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Trollheart 02-02-2023 11:36 AM

Jesus Christ on stilts crossing the English Channel while reading Das Kapital!
That's horrible. My heart goes out to you, and all who would be affected if such evil legislation was passed. Would you consider emigrating then, if the worst came to the worst? I never thought there could be anything worse than rape (well, other than murder and even then you have to wonder which is worse) but this is like identity rape or something. God grant that fat orange bastard chokes on his fried chicken before too much longer. How can someone like him continue to buck the odds and live?

Marie Monday 02-02-2023 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Queen Boo (Post 2226979)
I'm gonna bump this thread because all due respect to Trollheart people are gonna mistake his thread for one that's about the band Rainbow.

That is exactly what happened in my case

Anyway does anyone have some resources they can share with me about getting the hell out of my sh*tshole state and/or country if push comes to shove? Trump just said he's going to make trans people illegal if he gets reelected so yeah that's not great. I am legitimately terrified especially because I JUST started HRT and I'm not going back.

I'm trying to stay hopeful but I need to plan for the worst case scenario regardless, so any info you can provide me will be greatly appreciated.
I'm really sorry to hear that. Trump always manages to get even more revolting than I could imagine. I'm sorry I don't have advice about getting out of the US, but if you or Synthgirl ever leave for the UK (also not a great place for trans people so :/) or Holland I'm happy to give you any help or advice that I can

The Batlord 02-02-2023 12:19 PM

Yeah I am leaving this god forsaken transphobic hellhole on a boat to-

*checks notes*

Terf island.

Queen Boo 02-02-2023 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2227001)
Is this even possible, or is it just more stupid braindead rhetoric to play to his base? I mean, how could he make trans people illegal? The governments of the 40/50/60s couldn't even make black people illegal, even though I'm sure a lot of them would have liked to. What precedent exists? "All men are created equal"? They gonna try to say well trans aren't men so they aren't covered?

Hell, come to Ireland: we've got a decent trans scene going here, and were the first country IN THE WORLD to approve official same-sex marriage. Also, we have the odd drink from time to time.

Trump gave a speech a few days ago saying he would ban trans healthcare for everyone no matter their age on day one, or at least make sure medicaid and medicare no longer cover it it's really hard to tell what he meant because of how incoherent he always is. And sure Trump isn't exactly known for keeping his campaign promises but considering how bad his track record on LGBT rights is already I take his threat very seriously.

Several states including my own are also trying to pass anti-drag bills that are intentionally so vague as to basically make it illegal to be trans in public.

Now do any idiots still think calling Republicans Nazis is unfair?

rubber soul 02-02-2023 01:53 PM

Of course you know the problem isn't really Trump or the Republicans. It's the millions of people that vote for these clowns. The fact is, humans are essentially a rather hateful species and the Earth won't be a better place until we're all gone. :(

ribbons 02-02-2023 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2227026)
even if you can't afford to live in a major city, it may be worth moving into a solidly democratic state

The National Equity Map might be somewhat helpful as a guide (I hope). Queen Boo, you may want to click on the Gender Identity map tab at the top. In proximity to Tennessee, Virginia rates "Medium" on gender identity policy tally. And you've already mentioned Illinois, which is rated "High".


The Batlord 02-02-2023 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by rubber soul (Post 2227027)
Of course you know the problem isn't really Trump or the Republicans. It's the millions of people that vote for these clowns. The fact is, humans are essentially a rather hateful species and the Earth won't be a better place until we're all gone. :(

I think most of them would just think trans people are kind of weird and gross without the Republicans to shape their grievance politics through far right conspiracy mongering.

Queen Boo 02-02-2023 02:37 PM

Which is why Republicans are making transphobia their number one wedge issue.

I really hope the majority of the country will recognize what Trump and Desantis want to do to trans people is a serious human rights violation but at this point I'm tired of giving the majority of Americans the benefit of the doubt and always expect the worst.

What a stupid and hateful country I live in.

The Batlord 02-02-2023 02:51 PM

Well the mid-terms were hopeful in that regard so hopefully the Floridian Reich will stand alone.

Queen Boo 02-02-2023 03:05 PM

If Desantis dosen't run and Trump becomes the nominee his odds of getting reelected are very slim, but if Desantis was really smart he'd hedge his bets and wait another 4 years because he'd have a much better chance of winning without Trump to compete with not to mention there's still plenty of ways he can turn Florida into the fascist hell-state he wants to be the model for the rest of the country. The Republican party may be dumb enough to give Trump a second chance but a third chance? Probably not. Also he might be in prison or dead by then.

