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OccultHawk 09-14-2017 06:58 PM

Shouldn't things be even more ****ed up?
Isn't it ****ing crazy how many people go through so much bull**** but it's only like one in several millions whoever really flips and goes postal. It seems like with the way people treat each other in this world it would be around 10% of us who would get pushed pass the tipping point and go Orlando or Newtown or Charleston or Virginia Tech or Columbine or like I said old fashioned postal. Why does it happen so often? ****, I think it's amazing entire days go by where NO ONE decides to check out and bring some extra folks along.

Zhanteimi 09-14-2017 07:00 PM


OccultHawk 09-14-2017 07:14 PM

You lost me there

Zhanteimi 09-14-2017 07:17 PM


Frownland 09-14-2017 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1873925)
You lost me there

Fire bad

Trollheart 09-14-2017 07:31 PM

It's all thanks to that little chip the government put in your head .... oops!

GuD 09-14-2017 07:50 PM

Consequences, probably. Incarceration or fear of death are pretty great inhibitors of violence.

OccultHawk 09-14-2017 08:04 PM


Lots more folks off themselves without bringing nobody along

Zhanteimi 09-14-2017 08:06 PM


The Batlord 09-14-2017 08:09 PM

Well there you go, thread closed.

OccultHawk 09-14-2017 08:54 PM

Some high schooler in Washington went postal

What's with the mord code?

70 what?

The Batlord 09-14-2017 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1873975)
Some high schooler in Washington went postal

What's with the mord code?

70 what?

70 people a day kill themselves in Japan. Many of them in some weird forest.

DwnWthVwls 09-14-2017 09:41 PM

Did you watch that documentary?

The Batlord 09-14-2017 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1873979)

Clickbait articles.

Zhanteimi 09-15-2017 01:02 AM


Lucem Ferre 09-15-2017 06:14 AM

One thing that stops people from going postal is morals.

One thing that causes people to go postal is being treated like absolute ****. Most people don't go through a day to day harassment to that level. Plus a lot of these people have a complete lack of affection. The amount of shooters that are also virgins shows a clear connection. So where acting antisocial to sound edgy or holding humans for acting like humans against them is one thing, to be truly pushed to that point takes a lot more. Possibly a bit of mental instability there too.

Trollheart 09-15-2017 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 1874073)
One thing that stops people from going postal is morals.

One thing that causes people to go postal is being treated like absolute ****. Most people don't go through a day to day harassment to that level. Plus a lot of these people have a complete lack of affection. The amount of shooters that are also virgins shows a clear connection. So where acting antisocial to sound edgy or holding humans for acting like humans against them is one thing, to be truly pushed to that point takes a lot more. Possibly a bit of mental instability there too.

I think that's a very valid point. Without some sort of proper emotional connection it's probably easy to see everyone else as unreal, sprites in a video game, representative of this or that, other than being real, living, breathing people who have other people who love and/or depend on them, and that it's not ok to take their lives just to make your ****ty self feel better before you end it all.

Lucem Ferre 09-15-2017 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1874078)
I think that's a very valid point. Without some sort of proper emotional connection it's probably easy to see everyone else as unreal, sprites in a video game, representative of this or that, other than being real, living, breathing people who have other people who love and/or depend on them, and that it's not ok to take their lives just to make your ****ty self feel better before you end it all.

I have to blame the parents a lot to. Some of these parents never really guide these kids into being social so they don't know how to make friends or make connections. Like that one college kid who had never even been kissed. Now that dude was rich and handsome. I know too many ugly broke dudes getting some for that guy to be a virgin. He had to have been really socially awkward or something. Maybe if he would have actually talked to people about it or something, things would be different. Though, it's hard to be sympathetic towards somebody who takes out his sexual frustration on others in that way. Then there are people who just get treated like absolute **** as well. So their only human interaction is always negative. That reaction is a lot more understandable to me. Mix that with the irrationality and the emotional instability of being a teenager and it explains a lot.

Lisnaholic 09-15-2017 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1873931)

^ That is pretty repulsive, but it makes a sadly accurate point!
__________________________________________________ ____

Regarding the OP question, let's not forget that (despite the Japanese statistic) a very powerful instinct for self-preservation is hardwired into all of us. Luckily, not many people reach a point at which they are prepared to override that - and even fewer commit themselves in advance to doing it as publicly as happens in those Colombine-style outrages.

If a Japanese guy goes into the woods with a plan to kill himself, he can always change his mind at the last minute, sneak back home and nobody need know. That change of heart is more humiliating if you are prowling the corridors of a school, armed to the teeth, with scores of witnesses.

- and where has the expression "going postal" come from? Never heard that before.

