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Old 12-27-2020, 06:40 AM   #871 (permalink)
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Sure, that's another subtle shade of queerbaiting.

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You sound like Buffy after they dragged her back from Heaven.
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I want to open a school for MB's lost boys and teach them basic coping skills and build up their self esteem and strengthen their emotional intelligence and teach them about vegetables and institutionalized racism and sexism and then they'll all build a bronze statue of me in my honor and my bronzed titties will forever be groped by the grubby paws of you ****ing whiny pathetic white boys.
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Old 12-27-2020, 10:57 AM   #872 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
Hell yes I went on a binge of those vulture articles a few days ago, they're really addictive. You make a good point: the excessive amount of gay shipping/speculation among lgbt fans is a reaction against the aggressive 'straightening' of celebrities and culture. Some of the gay theorising is certainly aggressive too (or outright insane) but most of what I've seen is pretty gentle and harmless, and it's important to acknowledge where it comes from.
Yes I agree. I am always careful to not sound TOO unhinged when I'm just thinking out loud about these things and theorizing. I mentioned "kaylors" before-- they are the unhinged ones who 'ship' Karlie and Taylor aggressively, track their planes, and insist they are secretly married etc etc. But there's not too many of them nowadays seeing as Taylor and Karlie have not been seen publicly together in years now. Well, that, plus Karlie having not one but TWO weddings with Josh Kushner and now being pregnant. The biggest kaylor blog finally deleted just recently. (Yes, I did read the kaylor blogs occasionally because they were entertaining in their insanity)

Originally Posted by jwb View Post
I don't follow Taylor Swift at all so I'm just guessing here but I would not be surprised if she likes all this speculation or at least the publicity behind it.
I would have thought that too if not for certain actions of hers and the #nohomo comments of hers like I mentioned. Now I think she used to like the speculation, (why else would she have done that SUPER gay Vogue cover with Karlie, after all?) but then something we refer to as Kissgate happened (grainy video footage of a very drunk Taylor and Karlie possibly kissing at a concert began circulating on all the media outlets). I imagine that might of freaked her out a bit (since after that, she gradually stopped being publicly touchy feeling with Karlie)-- maybe the speculation became too real at that point. Prior to that I think she may in fact have been subtly encouraging it or even testing the waters for a possible coming out, due to the huge success of her album 1989 building her confidence and such. But now, I suspect she may eventually go the "lavender marriage" route and never come out publicly, as many other before her have done. (which is perfectly valid of course.)
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Old 12-27-2020, 01:12 PM   #873 (permalink)
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What's valid about it? Seems like a bitch move imo
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Old 12-27-2020, 01:50 PM   #874 (permalink)
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Lavender marriages have been a thing since the old hollywood days. It works fine for some I'm sure.
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Old 12-27-2020, 08:20 PM   #875 (permalink)
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I'm sure staying in the closet works

Capitalizing off the speculation and then later retreating to the closet can only be described as a lame ass bitch move.
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Old 12-27-2020, 10:29 PM   #876 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jwb View Post
I'm sure staying in the closet works

Capitalizing off the speculation and then later retreating to the closet can only be described as a lame ass bitch move.
Oh I don't disagree with that. A looootttt of her LGB fans have pretty much reached their limit with her whole pattern of planting what seem like hints that she is gay/bi only to to be like "jk" later, seeming suddenly meek and afraid to say too much. Maybe she's attempting to do the sort of thing mentioned in these posts:

(And then there's been so many little things like occasionally using female pronouns during a song during live performances, and writing a very gay sounding song called Dress and then, during the Reputation tour, dedicated the performance of Dress to Loie Fuller, of all people-- a lesbian dancer of yore.)

Dress lyrics:
Spoiler for .:
Our secret moments in your crowded room
They've got no idea about me and you
There is an indentation in the shape of you
Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo*
All of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation
My hands are shaking from holding back from you (ah, ah, ah)
All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting
My hands are shaking from holding back from all this (ha, ha, ha, ha)
Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off (ha, ha, ha)
Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off (ha, ha, ha, ha)

*it is possibly worth noting that Taylor and Karlie were once photographed arriving to Drake's birthday party with temporary golden star tattoos. Just saying.

