Why does there seem to be a stigma attached to advocate for Men's Rights? - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 07-25-2017, 07:45 AM   #821 (permalink)
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I actually support Devos on this one. Rape charges should be handled by the police not university administrators.

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Old 07-26-2017, 10:13 PM   #822 (permalink)
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It always annoys me when an SJW or something complains about a specific type of discrimination then applies that same type of discrimination on the ones that typically are the discriminators and when confronted about it they come with the lame excuse "I'm just giving them a taste of how it is". No bitch, hold yourself to the same standards you fake ass activist.

A good example is on Everyday Struggle when Amber Rose was talking about her slut walk. She was saying that women who like sex shouldn't be shamed and called sluts for it claiming that dudes don't get treated the same. Not long after she called Rob Kardashian a **** boy. A term used to shame guys who use women for sex the same way a slut would use men for sex.
Lucem, you're right, it's silly to talk about what I would or wouldn't do IRL. Glad you brought it up. Maybe you should write an instrumental about it. I recommend a piano paired with a clarinet. With ambient sounds of you hanging from your shower curtain you ****ing failure.

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Old 07-27-2017, 12:05 AM   #823 (permalink)
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She's rich as all **** because she shows off her body and ****s rappers. Good for her. But does she really feel oppressed? She lives privilege I can't even imagine.

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Old 07-27-2017, 03:29 AM   #824 (permalink)
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But she still has to live with that cringey, white girl blackccent. That's not privilege at all.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 07-27-2017, 04:52 AM   #825 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre View Post
It always annoys me when an SJW or something complains about a specific type of discrimination then applies that same type of discrimination on the ones that typically are the discriminators and when confronted about it they come with the lame excuse "I'm just giving them a taste of how it is". No bitch, hold yourself to the same standards you fake ass activist.

A good example is on Everyday Struggle when Amber Rose was talking about her slut walk. She was saying that women who like sex shouldn't be shamed and called sluts for it claiming that dudes don't get treated the same. Not long after she called Rob Kardashian a **** boy. A term used to shame guys who use women for sex the same way a slut would use men for sex.
Urban made an excellent point on here before about there being no double standard there, the male equivalent just works in the opposite way. Does being a virgin in your 20s have the same stigma for women that it does for men?

Hypocrisy all over the shop imo.
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Old 07-27-2017, 10:01 AM   #826 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre View Post
It always annoys me when an SJW or something complains about a specific type of discrimination then applies that same type of discrimination on the ones that typically are the discriminators and when confronted about it they come with the lame excuse "I'm just giving them a taste of how it is". No bitch, hold yourself to the same standards you fake ass activist.

A good example is on Everyday Struggle when Amber Rose was talking about her slut walk. She was saying that women who like sex shouldn't be shamed and called sluts for it claiming that dudes don't get treated the same. Not long after she called Rob Kardashian a **** boy. A term used to shame guys who use women for sex the same way a slut would use men for sex.
Urban Dictionary: **** boy
I get why one would be annoyed though the term slut is thrown around far more liberally. It carries more weight. In my experience, women use the term ****boy to describe fickle, childish men who use them and manipulate them emotionally. It still pales in comparison to the sea of names men call women all the time for no reason. (Especially if they're women who they don't agree with/are un****able in their eyes) Based on all of the conversations I've overheard or been a part of, men-- younger men at least-- seem to be far, FAR more vicious when discussing women and will not hesitate to call someone mentioned a slut for no reason at all. People say stupid things in private all the time, and I'm pretty desensitized at this point, but it's still annoying.
A ****boy is the type of guy who does **** that generally pisses the population of the earth off all the time. He will also lead girls on just for hookups, says hes really into you but doesn't want to deal with all the "relationship bull****" just to **** you. He thinks about himself and only himself all the time but pretends to be really nice. He also does really ****ed up **** and then complains about people who do the same old **** as him. once a ****boy always a ****boy, because **** boys ganna be ****boys.
I don't care about liberal feminism/choice feminism but I'm assuming what she meant by ''dudes don't get treated the same'' is that, GENERALLY SPEAKING, if a man is called a ****boy, and is known to be promiscuous (whether it's true or not), he doesn't suffer the same consequences (depending on his social circle/workplace/whatever)-- not to the degree that women typically do. It typically does not have a long lasting effect on their reputation (especially if you're famous and like to beat women as well). Those traits ultimately aren't seen as an enormous blight on his character. Again, "Slut" carries far more weight especially if you are a normal person and not a celebrity. I think the term needs to be retired officially so I'm not especially fond of the name of the slut walk thing.

I sure wish those of you who had even a passing curiosity in actual womens issues would actually read some Audre Lorde or something other than tweets and blogs written by pop-feminists and dim celebrities like Emma Watson and Amber Rose. (Believe it or not, this current wave of feminism is ultimately more concerned with still being liked by men rather than actually seriously analyzing or critiquing anything, out of fear of being socially ostracized. They're more concerned with there being more female CEOs than actually improving anything for those who are truly oppressed and suffering. Which is why a lot of pop-feminist blogs will focus so much on comparatively minor things like body hair or whatever. They don't wanna focus on women who actually need help, who exist outside of their upper middle class bubble.)
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Old 07-27-2017, 10:15 AM   #827 (permalink)
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I can tell if someone is a ****boy just by their haircut.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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Old 07-27-2017, 10:22 AM   #828 (permalink)
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Though the beard variation is also popular these days.
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Old 07-27-2017, 10:45 AM   #829 (permalink)
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I was going to post that haircut. The Nazi haircut.
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Old 07-27-2017, 11:08 AM   #830 (permalink)
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"mens rights" is usually code for kindness, patience, inclusion, fondness, affection, etc. shown to men in culture. This has certainly started to disappear in our culture a tangible way in the last decade and we have started to hear from men that they are feeling all of these things though they are filtering through a conversation about "rights". the only way they will ever fix this and begin to receive any of these things in the future will be to reconcile and compromise with women and other minority groups until their actual rights which have been withheld or used as political fodder are granted fully and unconditionally. I am a man and I can see this but I can not see how to make this argument to the angry men I know.
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