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jwb 07-20-2022 11:42 AM

Your tears are probably closer to Sierra Mist than water.

The Batlord 07-20-2022 12:36 PM

Sierra Mist? Did you just say that cause it's what's in your house, you white trash bitch?

WWWP 07-20-2022 01:38 PM

Vonnegut’s mother offed herself that way

The Batlord 07-20-2022 02:22 PM

With Sierra Mist?

WWWP 07-20-2022 02:22 PM


The Batlord 07-20-2022 02:28 PM

Gotta say that's a really dumb way to kill yourself. I mean if it doesn't work you're probably gonna have to give up smoking.

Queen Boo 07-20-2022 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2211272)
Let's be honest you don't care about any of this and aren't worth talking to. People responding to you aren't enhancing any discussion. You might as well drink Drano for as much as you have worth in this conversation and it would provide more worthwhile discussion.

Ehh let him be, he's a troll but a relatively harmless troll, those can be fun to keep around.

Queen Boo 07-20-2022 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Marie Monday (Post 2211275)
100% this. Their way of 'empowering' themselves as women is to worship a kind of platonic ideal of woman they made for themselves. So then they start to gatekeep what a woman is allowed to be, which drives them right into the traditional gender role misery.
And yeah, you also have my mod permission to be mean to them.

I'm fascinated with the ones that get into truly deranged sh*t like "transvestigating" random cis people and accusing them of being trans because they don't conform to their batsh*t insane idea of extreme sexual dimorphism as some set standard that absolutely no one can deviate from.

Trolls on the internet have tricked them into thinking cis women are trans and the TERFs will just go off about how they are obviously men, saying the most cruel sh*t about their appearance and how they behave, once they believe someone is a man they automatically see everything about that person as masculine and therefore threatening, trans women have been getting a kick out of trolling the sh*t out of them, posting pictures of famous cis women and claiming it's them, it's hilarious how easily TERFs fall for it.

It's baffling to me how they don't see the obvious severe damage that gender policing women's spaces would cause, have you seen what the average TERF looks like? They would fail their own test.

WWWP 07-20-2022 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2211417)
Gotta say that's a really dumb way to kill yourself. I mean if it doesn't work you're probably gonna have to give up smoking.

But look at how he turned out!

The Batlord 07-20-2022 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Queen Boo (Post 2211438)
I'm fascinated with the ones that get into truly deranged sh*t like "transvestigating" random cis people and accusing them of being trans because they don't conform to their batsh*t insane idea of extreme sexual dimorphism as some set standard that absolutely no one can deviate from.

Trolls on the internet have tricked them into thinking cis women are trans and the TERFs will just go off about how they are obviously men, saying the most cruel sh*t about their appearance and how they behave, once they believe someone is a man they automatically see everything about that person as masculine and therefore threatening, trans women have been getting a kick out of trolling the sh*t out of them, posting pictures of famous cis women and claiming it's them, it's hilarious how easily TERFs fall for it.

It's baffling to me how they don't see the obvious severe damage that gender policing women's spaces would cause, have you seen what the average TERF looks like? They would fail their own test.

Yeah if CIS women don't think this will affect them they need to ask themselves how much they like wearing pants.

Marie Monday 07-20-2022 04:34 PM

That's why I take it so personally, even though I'm cis. I used to get **** about being masculine from sexist boys, I really don't need feminists doing that too

jwb 07-20-2022 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2211394)
Sierra Mist? Did you just say that cause it's what's in your house, you white trash bitch?

would sprite work better for you? It was just a generic fat joke

Queen Boo 07-20-2022 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2211451)
you're not doing anything but helping a corporation advertise to you, Twitter is not real life, just log off

This is a really stupid way of looking at things, Twitter may not be "real life" but it absolutely influences the beliefs and behavior of people in real life, spreading fascist ideology is dangerous any way you do it but the internet is without a doubt the most effective platform for hate, ignoring it is extremely foolish.

Transphobic sentiment is growing along with right wing extremism in general, propaganda and misinformation on the internet has absolutely been a big part of this and now transphobic bills are being passed at an alarming rate across America, I'm a trans woman living in a bumf*ck Tennessee town, I fear for my safety more than ever.

To put this as kindly as possible, please do not condescend to me and tell me that people saying I have no right to exist is something trivial.

Yes I'm aware that at end of the day banning a few dipsh*ts on social media who will just fall back on their burner accounts doesn't really amount to much, but I am someone with no power, voting doesn't do jack sh*t if you live in a gerrymandered red state, holding people accountable for spreading hate on the internet is essentially the only thing I can do.

It's funny actually, hate and abuse personally directed at me in the "real" world doesn't affect me as much, a few days ago my mom called me an ugly man in a dress and I hate my mom so who cares? I don't. It doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as the transphobia being pushed in the media and the internet, because that sh*t has far greater reach and will effect a lot more people.

