riseagainstrocks |
08-16-2017 07:15 AM |
Government policies necessarily have to deal with the aggregate. The AVERAGE individual of a minority background is more likely to earn less money for equivalent work, live shorter lives, have more run-ins with the law, etc. Unless you believe there is an intrinsic, biological source for the BELOW AVERAGE expected outcomes for minority groups, then there must be an external force; Most scholars would say the source for this AVERAGE disparity is the racial climate that existed in America until the 1960's.
Anyone can be prejudiced against anyone else. Racism is a power dynamic that can only be leveraged by dominant ethnic groups.
I'm sorry your life has been tough Lucem. That doesn't negate the need for federal authority to create equal opportunity for those groups that have been systematically excluded from, or had artificial hurdles erected to participate in, America's political system.
Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre
Plus, there are places where whites are a minority in the US and they are refused jobs because of being white.
Would love to see a source for this. I agree that a hiring application that says "no whites need apply" is a moral injustice. But like all "evidence" put forward by the alt-right or purported non-racialists who just want to apply Pure Vulcan Logic divorced from all historic and social context, this feels like a canard. Happy to be proven wrong and to join in boycotting said institution.
Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre
Meaning that as a straight white male who lives in poverty I don't have the same chances as a person of color, or a gay, or a female would of paying for college.
Again, source? Do banks charge you a higher interest rate on loans because you're a white man? Or does your lower economic status make you a higher risk, so you're placed in a difference interest rate bracket? Or are you railing against scholarships set aside for minority applicants?
We've always had more of a class problem than a race problem. What's so fascinating about our politics in the past two decades or so is the unifying of rich and poor whites against minority groups. It's how you get people living at the poverty line voting to oppose Obamacare implementation/expansion, voting for politicians who promise to cut tax rates on the top 1% of earners, allying themselves with industrialists more concerned with dividends than cost-of-living increases. I feel your anger at a world that you feel has wronged you. I'm just shocked you appear to be supporting those forces that would rather you stay a poor white man.