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Key 08-08-2016 02:18 PM

What Have You Accomplished This Year?
It's August. Which means it's time to start reflecting on things you've either accomplished this year, or things you wish you could go back and fix. Let's talk about them here. Talk about things you hate about the year, talk about things you are proud of. Anything goes. And if you still have goals you'd like to complete, talk about those too.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-08-2016 02:21 PM

I graduated high school, so I guess that would be the biggest accomplishment. I didn't really go into this year with a set of goals to accomplish, but I'm quite happy with how it all went.

djchameleon 08-08-2016 02:36 PM

I think most people do this reflection in December and around NYE. Not now in August.

Tristan_Geoff 08-08-2016 02:40 PM

Let's see:

-Graduated High School
-Broke out of my first toxic relationship (therefore breaking up my band in the process)
-Gained a new best friend and life partner
-Found more out about myself and how I work
-First payed position
-Listened to more albums out of 2016 than any other year and made considerable progress on my queue
-Started rethinking my college path
-Starting college next week

I'd say 2016 is fairly significant to me.

Key 08-08-2016 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1727532)
I think most people do this reflection in December and around NYE. Not now in August.

Then don't post.

Key 08-08-2016 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1727527)
I graduated high school, so I guess that would be the biggest accomplishment. I didn't really go into this year with a set of goals to accomplish, but I'm quite happy with how it all went.

That's still an accomplishment in it's own. What GPA did you end up with?


Originally Posted by Tristan Geoff (Post 1727533)
Let's see:

-Graduated High School
-Broke out of my first toxic relationship (therefore breaking up my band in the process)
-Gained a new best friend and life partner
-Found more out about myself and how I work
-First payed position
-Listened to more albums out of 2016 than any other year and made considerable progress on my queue
-Started rethinking my college path
-Starting college next week

I'd say 2016 is fairly significant to me.

Nice! Pretty good year as a whole, I'd say. We share a couple of things here as well, which is funny.

djchameleon 08-08-2016 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1727534)
Then don't post.

I won't post my reflections til December but if I feel like posting I will regardless.

I can still post to congratulate others and have discussions. Get off my nut sack.

Key 08-08-2016 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1727538)
I won't post my reflections til December but if I feel like posting I will regardless.

I can still post to congratulate others and have discussions. Get off my nut sack.

I was speaking sarcastically of course. And no, I will not get off your nut sack. It's nice and warm. And cleaner than most.

djchameleon 08-08-2016 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1727539)
I was speaking sarcastically of course. And no, I will not get off your nut sack. It's nice and warm. And cleaner than most.

Why thank you. Maybe I shouldn't shave it as much. Would you prefer me to grow out the pubes?

Key 08-08-2016 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1727541)
Why thank you. Maybe I shouldn't shave it as much. Would you prefer me to grow out the pubes?


Tristan_Geoff 08-08-2016 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1727536)
Nice! Pretty good year as a whole, I'd say. We share a couple of things here as well, which is funny.

Cool, which ones in particular?

Key 08-08-2016 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Tristan Geoff (Post 1727548)
Cool, which ones in particular?

Broke out of my first toxic relationship

Started rethinking my college path (though, in my case, thinking about college altogether)

Gained a new best friend (not life partner, unfortunately :()

Listened to more albums out of 2016 than any other year and made considerable progress on my queue

Found more out about myself and how I work

Tristan_Geoff 08-08-2016 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1727549)
Broke out of my first toxic relationship

Started rethinking my college path (though, in my case, thinking about college altogether)

Gained a new best friend (not life partner, unfortunately :()

Listened to more albums out of 2016 than any other year and made considerable progress on my queue

Found more out about myself and how I work

Nice dude. This year's been pretty great.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-08-2016 03:37 PM

I'm not sure about life partner just yet, Tristan. I don't like commitment.

Tristan_Geoff 08-08-2016 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1727551)
I'm not sure about life partner just yet, Tristan. I don't like commitment.

