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Cuthbert 08-13-2017 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1864061)
Yup. My line of thinking is informed by experience not like yours which is informed by assumption. Grow up child.

This is not an argument Chula.

Frownland 08-13-2017 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1864061)
Yup. My line of thinking is informed by experience not like yours which is informed by assumption. Grow up child.

And that's why nobody can take you seriously in a debate.


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1863860)

The Batlord 08-13-2017 10:54 AM

I think falling back on "I'm old and wise and you're young and dumb" is about as pretentious and arrogant as anything Chula accuses Frownland of.

OccultHawk 08-13-2017 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1864186)
I think falling back on "I'm old and wise and you're young and dumb" is about as pretentious and arrogant as anything Chula accuses Frownland of.

The plural of anecdote is data.

It's hard to get old and admit that a lot of people in their twenties and even their teens are already smarter than you. But once you come to terms with the fact that your potential has been exploited and you're still barely mediocre you can get back to doing important **** like getting high and taking naps.

The Batlord 08-13-2017 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1864206)
The plural of anecdote is data.

It's hard to get old and admit that a lot of people in their twenties and even their teens are already smarter than you. But once you come to terms with the fact that your potential has been exploited and you're still barely mediocre you can get back to doing important **** like getting high and taking naps.

Every day I want to fuck you more.

Lucem Ferre 08-13-2017 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Paedantic Basterd (Post 1863826)
I'm jussayin', it makes no ****ing sense that you are willing to rethink a person as being hermaphroditic or a "shemale", but you're not willing to rethink of them as being transgender. That's just stupid. Asinine. Your logic is unsound, and that, if nothing else, is why you should not think as you do.

It makes complete sense. A man with a penis is a man. A female, or somebody who appears to be a female with breasts and everything, but has a penis rather than a vagina, that is a shemale or transgender person. A person that has both a penis and a vagina is a hermaphrodite. How is this concept hard for you to grasp? It is all logically sound and there.

So where does the logic come in for me to consider a person with a vagina and no penis or anything masculine to be a man? Because they believe they are? Because they want to be? Okay. Some people believe they are the reincarnation of the messiah and they want to be identified and treated as that. Will you do that? And somebody is probably going to say that I am being ignorant or insensitive for not seeing a difference, but can anybody tell me what the difference is? Or are people going to back down once logic HAS to be used. Convince me of why my perspective should be different and I will change it. Don't just sit there and attack me or my perspective because that's not going to educate or change me.

The Batlord 08-13-2017 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 1864233)
It makes complete sense. A man with a penis is a man. A female, or somebody who appears to be a female with breasts and everything, but has a penis rather than a vagina, that is a shemale or transgender person. A person that has both a penis and a vagina is a hermaphrodite. How is this concept hard for you to grasp? It is all logically sound and there.

So where does the logic come in for me to consider a person with a vagina and no penis or anything masculine to be a man? Because they believe they are? Because they want to be? Okay. Some people believe they are the reincarnation of the messiah and they want to be identified and treated as that. Will you do that? And somebody is probably going to say that I am being ignorant or insensitive for not seeing a difference, but can anybody tell me what the difference is? Or are people going to back down once logic HAS to be used. Convince me of why my perspective should be different and I will change it. Don't just sit there and attack me or my perspective because that's not going to educate or change me.

I'm not entirely convinced of at least certain transgender issues, mostly due to ignorance of transgender issues that makes me an "agnostic" rather than an opponent, but the human brain is so complex that reducing it to penis=man/vagina=woman is doing a disservice, not only to trans people, but to human consciousness in general. Why can't you just accept that this **** is so non-black and white that if you aren't educated on the matter that the best you can do is just say, "I don't know, therefore I have no particular opinion either way"? And in the meantime you might as well just err on the side of tolerance to cause the least amount of harm to the least amount of people. There is absolutely no harm to you if you do, and if this is all just bull**** then presumably logic and science will win out in the end anyway with no help from you.

Paedantic Basterd 08-13-2017 01:51 PM

Everything is on a spectrum. The world doesn't fit into neat little boxes however hard you try to put it there. In fact, accepting that everything is a continuum is actually the least-complex way of imagining our known world.

Chiomara 08-13-2017 01:56 PM

Sex =/= gender, Lucem. This is such a basic concept. Sex, itself is fairly complex.

Thought this was an interesting read:

Between the (Gender) Lines: the Science of Transgender Identity


In 1995 and 2000, two independent teams of researchers decided to examine a region of the brain called the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTc) in trans- and cisgender men and women (Figure 2). The BSTc functions in anxiety, but is, on average, twice as large and twice as densely populated with cells in men compared to women. This sexual dimorphism is pretty robust, and though scientists don’t know why it exists, it appears to be a good marker of a “male” vs. “female” brain. Thus, these two studies sought to examine the brains of transgender individuals to figure out if their brains better resembled their assigned or chosen sex.

Interestingly, both teams discovered that male-to-female transgender women had a BSTc more closely resembling that of cisgender women than men in both size and cell density, and that female-to-male transgender men had BSTcs resembling cisgender men. These differences remained even after the scientists took into account the fact that many transgender men and women in their study were taking estrogen and testosterone during their transition by including cisgender men and women who were also on hormones not corresponding to their assigned biological sex (for a variety of medical reasons). These findings have since been confirmed and corroborated in other studies and other regions of the brain, including a region of the brain called the sexually dimorphic nucleus (Figure 2) that is believed to affect sexual behavior in animals.

It has been conclusively shown that hormone treatment can vastly affect the structure and composition of the brain; thus, several teams sought to characterize the brains of transgender men and women who had not yet undergone hormone treatment. Several studies confirmed previous findings, showing once more that transgender people appear to be born with brains more similar to gender with which they identify, rather than the one to which they were assigned.

OccultHawk 08-13-2017 01:59 PM


There is absolutely no harm to you if you do, and if this is all just bull****

Or maybe it is harmful to say 2+2=5

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