Well to start off the name
Boozin is a somewhat slang term for..."drinking alcohol for long extended periods of time" According to a report done in New York, three or more drinks of alcohol a day can lead to a higher risk of pancreatic cancer and cause death. Supposedly partaking in alcoholic activities never benefits anyone. Its overall affect on humanity as a whole is more detrimental than anything. Friendships get broken, families part ways, careers have been shattered etc. All along the culpret lurking in the shadows is the socially accepted but overly abused alcoholic drink.
Consumption of alcohol over time for those who like to consume it on a daily basis. Put themselves at risk for several types of cancers.
- colorectal
- larynx
- pharynx
- esophagus
- pancreatic
- liver
The over consumption of alcohol can have its affects on the brain as well. From black out drunks, to over time short memory lapses, and ultimatley custodial care.
People severley addicted to alcohol are usually not on a well balanced diet. Leaving them more susceptable to the attack of foreign bodies, causing them to catch diseses and flu more often.
Some Health Complications Of Heavy Drinking- heavy drinking can cause hepaptitas, a condition in which the liver is inflamed
- can cause cirrhosis which is a progressive and ireperable gamge to the liver tissues
- leading to swelling of the pancreas
- stops the obsorbtion od essential vitamins from the food, and further leads to nutritional defficiencies
- leads to swelling and wearing away of stomach, which is known as gastrtitus
- leads to high blood pressure and damage to heart muscles
- also effects the nervous system and can lead to neuropathy, and many weakened function of the brain.
- alcohol consumption at the time of pregnancy can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome, which gives rise to various birth defect and subsequently complications.
The first clear evidence of the distillation of alcohol I can find comes from the School Of Salerno in the 12th century. Fractional distillation was later developed by the great Tadeo Alderotti in the 13th century.
Now the bloozin part of my name on here is an offshoot of the Blues. Carefully choosing and critiqing the spelling of the word. To make it seem as if they were meant to naturally coexist. Bloozin meant to represent the musical frame of mind im in as well as my overall demeanor.
The Blues And What They Represent
From a having the Blues standpoint it could be best described as a state of melancholy or gloomy if you will.
From the musical aspect the Blues were a musical genre created mostly in the deep south many years ago, among African American communities. As a way of expressing economic, love, and many other hardships through a number of shuffles, flattened notes, scale patterns, bends, diminished seconds, sliding, 12 bar blue beats and other traditional means of Blues playing and singing.
The Blues has slowly but surely established its popularity through the years. Artists such as W.C. Handy,Robert Johnson,B.B. King, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Buddy Guy, Freddie King in the early going of it. On up to the Hendrix's, Allman Brothers and Stevie Ray Vaughan types.
Its impact has left its mark on us and other genre's as well like rock and roll, Jazz, and other popular music. Imo most of everything we know from a musical stand point derrived from the Blues in some or another. Its my over all number one motivation for playing and having any interest in music at all. To me Blues is reality so its easy to relate and soulfully express myself with the tools the genre has given me to use. Embellishing them with my own twisted screwed up existance.
As far as the Jimi Hendrix avatar....Its Hendrix!
For the Professional Alcoholic parts above
So there you go I thought I would show a little ambition and effort for the intellects out there so thirsty for knowledge and detail. Using a vibrant and elegant stylish form of describing the history and nature of how my name came to be and to do it in a fascinating yet down to earth kind of way. This is the legacy we of Boozinbloozins name.
Personally saying "I like to ****ing drink and listen to the blues... So I thought of a way to ryhme the two together and spell it in a ****ed up way" Would be a better way to describe it but wth