Whenever you change your mind... hit me up. I'll always he here for you.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 08-08-2016 03:47 PM

I'm kind of holding out for Ki right now, he has a cat, so like, you know...

Key 08-08-2016 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1727555)
I'm kind of holding out for Ki right now, he has a cat, so like, you know...

Ay baby.

Exo 08-08-2016 04:35 PM

I quit my soul draining job inspecting abandoned houses. While it is a very interesting job, it really took a toll on me psychologically with all the working by myself and being in my car for six hours a day. I got fat and depressed. I started to work out and lost forty pounds and got a second job to save for what ended up being probably the most eventful nine weeks of my life which was backpacking Europe and visiting my friends on the west coast.

For seven of those nine weeks I traveled to and through eleven countries. I did this by myself save for the last ten days which were with my cousin. I learned to take care of myself and how to socialize when you don't know a single person. I have some regrets about some things. I feel I could have made more out of my trip but I'm planning on doing this again in a few years so I'll make it up then.

Right now I'm trying to find a second job or a new job that pays well so I can move back out of my parents and be on my own again.

All in all, I'm in pretty good shape considering the shape I was in a few years ago which some of you may remember.

Key 08-08-2016 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Exo (Post 1727569)
I quit my soul draining job inspecting abandoned houses. While it is a very interesting job, it really took a toll on me psychologically with all the working by myself and being in my car for six hours a day. I got fat and depressed. I started to work out and lost forty pounds and got a second job to save for what ended up being probably the most eventful nine weeks of my life which was backpacking Europe and visiting my friends on the west coast.

For seven of those nine weeks I traveled to and through eleven countries. I did this by myself save for the last ten days which were with my cousin. I learned to take care of myself and how to socialize when you don't know a single person. I have some regrets about some things. I feel I could have made more out of my trip but I'm planning on doing this again in a few years so I'll make it up then.

Right now I'm trying to find a second job or a new job that pays well so I can move back out of my parents and be on my own again.

All in all, I'm in pretty good shape considering the shape I was in a few years ago which some of you may remember.

Sounds like a fantastic year. Happy to hear things are going better for you for the most part.

innerspaceboy 08-08-2016 05:37 PM

  • Bought my dream home
  • Married the female version of me
  • Brought together 20 years of my best friends, flying many in from other countries to hold the wildest bash of my life in celebration of the wedding
  • Developed lasting and mutually rewarding relationships with ladies and gents the world over through forums and other networks after nearly a decade of struggling to find freaks like me
  • Built wonderful memories venturing outside my introverted world
  • Made tremendous advances in the scalability, data integrity, organization, and accessibility of my digital archives
  • Moved my catalog databases to the cloud with numerous advantages like real-time appraisal, shareability, and redundancy
  • Continued my life-long research and enjoyed every thrilling moment of discovery
  • Through friends and professional peers I found a publisher perfectly suited to my "journo-demic" writing style and supportive of my Free Culture philosophies
  • Earned the respect and admiration of the president of the publishing house who was honored to mentor me toward the publication of my first book

Exo 08-08-2016 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1727573)
Sounds like a fantastic year. Happy to hear things are going better for you for the most part.

Thanks dude.

Frownland 08-08-2016 07:21 PM

I graduated college and haven't touched a crack pipe once this year.

Exo 08-08-2016 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1727597)
I graduated college and haven't touched a crack pipe once this year.

Sounds like a fantastic year. Happy to hear things are going better for you for the most part.

YorkeDaddy 08-08-2016 07:39 PM

i graduated college and have had a decent amount of sex

Key 08-08-2016 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Exo (Post 1727598)
Sounds like a fantastic year. Happy to hear things are going better for you for the most part.

