The Batlord |
01-24-2016 03:12 PM |
I had to look that **** up. So, is Urban pro-Milo, making fun of Milo with a pic of him looking suspect, or what? I'm assuming the latter, since I first thought it was a pic of a flamboyantly gay dude, but I have little context for the reference, other than a quick peek at his page on Know Your Meme.
Oh, and about the GB's post. GB recognizes that certain potential inequalities are likely caused by what I'm assuming is a sort of pendulum effect, where the rights of the "oppressed" are expanded at the expense of the "oppressors"...
The inequality you are perceiving is either not an inequality, or it is a temporary inequality whose purpose is to try and resolve a broader and more significant inequality facing a smaller and less powerful group.
But I think his greater argument basically dismisses this as largely unimportant in the face of bigger problems. If we're going to be concerned with rights, then even if progress is being made, it's still hypocritical and misses the entire point of the exercise.
If feminism ignores things like legal inequalities in regards to parental rights, domestic violence, divorce, etc, then it ceases to be a human rights movement and becomes just another self-interest lobbying group, no different from the NRA.