Goofle 09-15-2017 07:43 AM

Life just ain't that bad.

MicShazam 09-15-2017 07:51 AM

I neither think things are bad enough, neither do I think people are unhinged enough to go postal. Most people see some things to hold on to, even if their job is ****. I'm not enough of a cynic to believe that even 1% would even want to go postal if they could.


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1874086)
Life just ain't that bad.

Exactly. Sure, it sucks. But it also kind of doesn't. It's a matter of perspective, except for people in extremely bad situations. If you don't live in Syria, don't have terminal cancer, can somewhat depend on roof over your head... things like that. You should probably stop feeling so sorry for yourself (a general "you", not you).

Frownland 09-15-2017 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Lisnaholic (Post 1874082)
^ That is pretty repulsive, but it makes a sadly accurate point!

Lol I posted that because it's a part of the genre where Bradbury-brand technophobes put across really basic social commentary in really cringy ways and present them as deeper than anything Plato could surmise.


- and where has the expression "going postal" come from? Never heard that before.
There was a trend of postal workers shooting up their workplaces that led to that term


The expression derives from a series of incidents from 1986 onward in which United States Postal Service (USPS) workers shot and killed managers, fellow workers, and members of the police or general public in acts of mass murder. Between 1970 and 1997, more than 40 people were killed by current or former employees in at least 20 incidents of workplace rage.

Lisnaholic 09-15-2017 08:32 AM

^ Thanks as always for the explanation, Frownland. :thumb:


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1874090)
Lol I posted that because it's a part of the genre where Bradbury-brand technophobes put across really basic social commentary in really cringy ways and present them as deeper than anything Plato could surmise.

^ That one's even better - a really good satirical cartoon. I love the detail of the cheese in his briefcase :laughing:

Regarding the point made by Goofle and MicShazam: I agree, for most of us, life is sufficiently rich that we would be absolute fools to throw it away. That's why the old coroners' verdicts on suicide deaths used to include the phrase, "... while the balance of his mind was disturbed."

Trollheart 09-15-2017 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Lisnaholic (Post 1874082)
^ That is pretty repulsive, but it makes a sadly accurate point!
__________________________________________________ ____

Regarding the OP question, let's not forget that (despite the Japanese statistic) a very powerful instinct for self-preservation is hardwired into all of us. Luckily, not many people reach a point at which they are prepared to override that - and even fewer commit themselves in advance to doing it as publicly as happens in those Colombine-style outrages.

If a Japanese guy goes into the woods with a plan to kill himself, he can always change his mind at the last minute, sneak back home and nobody need know. That change of heart is more humiliating if you are prowling the corridors of a school, armed to the teeth, with scores of witnesses.

I don't know if it's still the case, but committing suicide (seppuku) used to be a real sign of honour in Japan. Like, if you dishonoured yourself (and therefore your family and your ancestors) you were expected to commit seppuku, and conversely, giving your life for the emperor was considered the very highest honour, which is where all those volunteers came to fly the Kamikaze missions in the Pacific in WWII.

So all that taken into account, if it's still seen that way, the ratio of Japanese suicides compared to other countries does not surprise me.

- and where has the expression "going postal" come from? Never heard that before.

Zhanteimi 09-16-2017 02:19 AM


OccultHawk 09-17-2017 01:49 AM

You know what I didn't realize I was asking is why aren't we in full fledged class warfare.

Zhanteimi 09-17-2017 01:53 AM


djchameleon 09-17-2017 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1874548)
You know what I didn't realize I was asking is why aren't we in full fledged class warfare.

We aren't because as bad as conditions are, they arent bad enough. I can't wait til the poor get to their breaking point and decide they are fed up. So they take their fight to the wealthy and revolt. Basically what happened in Dark Knight Rises.

Zhanteimi 09-17-2017 02:35 AM


Lisnaholic 09-17-2017 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1874539)
I often consider all the unfortunate diseases and accidents one can suffer and statistics like "this will happen to 1/50 people" and then wonder how I can consistently not be one of those people, perhaps very narrowly escaping early demises everyday

it seems extraordinary to just exist as a healthy person

^ That's a good attitude, elphenor! It reminds me of a retired guy who used to be my neighbour; when I asked him how he was, he used to say, "It's another day and I'm alive, so it's great." And it's a fact that to just keep going is the greatest achievement of many of us. I sometimes think, in a rather callous way, "I'm not a great musician, but ha! at least I've outlived Hendrix, Nick Drake, Amy Winehouse, etc, etc. On one scale of measurement, I'm more successful than them."
__________________________________________________ ___________

For the people hoping for social revolt, I'd say be careful what you wish for. Sure, there are plenty of ills and injustices in society, but historically, full-on revolutions are usually periods of bloodshed and anarchy; looting, rape and the violent paying-off of grudges, between racial groups and also the neighbour who always has his tv on too loud. After which there's no guarantee that it won't be a case of "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.." So I guess my preference is for social change through the democratic process.