If Desantis does run then hopefully Trump will split the party in half and run third party, and I have little reason to doubt he's stupid enough to do it, and that at least enough of his supporters will stand by him to spoil the election.

The future looks so bleak, we can only hope Trump's recklessness and incompetence will save the day.

Trollheart 02-02-2023 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Queen Boo (Post 2227023)
Trump gave a speech a few days ago saying he would ban trans healthcare for everyone no matter their age on day one, or at least make sure medicaid and medicare no longer cover it it's really hard to tell what he meant because of how incoherent he always is. And sure Trump isn't exactly known for keeping his campaign promises but considering how bad his track record on LGBT rights is already I take his threat very seriously.

Several states including my own are also trying to pass anti-drag bills that are intentionally so vague as to basically make it illegal to be trans in public.

Now do any idiots still think calling Republicans Nazis is unfair?

Unfair to Nazis.

Queen Boo 02-03-2023 12:05 AM

At least the Nazis were pretty good at javelin throwing I guess.

Trollheart 02-03-2023 08:24 AM

And the trains ran on time.

Can someone please delete my Rainbow thread? It's just sitting there now like a turd in the bowl that won't flush away. Thanks.

The Batlord 02-26-2023 02:23 PM

Mother**** Tennessee.

Tennessee House passes controversial drag show bill

Synthgirl 02-26-2023 05:14 PM

Good to know America has abandoned any pretense and is straight up saying "sex-based discrimination is Good, Actually".

I can't wait for them to ban men from having long hair and women from wearing pants.

Land of the free, everyone.

Queen Boo 02-26-2023 07:17 PM

Tennessee sounds good to no one.

SGR 02-26-2023 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Queen Boo (Post 2228757)
Tennessee sounds good to no one.

Um I dunno about that. They've got some good whiskey over there.

The Batlord 02-26-2023 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Queen Boo (Post 2228757)
Tennessee sounds good to no one.

Wait aren't you from Degennessee?

Queen Boo 02-26-2023 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by SGR (Post 2228760)
Um I dunno about that. They've got some good whiskey over there.

Yeah but do you actually have to go there to get it? If so it's not worth it.

Anyway I was making a pun on the slogan Tennessee uses for tourism ads "Tennessee, sounds good to me".

But seriously this state is a f*cking sh*thole and I'm seriously thinking about moving to California where my youngest brother lives.

The Batlord 02-26-2023 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Queen Boo (Post 2228764)
Yeah but do you actually have to go there to get it? If so it's not worth it.

Anyway I was making a pun on the slogan Tennessee uses for tourism ads "Tennessee, sounds good to me".

But seriously this state is a f*cking sh*thole and I'm seriously thinking about moving to California where my youngest brother lives.

I mean unless you dream of being a country singer or working at Dollywood then what possible reason is there to live in Tennessee?

SGR 02-27-2023 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2228768)
I mean unless you dream of being a country singer or working at Dollywood then what possible reason is there to live in Tennessee?

Maybe if you're a big fan of the Titans? Derrick Henry is a beast.

The Batlord 02-27-2023 04:57 PM

Football is boring as ****, normie.

SGR 02-27-2023 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2228811)
Football is boring as ****, normie.

Totally agreed. American Football thankfully though is much more entertaining.

Janszoon 02-28-2023 10:21 AM

American football is boring.

SGR 02-28-2023 10:32 AM

Trollheart 02-28-2023 10:41 AM

Is this really necessary as a headline?

Transgender rapist jailed in Scotland for eight years

I mean, the word. Couldn't they just have said "rapist jailed"? What difference does it really make if they're TG? It doesn't at all impact on the case - he was a man when he raped the women, which does not in any way lessen the severity of the offence, but why trumpet that they are now TG? Is this not just further reactionary scaremongering that will feed into the paranoia of anyone who thinks all trans people are potential rapists and child molesters?

Janszoon 02-28-2023 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by SGR (Post 2228846)

alert('American football is boring.');

The Batlord 02-28-2023 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2228847)
Is this really necessary as a headline?

Transgender rapist jailed in Scotland for eight years

I mean, the word. Couldn't they just have said "rapist jailed"? What difference does it really make if they're TG? It doesn't at all impact on the case - he was a man when he raped the women, which does not in any way lessen the severity of the offence, but why trumpet that they are now TG? Is this not just further reactionary scaremongering that will feed into the paranoia of anyone who thinks all trans people are potential rapists and child molesters?

