Goofle |
02-05-2016 07:28 AM |
The 2015 Music Banter Awards (Final Voting)
PM me your votes, which is one per category. I'll give y'all a week or so. Also, please copy/quote this in it's entirety. If you don't want to vote on a topic, leave it blank. Don't remove the category. Just makes it easier for me.
Best Avatar: The Batlord, Frownland, grindy, Exo, Janszoon
Best Signature: The Batlord, Plankton, Goofle
Sexiest Member (female): RoxyRollah, Carpe, Vanilla
Sexiest Member (male): Isbjørn, Ninetales, YorkeDaddy, Goofle, Ki, The Batlord
Howard The Duck Memorial Award for Most Inane Member: Ashwell John, roscoe_the_first, BigDGarciaDancer, Soulflower, The Batlord
Biggest Fanboy/girl of the Year: The Batlord, baihe, Frownland, ladyislingering, YorkeDaddy, bob., Vanilla, Goofle, Chula Vista
Best Writer: Janszoon, Trollheart, The Batlord, Exo, Anteater, YorkeDaddy
Nicest member: Suzy Creamcheese, Lisnaholic, Pet_Sounds, bulbusaur
Smartest poster: Frownland, John Wilkes Booth, Janszoon
Funniest member: The Batlord, Plankton, Frownland, YorkeDaddy, John Wilkes Booth
Angriest Member: YorkeDaddy, William_the_Bloody, Ki, The Batlord, Frownland, John Wilkes Booth, Soulflower
Best Mediator: Plankton, Exo, Suzy Creamcheese
Best Site Contributor: Trollheart, Ki, Unknown Soldier, sidewinder, Goofle
Biggest Music Contributor: Goofle, Trollheart, grindy
Best Media Forum Contributor: DwnWthVwls, Plankton, Exo, DeadChannel
Best Taste in Music: Frownland, Mondo Bungle, bob.
Most Improved Member: Wpnfire, Chula Vista, Horror, Black Francis, Plainview, Mr. Charlie
Most Underrated Poster: Psy-Fi, John Wilkes Booth, TechniclePanther, Neapolitan
Best Thread Starter: Trollheart, John Wilkes Booth, The Batlord
Most Missed Poster: John Wilkes Booth, WhateverDude, Paedantic Bastard, Apollonia, wolverinewolfweiselpigeon
Biggest Music Nerd: innerspaceboy, rostasi, akyho, Mondo Bungle, Trollheart, Goofle, Neapolitan, Screen13, Frownland
Most Diverse Music Taste: Goofle, The Batlord, innerspaceboy, bob.
Most Mainstream Music Taste: Goofle, Chula Vista, Norg, monkeytennis
Most Eclectic Music Taste: Goofle, Frownland, The Batlord, grindy, innerspaceboy, rostasi, jackhammer, Mondo Bungle
Thread of the Year: Love or Hate?, Communicate Using Only GIFs, hello thanks for allowing me to be here
Moderator of the Year: Plankton, Exo, Urban
Journal of the Year: Mega Angst: My Oddyssey, Music Banterus, Pounding Decibels, Distortion, The Olaylist of Life, Sounds from Innerspace
New Journal of the Year (created in 2015, any journals started in 2014 don't count): Horror's Horror, Fiddler's Adventures on Patrol, The Batlord's Kitchen Sink, Ki's Arcade, The Identity Matrix Domain, Music Banterus, Sounds From Innerspace, Mega Angst: My Odyssey (Screw This, I'm Leaving), Tristan Geoff's Post-Hardcore Extravaganza
Best New Member 2015: ChelseaDagger, TechniclePanther, Horror, innerspaceboy,:Tristan Geoff, aux-in
Member of the Year 2015: John Wilkes Booth, Exo, Plankton
Biggest Lounge Lizard: RoxyRollah, The Batlord, Ki, John Wilkes Booth, DeadChannel
Virtuoso of the Year: Plankton, Exo, Mondo Bungle, Plainview, Machine, Xurtio, VEGANGELICA, Mystic
Lifetime Achievement Award: Trollheart, The Batlord, Plankton