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Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 01-02-2018 08:23 AM

MB Awards 2017 (Voting!)
Please vote one member only from each of the categories below. You can submit your votes through PM to me. Winners will be announced later in the month.

i apologize for any typos, am tired. already caught myself typing "Occult Hulk" twice this morning.

no self voting either, you twats.

Best Avatar: Batlord, Man Like Monkey, Goofle, Neapolitan, Trollheart, Rostasi, Neapolitan, Paedantic Basterd, DWV, JTF,

Best Signature: Frownland, Batlord, Plankton, Tristan Rosenstock, Chula, Occult Hawk, Trollheart, Lisna

Sexiest Member (female)
: WWWP, Roxy, Paedantic Basterd, Chio, Vanilla, Carpe Mortem

Sexiest Member (male): Ori, Exo, bob. DJ, Ninetales, Isbjorn

Howard The Duck Memorial Award for Most Inane Member: Mindfulness, Ori, Ziggy, Goofle, MERIT, Qwertyy, Dude11, OccultHawk, bulbasaur,

Biggest Fanboy / Fangirl of the Year: Man like Monkey, Batlord, elphenor, Frownland,

Best Writer: Trollheart, Exo, Paedantic Basterd, Ori, Anteater, rubber_soul,

Nicest member: Lisnaholic, bulbsasaur, DJ, Janszoon, Thelonious Monkey, Neapolitan, Innerspaceboy, mindfulness, Man Like Monkey

Smartest poster: Frownland, Xurtio, DWV, Paedantic Basterd, JWB, OccultHawk, bulbasaur, innerspaceboy,

Funniest member: Batlord, elphenor, Frownland, Occult Hawk, Man like Monkey, bulbsaur,

Angriest Member:elphenor, Chula Vista ,Occult Hawk, The Batlord, Mord, Ki,

Best Mediator: Exo, Lisnaholic, Qwertyy, Janszoon, Chula Vista, Trollheart,

Best Site Contributor:Trollheart, Occult Hawk, Frownland, Qwertyy, The Batlord

Biggest Music Contributor: Ki, Trollheart, Occult Hawk, Mondo Bungle, Paedantic Basterd, Inna Selez, Frownland,

Best Media Forum Contributor: Merit, Qwertyy, Batlord, Frownland, Plankton, Psy-Fi, Occult Hawk,

Best Plugger ( Occult Hawk, Violet/T. Monkey, Goofle, Nea, bulbasaur, MLM

Best Taste in Music: Janszoon, grindy, Frownland, Oriphiel, Mondo Bungle, Jade City, rostasi, MicShazam, Nea, innerspaceboy, Exo, Tristan Rosenstock, Qwertyy,

Most Improved Member: Blank, Anteater, Occult Hawk, MicShazam, Neopolitan, Qwertyy, Ki, Ori

Most Underrated Poster: Alyosis, Jade City, Inna Selez, Ziggy, MicShazam, Mondo Bungle, Rubber Soul, Chula Vista, bulbasaur, DWV, Qwertyy, Pet_Sounds, Paul Smeenus, Frownland, Psy-Fi

Best Thread Starter: Chula, Trollheart, Goofle, Ori, MERIT, Texas Boy, Blank,

Most Missed Poster: Ki, Chio, ChelseaDagger, Urban, Unchained Ballad, Freebase Dali, tore, ribbons, misspoptart, Soulflower,

Most Diverse Music Taste:Frownland, rostasi, Occult Hawk, Janszoon, Exo, Goofle, Batlord

Most Mainstream Music Taste: Man like Monkey, Inna Selez, Chula, Goofle, Mindfulness, Batlord,

Thread of the Year: #downwithfrown, Album Club 2017, Evanescence, TH Listens to Every Album on Wiki's List for 2017, Unpopular Opinions, Universal Basic Income, I Can't Believe This New Story, Should I beat off before going to sleep?, What Are You Listening To Hip Hop Edition?, Architecture

Moderator of the Year: Yac, Exo, grindy, Goofle, Vanilla, Frownland, Plankton,

Journal of the Year: Sounds from Innerspace, Blank's weird thing, From Freak Fighter ... , TH's playlist of life, The Batlord's Kitchen Sink Journal of Anything and Everything He Wants to Write About, Mord's, Paedantic Bastard Listens to the Past, MicShazam's album and songs picks,

New Journal of the Year: Exo's Top 50 Album Extravaganza, From Freak Fighter... , My 2017 Top 100 Songs on Spotify, Paedantic Listens to the Past,

Best New Member 2017: rubber soul, GunMouthGrace, Chio, Maajo, Mindfulness,

Member of the Year 2017: Trollheart, Mondo Bungle, Batlord, Occult Hawk, DJ, JWB, Qwertyy, Frownland

Best Rivalry: Frownland vs Chula, Frownland vs Batlord, Chula Vista vs. Millennials, elph vs. Sam Harris, KWB vs elphenor, Chula vs Anteater,

Biggest Lounge Lizard: Blank, Man like Monkey, Occult Hawk, Ori, Qwertyy, Mindfulness, Batlord, bulbasaur

Virtuoso of the Year: Frown, Plankton, Mondo, Mindfulness, Lucem Ferre, Yac, Xurtio,

Best Member Music Album (Released in 2017):Q'uq'umatz - Well of Sacrifice, Jesus Isn't So Sure About You Guys Anymore, Lucem Ferre's new album I guess cuz it wasn't specified,

Lifetime Achievement Award: The Batlord, Frownland, Lisnaholic. MERIT, riseagainstrocks, Chula Vista, Jansz

Frownland 01-02-2018 08:24 AM

No self-voting, correct?

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 01-02-2018 08:26 AM

yes, thanks for that. will add to OP.

Cuthbert 01-02-2018 09:12 AM

There are a couple mistakes in there Q.

Posters in wrong categories and not in ones they got nominated in.

Exo 01-02-2018 09:23 AM

Excuse me. I nominated Paul Smeenus for every category and he's obviously been omitted by you from most of them.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 01-02-2018 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Man like Monkey (Post 1910399)
There are a couple mistakes in there Q.

Posters in wrong categories and not in ones they got nominated in.

examples? think i got everything but if not correct me

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 01-02-2018 09:25 AM

and i left out self votes and votes that made no sense i.e posters who havent posted this year being nominated for certain catagories

Exo 01-02-2018 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1910406)
and i left out self votes and votes that made no sense i.e posters who havent posted this year being nominated for certain catagories

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 01-02-2018 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Exo (Post 1910407)

well it was stuff like Lounge Lizard or Funniest Member and what not, not sure someone can be the funniest member of 2017 without making a post. unless that’s their gimmick.

Cuthbert 01-02-2018 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1910403)
examples? think i got everything but if not correct me

I was nominated twice for nicest member but not for funniest iirc. Also missing from best plugger.

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