Thanks dude.

djchameleon 08-09-2016 02:51 AM

Congrats to all the graduates especially the college ones, now get out there and do something with your life :p:

I would have rather waited to til the end of the year and have a laundry list of cool **** but I guess I will speak from the midway point. I feel like this year and even last year have been two pretty good years for me and is constantly improving.
  • Stepped up as a leader in the community group that I'm a part of an organized my first event that is taking place this Friday.
  • Bought my first car(99 Honda Accord with 250k miles) four months later bought my second car(2016 Honda Accord Touring model) right off the lot with zero miles.
  • Went on two vacations the first was to St. Kitts/Nevis, it is the island that my mother and grandmother were born on. I have never been so it was exciting to see where my mother grew up and the house she lived in. Apparently the house she lived in was super popular back in the day and it stood out within the community. Second vacation was to Orlando Hellhole, it was for a family reunion that was the first of many to come but this particular one was poorly planned and I have took it upon myself to plan the second one. Still enjoyed myself at Disney though and ended up the new owner of a timeshare.
  • Got into a relationship but was dumped four months later. It was good though and I should have been the one to dump her because she was pretty much using me but I was too blinded by love to see.
  • Finally started up guitar lessons so my guitar is no longer collecting dust and just a conversation piece.
  • Was thinking about heading back to college to finish up my associates but I have to wait til Spring next year.
  • Started up my own business, well two of them to be exact.

grindy 08-09-2016 03:09 AM

I drank more.

djchameleon 08-09-2016 04:29 AM

oh I also started working out and going to the gym four times a week. I've been at it for two months now. I don't really see any loss in numbers yet but I definitely feel different and my clothes fit differently.

Key 08-09-2016 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1727664)
oh I also started working out and going to the gym four times a week. I've been at it for two months now. I don't really see any loss in numbers yet but I definitely feel different and my clothes fit differently.

Hey man, even if you don't see a loss for a couple more months, just getting into a consistent schedule is better than nothing. The loss will come.

Frownland 08-09-2016 10:37 AM

Also, numbers are pretty meaningless since it varies so much between person to person. Some people can be fit at 250 and others would be obese. What matters is being healthy.

djchameleon 08-09-2016 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1727679)
Hey man, even if you don't see a loss for a couple more months, just getting into a consistent schedule is better than nothing. The loss will come.

You are exactly right, thanks man. I feel like I'm on autopilot when it comes to my gym schedule.


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1727693)
Also, numbers are pretty meaningless since it varies so much between person to person. Some people can be fit at 250 and others would be obese. What matters is being healthy.

That's true, I feel like I carry my weight well. So even though the number is high, I definitely feel more fit. At least I'm not skinny fat. I will keep it up though. I really need to work on diet a tad bit more. I've started getting into cooking my dinners and not relying on the microwave.

The Batlord 08-09-2016 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1727656)
I drank more.


Norg 08-11-2016 12:02 AM

got a pay rasie at my job

im still alive

finally bought a sports jacket and tie

and ummm I can run 3 miles in 30 mins with a ****ing like 80 pound weight vest n mask on .........

Lucem Ferre 08-11-2016 12:20 AM

I had nothing but bull**** this year.

Justthefacts 08-11-2016 12:20 AM

Met Tim Kasher
fired at every job I've ever had
been laid more times than I can count
performed on stage in front of hundreds of people
never been in a fist fight
kissed a man
been arrested only once

Key 08-11-2016 12:23 AM


Frownland 08-11-2016 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Norg (Post 1728647)
and ummm I can run 3 miles in 30 mins with a ****ing like 80 pound weight vest n mask on

Including the fact that you're wearing a mask makes me think that maybe you were carrying 80 pounds of a teenage victim while running from the police.

Justthefacts 08-11-2016 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1728653)

It's an accomplishment I didn't ask for.

Cheese 08-12-2016 10:34 PM

Changed jobs to one that pays a decent wage and has staff and management who are actually appreciative of the effort you put in.

Finally got insurance to pay out on the house (after 5 years of being dicked around) and so far have reroofed the place

Norg 08-12-2016 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1728655)
Including the fact that you're wearing a mask makes me think that maybe you were carrying 80 pounds of a teenage victim while running from the police.

Naa wearing a running mask makes it harder but when u take it off your power level jumps

Kinda like DBZ weighted clothing same concept LOL

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