Trollheart 09-17-2017 09:29 AM

Or, as my old boss used to say, "Any day above ground is a good one."

MicShazam 09-17-2017 09:30 AM

It is thought provoking that you kind of have to look at societies that do fairly well as far as basics like food, clothing, housing goes to find people who are deeply dissatisfied with just being alive.

We're so comfortable and safe, we think ourselves towards unhappiness. The more I've learned to calm down my mind and stop worrying, the happier I've become.

It might sound corny to say that we should learn to appreciate the small things in life and that we should appreciate the here and now, but it's the best advice you could take to heart. At least as far as what I've learned over the years.

I've got shaky health, no money, a crummy apartment and a less than impressive social situation going on, but I'm ok :laughing:

Trollheart 09-17-2017 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1874612)
It is thought provoking that you kind of have to look at societies that do fairly well as far as basics like food, clothing, housing goes to find people who are deeply dissatisfied with just being alive.

We're so comfortable and safe, we think ourselves towards unhappiness. The more I've learned to calm down my mind and stop worrying, the happier I've become.

It might sound corny to say that we should learn to appreciate the small things in life and that we should appreciate the here and now, but it's the best advice you could take to heart. At least as far as what I've learned over the years.

I've got shaky health, no money, a crummy apartment and a less than impressive social situation going on, but I'm ok :laughing:

It's the old story, isn't it? There's always someone worse off than you.

Lisnaholic 09-17-2017 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1874611)
Or, as my old boss used to say, "Any day above ground is a good one."

^ Hey, that's good, Trollheart, I must remember that. (Specially useful if you happen to be a coalminer on your day off. :D )


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1874612)
It is thought provoking that you kind of have to look at societies that do fairly well as far as basics like food, clothing, housing goes to find people who are deeply dissatisfied with just being alive.

We're so comfortable and safe, we think ourselves towards unhappiness. The more I've learned to calm down my mind and stop worrying, the happier I've become.

It might sound corny to say that we should learn to appreciate the small things in life and that we should appreciate the here and now, but it's the best advice you could take to heart. At least as far as what I've learned over the years.

I've got shaky health, no money, a crummy apartment and a less than impressive social situation going on, but I'm ok :laughing:

^ All very true, MicShazam, as corny things often are. That's how they get to be corny isn't it?

I'm sorry about your last sentence, but let's face it, the bolded bit probably applies to most people who post here regularly. Hang in there, and perhaps tomorrow you'll meet a rich doctor with a spare room in her penthouse just for you.

MicShazam 09-17-2017 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Lisnaholic (Post 1874669)
^ Hey, that's good, Trollheart, I must remember that. (Specially useful if you happen to be a coalminer on your day off. :D )

^ All very true, MicShazam, as corny things often are. That's how they get to be corny isn't it?

I'm sorry about your last sentence, but let's face it, the bolded bit probably applies to most people who post here regularly. Hang in there, and perhaps tomorrow you'll meet a rich doctor with a spare room in her penthouse just for you.

Yeah no girlfriend since 2011. I've got a few really good friends, but I usuall spend 5-6 days every week completely alone. At least I'm fairly good at being alone, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't wish I knew more people.

There's a woman down at the local super market that I really fancy, but no way am I going to ask her out. I'm way too scared of women. I'd rather fight a polar bear than risk rejection :laughing:

Trollheart 09-17-2017 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by MicShazam (Post 1874674)
Yeah no girlfriend since 2011. I've got a few really good friends, but I usuall spend 5-6 days every week completely alone. At least I'm fairly good at being alone, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't wish I knew more people.

There's a woman down at the local super market that I really fancy, but no way am I going to ask her out. I'm way too scared of women. I'd rather fight a polar bear than risk rejection :laughing:

You could combine both, and ask a polar bear out. Might get a frosty reception though. Sorry, sorry, sorry....

The Batlord 09-17-2017 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1874677)
You could combine both, and ask a polar bear out. Might get a frosty reception though. Sorry, sorry, sorry....

I'm appawled.

Neapolitan 09-17-2017 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1874677)
You could combine both, and ask a polar bear out. Might get a frosty reception though. Sorry, sorry, sorry....

That joke left me cold.

grindy 09-17-2017 12:15 PM

Not getting my seal of approval either.

Frownland 09-17-2017 12:20 PM


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