazy serious. It’s like NFL level.

I pissed her off because I wouldn't let her get to it and she started attacking me. Playfully, but still. She doesn't have anytime for my bull****.

Janszoon 11-30-2018 11:29 PM

Let's be real, dogs are dicks.

Lucem Ferre 11-30-2018 11:32 PM

People are dicks too. Everything's a dick. Hyenas especially.

Janszoon 11-30-2018 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2020111)
People are dicks too. Everything's a dick. Hyenas especially.

Hyenas are dogs so yeah.

Lucem Ferre 11-30-2018 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 2020112)
Hyenas are dogs so yeah.

Oh my god it comes full circle.

WWWP 11-30-2018 11:48 PM

My pooch is such a sweetie, he's never done a selfish thing in his life

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