Ol’ Qwerty Bastard |
11-12-2017 06:22 PM |
Originally Posted by Paedantic Basterd
(Post 1893518)
I have some stray thoughts about the subject.
1. How does one go about separating an artist from their art? I feel like, if the dam bursts, there isn't going to be anyone respectable left in any field. More and more, this entire thing is just making me feel like people everywhere are rotten ****. I don't judge anybody else for continuing to enjoy someone's work after their unsavoury character has been revealed, but for me every time there's a little twinge, a little bad-taste in my mouth to remind me that something awful happened as a result of this person's behaviour.
I'm all-around frustrated. I'm pissed that people are doing this **** in the first place. I'm pissed that my brain won't let me peacefully enjoy the products these asshats have created over the years. I'm pissed at the ****ing social circus this has become. And I'm pissed at myself for trying to reconcile the behaviour of my favourite artists and actors just so I can go on watching/listening to them without that alarm going off in my mind that shouts "HEY BUT DON'T FORGET THIS GUY'S A RAPIST".
this could be naive to think, but i wonder if a person's past experiences and how they relate to what a person does affects their ability to ignore it. for example, as someone who has never been the victim of a racist attack, I can ignore Varg Vikernes bizarre political ideologies and laugh them off. or - i can look at what Louis CK did and reason that while it's gross it "isn't that bad" because i've never been the victim of something like that.
i don't think there's anything wrong with separating, or conflating the art and the artist. i've just personally never had a problem overcoming awful people who've done awful things to enjoy great art.
2. I realized during this conversation that I've actually been Louis CK'd before. I just hadn't been thinking of it on the same terms. It's definitely not cool, although I continue to cope with it by making it into its own comedy routine.
i can definitely say that during my high school years there were times where my actions probably overstepped the boundaries of what is and isn't okay in terms of making advances. as it was typically with girls i either already knew or was aware that they were interested in me, i don't believe i ever made them uncomfortable or pressured. however, there was one time where i was undoubtedly out of line with my actions with one person, and it still makes me feel sick to this day. it wasn't anything close to what any of the recently accused individuals have done, and i'm still very good friends with her, but it bothers me a lot that it happened, no matter how many times she has told me it was fine.