Ignoring the spread of fear and hate is enabling it, period.

The Batlord 07-20-2022 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2211457)
I get the feeling these days that the perpetually online left and right are the same people just with the latter being in denial


Ayn Marx 07-20-2022 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2211394)
Sierra Mist? Did you just say that cause it's what's in your house, you white trash bitch?

The endless flood of Marxist enlightenment is impressive.

Ayn Marx 07-20-2022 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2211473)
it's like a weird thing where queers are debating closeted queers, is the hunch of mine

referring specifically to this online sphere which is overwhelmingly white, male, and comfortable

Most online forums are white, male and sometimes comfortable. The question is why. I can understand why many women avoid forums but often see evidence posters of all persuasions choose to join forums they know are largely occupied by people they’d disagree with. In many instances there’s the simple explanation they’re repressed and trodden on at home finding places such as this the one area they feel they can assert themselves. Such is probably better than having places like this become echo chambers spurting only their particular view of the universe.

The Batlord 07-20-2022 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ayn Marx (Post 2211470)
The endless flood of Marxist enlightenment is impressive.

Jwb is the only one I call white trash cause he's their king.

Ayn Marx 07-20-2022 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Queen Boo (Post 2211455)
I'm a trans woman living in a bumf*ck Tennessee town, I fear for my safety more than ever.

Have you thought of leaving the US for somewhere like Australia or New Zealand? Don’t let links below put you off though. My dear departed friend Lil lived in Sydney as openly trans and thrived.

jwb 07-20-2022 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2211478)
Jwb is the only one I call white trash cause he's their king.

That still counts as royalty

Queen Boo 07-20-2022 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ayn Marx (Post 2211479)
Have you thought of leaving the US for somewhere like Australia or New Zealand? Don’t let links below put you off though. My dear departed friend Lil lived in Sydney as openly trans and thrived.

Moving out of the States is both very expensive and very complicated.

I don't even have the money or resources to move out of state.

Ayn Marx 07-21-2022 12:12 AM

Wasn’t sure I could get away with placing this in the classical music section so I’ve dumped it here. I confess I was what could be described as an opera queen in my youth. We’d even have weekends where we played the entire Wagner Ring Cycle over a weekend. Couldn’t put myself through that in my dotage and in fact now find most of Wagner’s opera overblown, long winded and hysterical.

Anyhow, here’s an article I stumbled across that discusses the apparently now out of fashion phenomena of the ‘Opera Queen’.

adidasss 08-02-2022 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 2205709)

This is exciting. Seems like the best produced queer show to come along in a while. I've watched both the original UK version and the US remake and they were transformative. It probably won't have the same effect on today's generation of queer people but it's nice to see how the media landscape is getting more and more diverse and inclusive.

Omg, this is not good at all. It seems the writers spent most of their time thinking about how to include every part of the rainbow instead of the actual storyline, which for some reason decided to focus on a very serious event (a mass shooting) although neither the writers nor the actors are even close to having the chops to do it justice. This kind of show should be stupid and fun. Even the soundtrack is aggressively on the nose and overbearing.

What a missed opportunity. :/

Ayn Marx 08-02-2022 04:51 PM

An aspect of the various versions of Queer as Folk that’s always annoyed me is the almost complete avoidance of the many males who indulge in same sex relations in total secrecy, most of them married to females of our species. Not that many of this category would willingly admit to being bi-sexual, let alone gay just like many millions of men over the ages who during wartime have ‘had a bit on the side’ .

Queen Boo 08-03-2022 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Ayn Marx (Post 2212902)
most of them married to females of our species.

Why do you talk like this?

Ayn Marx 08-03-2022 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Queen Boo (Post 2212974)
Why do you talk like this?

Because I’m of a generation not addicted to obsessive linguistic political ‘correctness’ ?

Frownland 08-03-2022 04:37 PM

I figured you were going for zoophile visibility.

The Batlord 08-03-2022 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ayn Marx (Post 2213114)
Because I’m of a generation not addicted to obsessive linguistic political ‘correctness’ ?

I'm of a generation less likely to murder you.

Ayn Marx 08-03-2022 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2213128)
I'm of a generation less likely to murder you.

Your point is ?

The Batlord 08-03-2022 10:29 PM

We rule, you suck, get over it.

Queen Boo 08-04-2022 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Ayn Marx (Post 2213114)
Because I’m of a generation not addicted to obsessive linguistic political ‘correctness’ ?

Look if you regularly refer to women as "females" just don't get mad if I constantly make Ferengi jokes at your expense.

Marie Monday 08-04-2022 11:26 AM

Those cursed femoids and their political correctness lol /s

The Batlord 08-04-2022 11:54 AM

Ayn Marx be like

Scarlett O'Hara 08-06-2022 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Queen Boo (Post 2213211)
Look if you regularly refer to women as "females" just don't get mad if I constantly make Ferengi jokes at your expense.