Sure, any of these little things alone can be explained away, but still.

I do still think it's possible that she (while also capitalizing off all of it) was testing the waters for a possible coming out, as I mentioned. Some think that the whole drama surrounding Scooter Braun buying her masters & former record label made her not want to risk getting any more negative publicity (not that it was all negative, but I feel even the smallest amount drives her crazy) if, for instance, she came out as bi/"fluid" and her more conservative and immature fanbase felt weird about it. She has said before that she is terrified of making any of her fans feel alienated.

Quote from a 2015 Elle interview:
"One thing I've gotten a little better at is the idea that I could do one thing wrong and all of this would completely disappear. Like, all of my work from my entire life, every album I've put out in the last 10 years, all of it would be wiped from the record and no one would appreciate what I've done that's good. Because you watch celebrity culture, and it happens, you know? Someone says something crazy in an interview or is caught stumbling out of a club drunk too many times when they're thought to be America's sweetheart. People can feel betrayed very easily by celebrities. And one thing that used to really scare me a lot is making my fans feels like they don't know me."
However now that she's branched out into Starbucks indie-pop type music and is no longer the huge superstar she once was, perhaps she'll become less neurotic about that over time. Another thing to consider is the fact that she might not want to out people she's dated/been suspected of dating, if any of them are also not straight but not publicly out. (Especially if the whole Karlie Kloss affair really happened. She is married and pregnant now, and likely wouldn't be too thrilled about Taylor Swift the famous pop star declaring that she's bisexual, leading others to then suspect that Karlie, too is bisexual/gay, as well as her husband who already has plenty of gay rumors. He's Josh Kushner, btw. Who also happens to be good friends with Karlie's manager and Taylor's nemesis, Scooter Braun. I've always felt like she hated for him for far more personal reasons other than just the ones she's stated about her masters and stuff.)

All of this is difficult to fully explain to someone who is not aware of all the Taylor Swift background lore (I have always been fascinated by her whole PR strategy for some reason, so I pay extra close attention when she starts doing something new/parading a new boyfriend around or whatever). But I assure you my opinions/hunches about all this are not based on nothing. It's just quite a lot to sum up is all. As I said, I think she is a deeply neurotic, ambitious horse girl type of person. Based on interviews and such I feel, as I said, that she's much more involved in her brand and image than most pop stars of her caliber. Or at least she has been since she left her old label, I suspect. In her netflix documentary there's a scene where she's sitting down with a bunch of people from her team, as well as her father. She is trying to express to them that she wants to speak out about some political thing-- she mentioned feeling "muzzled" in the past-- and they are all telling her "Noooo no it's a bad idea, just don't" which tells me that they'd react the same way if, for instance, she wanted to go public about being bisexual/gay (if she is not straight) or anything. Since, after all, for years she/her team cultivated an image of a relatable, super-accessible wholesome girl who made fans believe they were her personal friends so they were as emotionally invested as possible. She referred to her songs as diary entries about her real personal life, whether it was true or not. It's clear she regrets that now, seeing as she's going out of her way to say "These last two albums are based on FICTIONAL CHARACTERS!!!" as though it's some novel unheard of concept. Because she knows that the crazy swifties have this desperate need for her to be relatable to them, personally so that they can continue to project upon her and the dramatic love stories she sings about. Also worth noting is this bit that was in the booklet that came with the Reputation album:

Remember, she's addressing diehard swifties here. She has to spell everything out for them. I found it odd that she emphasized this, however, considering her previous strategy of making her fans feel like they were her bffs and knew her soooo well. So whether she was ever going to really follow through with it (a coming out) or not, I do feel this marked the beginning of an attempt to gradually distance herself from parts of her original, homophobic/conservative fanbase who seem to NEED her to have a wholesome hetero relationship and love story going on at all times. (While at the same time ofc throwing them breadcrumbs here and there so they continue buying her albums, since she is clearly very much a capitalist after all. Yes, I know one can argue that that's all she's doing with her LGB fans, but I don't think that's the case based on the much more subtle-- yet obvious to those paying attention-- hints and clues and imagery and themes that have been evident in her body of work and performances and even commercials through the years. Whereas it's like she KNOWS that straight swifties are incredibly obtuse as well as gullible and will be thrilled with 1 single staged photo of her and a man holding hands.)

