riseagainstrocks |
05-03-2017 08:02 PM |
This exact conversation regarding use of the word mutilation was in the Tumblr, Otherkin, and Political Correctness Overkill thread 2 months ago.
It bore similarly poor fruit.
The political intent of language matters to some of us and to others, such intention carries less weight.
Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
(Post 1813875)
I disagree with your characterization of 'genital mutilation' being a scientifically accurate term. 'Mutilation' is not a clinic term at all. It's a word like massacre, or brutal. It's meant to engender revulsion and outrage. If you can find a dispassionate examination of the issue by clinicians that uses the term genital mutilation as a non-ironic stand-in for circumcision, I'll happily concede this point.
Most people are able to hold both circumcision and 'FGM' as you put it in their head and react to both accordingly. But circumcision is the 'All Lives Matter' of this issue. "Nigerian girls are subject to horrific butchering as they reach adolescence, removing the clitoris to discourage sexual pleasure and other behavior perceived as wanton." "BOYS GET THEIR DICKS CUT UP TOO"
This is not an argument for circumcision. This is an argument against a toxic political movement that twists valid concerns into shadowy examples of sinister Progressivism. I tend to think of the issue as like being raised by religious parents. I'd rather it didn't happen and in some cases it can deprive a person of some measure of happiness in their adult life. But I'm not sure it's up for me to legislate the practice.
Kinda sad I missed much of this thread. Might go back through it but I reeaalllly don't want to try and watch the Red Pill again. And MGTOW... I am filled with pity.