I'm sure they're morally consistent and complain loudly about rape in men's prisons.

Trollheart 02-28-2023 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2228849)
I'm sure they're morally consistent and complain loudly about rape in men's prisons.

Not sure what point you're making there me old pal. My point is not that any rapist should be given consideration or any sympathy, but that this kind of scaremongering and screaming headlines does nothing to help those of us who believe, and try to convince others, that trans people are not a separate alien race bent on corrupting our youth and forcibly taking everyone they feel like. I feel it's clickbait of the worst kind.

Trollheart 02-28-2023 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2228850)
Redpill: American sports are straight up better designed games than all goalie games

in goalie games nothing builds to anything else with 99% of everything coming down to disappointment

the ball rolls off someone's groin and the goalie wasn't prepared for a groin shot and you get a riveting 1-0 finish

it's a bit like how in Harry Potter the seeker renders the rest of the game pointless

imagine if in baseball anything but a home run counted for nothing

A) what the **** is a goalie game?
B) shut the **** up
C) you know nothing about football outside of America, so again see B)
D) see B

The Batlord 02-28-2023 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2228851)
Not sure what point you're making there me old pal. My point is not that any rapist should be given consideration or any sympathy, but that this kind of scaremongering and screaming headlines does nothing to help those of us who believe, and try to convince others, that trans people are not a separate alien race bent on corrupting our youth and forcibly taking everyone they feel like. I feel it's clickbait of the worst kind.

My point is that if they're so concerned with prison rape and not just fear mongering about trans people that they should also care about rape in men's prisons.

Janszoon 02-28-2023 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2228850)
Redpill: American sports are straight up better designed games than all goalie games

in goalie games nothing builds to anything else with 99% of everything coming down to disappointment

the ball rolls off someone's groin and the goalie wasn't prepared for a groin shot and you get a riveting 1-0 finish

it's a bit like how in Harry Potter the seeker renders the rest of the game pointless

imagine if in baseball anything but a home run counted for nothing

What you've just described sounds almost as boring as American football.

Trollheart 02-28-2023 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2228854)
My point is that if they're so concerned with prison rape and not just fear mongering about trans people that they should also care about rape in men's prisons.

Yeah again I don't get you, or else you've taken some other point from what I wrote, other than the one I meant.

Regardess of whether this person is incarcerated - even if this was the trial beforehand - my belief is the word "transgender" should not scream from the headline, certainly not right beside "rapist". If this was Florida, or Texas, or any of the Red States, that kind of thing could be seen as tacit approval for your famous mooted trans holocaust: "See? Told ya! They're all rapists! Kill them now! Save our kids and women!"

I'm not sure why you don't get that, as you seem to be basically with me on this in terms of trans rights/protection/treatment as human beings.

SGR 02-28-2023 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 2228848)
alert('American football is boring.');

javascript.enabled = false;

Trollheart 02-28-2023 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2228862)
soccer hockey lacrosse etc

Well as usual you have no clue pal. You just put things down which you don't agree with, the same way you do with music that doesn't fit into your narrowly defined tastes. You ever watched the World Cup? European Championships? A derby match? A six-pointer? End of a season? Relegation battle? You have no idea how tense and exciting those games get, so don't go around mouthing about soccer being boring when you haven't clue one about what it's actually like. There's a reason why almost all of Brazil love it, you know.

Janszoon 02-28-2023 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by SGR (Post 2228859)
javascript.enabled = false;


The Batlord 02-28-2023 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2228856)
Yeah again I don't get you, or else you've taken some other point from what I wrote, other than the one I meant.

Regardess of whether this person is incarcerated - even if this was the trial beforehand - my belief is the word "transgender" should not scream from the headline, certainly not right beside "rapist". If this was Florida, or Texas, or any of the Red States, that kind of thing could be seen as tacit approval for your famous mooted trans holocaust: "See? Told ya! They're all rapists! Kill them now! Save our kids and women!"

I'm not sure why you don't get that, as you seem to be basically with me on this in terms of trans rights/protection/treatment as human beings.

What on earth is wrong with your reading comprehension?

The Batlord 02-28-2023 02:57 PM

Nah soccer's boring as ****.

SGR 02-28-2023 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2228874)
almost all of Brazil hot damn

Yeah, gotta say, curling is super popular in Canada - they all love it - but it doesn't really mean it's exciting to watch.

Trollheart 02-28-2023 06:20 PM

But soccer is.
And let's be honest, if we're talking Brazil...

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