Also, once again, she has a song called "I Know Places" about having to hide a lover. "Well that's just about being famous and having to avoid the paprazzi!" swifties say. But she, like other celebrities obviously call the paprazzi when they wish to be photographed (as she used to be almost daily outside her apartment in NYC), duh. And this was in the performance of that song during the 1989 tour:

..people jumping in and out of what appear to be closets. Yes, sure, could be nothing. Let's look at some of the lyrcis:

You stand with your hand on my waist line (I I I I, I I I I)
It's a scene and we're out here in plain sight (I I I I, I I I I)
I can hear them whisper as we pass by (I I I I, I I I I)
It's a bad sign, bad sign (I I)
Something happens when everybody finds out (I I I I, I I I I)
See the vulture circling dark clouds (I I I I, I I I I)
A bit suspicious if you ask me. (Makes me think of some video footage I've seen of someone trying to film her and Karlie inside of a makeup store or cafe or whatever, or at an event. In one video, Karlie and Taylor had their arms around each other when suddenly Karlie's sister, who was next to them, subtly taps Karlie on the shoulder, and then Karlie and Taylor abruptly distance themselves from each other. Lots of little things like that. I only know of those particular things/videos due to having lurked on the blogs of a couple insane kaylors in the past.) She deliberately calls the paparazzi for staged walks with her "boyfriends" yet she's implying here that it's scandalous for her, a woman, to be dating a male human "in plain sight"? What? She's also constantly singing about forbidden love in some form of another. There's just a lot.

In conclusion, I am right. Here's some bonus gifs/pictures of her and Karlie looking very not straight (am using Karlie related stuff just because that whole period had by far the most overt, um, indicators) :

Spoiler for yes i know I sound insane and creepy:

(compare this to how she usually looks when walking with a boyfriend-- hunched over, meek, miserable looking)

Lyrics to "Gold Rush" from Evermore:

And the coastal town
We wandered 'round had never
Seen a love as pure as it

And then it fades into the gray of my day old tea
'Cause you know it could never be
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Old 12-31-2020, 05:24 PM   #877 (permalink)
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ok so I started reading up on these gaylor theories and I'm now in over my head. She definitely gives off a humongous amount of queer vibes. This photo omg (it's somehow more convincing to me than all the theories together)

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
You sound like Buffy after they dragged her back from Heaven.
Originally Posted by WWWP View Post
I want to open a school for MB's lost boys and teach them basic coping skills and build up their self esteem and strengthen their emotional intelligence and teach them about vegetables and institutionalized racism and sexism and then they'll all build a bronze statue of me in my honor and my bronzed titties will forever be groped by the grubby paws of you ****ing whiny pathetic white boys.
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Old 01-04-2021, 06:34 AM   #878 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
This photo omg (it's somehow more convincing to me than all the theories together)

^ Cool shirt! I also have one in the same color with the exact same design but mine's an original B.O.C. tour shirt from the 70's.

Anyway, as long as I'm here...

Greece names first openly gay minister
Originally Posted by jwb View Post
A middle class job sounds like a boring menu option at a brothel

She's a Brick House
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Old 01-04-2021, 08:31 AM   #879 (permalink)
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Is there any other human that's ever lived that's had this much attention paid to their love life/sexuality? Quite a throne we've put Taylor on. For me she makes solid easy listening music that I like and that's it really.

Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
ok so I started reading up on these gaylor theories and I'm now in over my head. She definitely gives off a humongous amount of queer vibes. This photo omg (it's somehow more convincing to me than all the theories together)
Taylor's not really my type but this is definitely a hot ass pic of her

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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
On this one your voice is kind of weird but really intense and awesome
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Old 01-04-2021, 11:14 AM   #880 (permalink)
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She has an 11/10 face with an 8/10 everything else.
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There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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