But do they have a Bugatti?! 10 points who gets the reference.

Queen Boo 02-02-2023 05:41 AM

I'm gonna bump this thread because all due respect to Trollheart people are gonna mistake his thread for one that's about the band Rainbow.

Anyway does anyone have some resources they can share with me about getting the hell out of my sh*tshole state and/or country if push comes to shove? Trump just said he's going to make trans people illegal if he gets reelected so yeah that's not great. I am legitimately terrified especially because I JUST started HRT and I'm not going back.

I'm trying to stay hopeful but I need to plan for the worst case scenario regardless, so any info you can provide me will be greatly appreciated.

rubber soul 02-02-2023 06:13 AM

I guess the best I could come up with would be to look for the closest Blue State. Maybe Michigan? More likely my home state of Maryland. I'm not sure what we offer in terms of transgendered medicine, but Baltimore has an amazing hospital system. It's also quite easy to get health insurance through the Maryland Health Exchange.

Of course, if Trump or Desantis do get elected and they have a right wing congress (and a Republican Senate is quite likely given the numbers), well, I guess you have to try for Canada or maybe Europe.

Queen Boo 02-02-2023 06:48 AM

I live in Tennessee so the closest blue state for me would be Illinois, which is really only blue because of Chicago so that's obviously where I'd want to be.

Cost of living there is extremely high, my brother lived there for a little while and he was only able to do that because he had someone to stay with.

Synthgirl 02-02-2023 09:43 AM

I live in southern Wisconsin, my city is very liberal on the whole but the state itself has always been very purple and has leaned red in the recent election unfortunately. It's cheaper than living in Chicago by a lot though.

I was able to get my HRT covered by Medicaid. I don't know the details of your insurance situation and whether or not yours will be. It was very easy to get hormones here, I just walked into the clinic.

We can only hope other countries open up trans refugee programs in the event of a nationwide ban, I'm terrified as well.

Queen Boo 02-02-2023 09:59 AM

Medicaid covers mine which I only recently learned about, apparently it's been a thing for 9 years and I had no idea.

If medicaid stops covering it then that would suck ass because I could be paying a hundred bucks a month, that's a question I need to ask the pharmacist.

However if the government prohibits healthcare providers from making new prescriptions for hormones then that's where things would get really f*cked. The government would basically be forcing me to quit HRT cold turkey which is not just something I want to avoid at any cost, it's also extremely f*cking dangerous and potentially deadly. If Republicans pass such legislation they should face legal consequences for endangering countless lives for no f*cking reason other than to signal their inhuman cruelty.

If things get that bad and god forbid I'm not able to move well if you know someone who can hook me up with some *ahem* mail delivery service then please hook me up in the PMs.

Trollheart 02-02-2023 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Queen Boo (Post 2226979)
I'm gonna bump this thread because all due respect to Trollheart people are gonna mistake his thread for one that's about the band Rainbow.

Anyway does anyone have some resources they can share with me about getting the hell out of my sh*tshole state and/or country if push comes to shove? Trump just said he's going to make trans people illegal if he gets reelected so yeah that's not great. I am legitimately terrified especially because I JUST started HRT and I'm not going back.

I'm trying to stay hopeful but I need to plan for the worst case scenario regardless, so any info you can provide me will be greatly appreciated.

Is this even possible, or is it just more stupid braindead rhetoric to play to his base? I mean, how could he make trans people illegal? The governments of the 40/50/60s couldn't even make black people illegal, even though I'm sure a lot of them would have liked to. What precedent exists? "All men are created equal"? They gonna try to say well trans aren't men so they aren't covered?

Hell, come to Ireland: we've got a decent trans scene going here, and were the first country IN THE WORLD to approve official same-sex marriage. Also, we have the odd drink from time to time.

Synthgirl 02-02-2023 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2227001)
Is this even possible, or is it just more stupid braindead rhetoric to play to his base? I mean, how could he make trans people illegal? The governments of the 40/50/60s couldn't even make black people illegal, even though I'm sure a lot of them would have liked to. What precedent exists? "All men are created equal"? They gonna try to say well trans aren't men so they aren't covered?

Hell, come to Ireland: we've got a decent trans scene going here, and were the first country IN THE WORLD to approve official same-sex marriage. Also, we have the odd drink from time to time.

Trans people generally take active steps to present as and transition into our true gender. If those steps (hormones, surgery, heck even male-assigned people wearing women's clothing) are banned by the government, our existence will be erased. It's entirely possible that my breasts will be removed and I will be forcibly detransitioned and made to live as a man.

That's the worst case scenario, and so far most laws focus solely on minors, but I don't trust that will remain the case. You give republicans an inch, they'll take a mile.

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