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adidasss 07-22-2005 01:10 PM

Your Day
tell us how you spent your day...i'll start from last night:
so i went to a concert from my all time favourite croatian band ( hip hop band - the beat know, the one i've been trying to force feed you the last 3 months...), twas bombass ( they play with live instruments, non of that music and voice playing in the background and i'm just singing over it- bullshit, sorta like the roots...very rocky/hip-hopy/funky ), when we were trying to find a parking space we saw some people changing clothes, a second later i saw one of the stark nekkid, aparently he was changing his underwear too ( the fact that the club and the parking lot are adjacent to a beach in no way exuses them....*sigh* you have no idea what i see in the summer, all sorts of cheap ass scum comes down here during the summer...),
went home at about 4am, got up at 8am, went to a town called Zadar ( a little couriosity - the famous italian designer Missoni is from Zadar....but i could ramble for about an hour on why that is....) , it's about 100 kilometers from Novalja, got back just in time to go swimming with our boat ( mmmmm....chillinnnnnnnn on the boatttttt ), went back to work arround 5:30pm, just got home.....and will start to read harry potter tonight!!! hurraaa

now you.....

shandapanda 07-22-2005 03:13 PM

well, just because you got to do something exciting!
today i woke up, but only left my room at about noon(which i always do) made waffles with the instant mixer thing and it worked out pretty well. i went onto the computer and had breakfast that i think is acceptable but my bro doesn't think ice cream and waffles are good for breakfast(he knows nothing!). then i did stuff, i don't really remember,probably just fooled around a little.
then at about 4 my mom asked me to make dinner(my first time!) i made macaroni with crap sticks that they have here. it was good but the onions were burnt but the dressing kinda overpowered that taste! then i listened to some music, watched a bit of tv and now i'm just waiting for late night with conan to start!

right-track 07-22-2005 04:10 PM

My day, yesterday...O.K...Up for work same time as usual, kiss my wife & 2 kids goodbye, same as usual. Take the same route, as usual and as usual pop in the local cafe for my usual 2 slices of toast before clocking in for work to do the same, boring bloody usual :mad:
But wait! Today, good people of Music Banter, is no ordinary day, because I have a ticket to see, live at The Academy, Manchester. The legendery lead singer of Bauhaus fame, the one and only, God of Goth... Peter Murphy!! :)
After 8 agonising hours of clock watching, I was home/showered/changed and on the bus to Town. Meet up with a couple of mates for a few scoops in a pub on Oxford Road and exchange stories of the days when Murphy was still with Bauhaus and how, even though he's got a different band now, we all agreed, what a great night it was gonna be...
...HE WAS ****E... IT WAS A ****E NIGHT...
Which leaves me to wonder...have you ever considered, that as you get older... you just may have already had, the best day of your life... :usehead:

holdyoualways 07-22-2005 04:23 PM

ill have to start mine from last night as well. well...yesterday afternoon if you wanna get technical. at around 1 my aunt shelly and her boyfriends kid matt (whom my sister has a huge crush on and he also returns the feelings) came over to hang out one last time before we left to come back up to pa. so me, tam, and matt went in the pool for a while. then my mom came in and crashed the party cuz tam and matt were getting a little too chummy for her liking. after that, we showed matt our camper, i took at least 4 pictures of the two of them and we headed back inside to change. then we all went out to dinner at ryans one last time. matt hardly ate anything which i think is because hes afraid to eat in front of people. i went through that phase. anyway it was raining pellets outside once we got settled so we took our time eating to wait for it to pass. then we went back home, watched some big brother (thank god michael got 86'd) and we headed out on the road at about 9ish. drove for about 13 hours, stopped 2wice for gas and 2wice for a pee pee break and almost got into an accident which woke my butt right up. we just got back today at around 1115 and i tried to sleep but couldnt so that leaves me here, wasting my time on the computer listening to music and drinking pepsi, thinking about how im gonna get my lazy butt up to pee and get something to eat for dinner. not a very eventful day but ive been in the same clothes (unders included) for over 24 hours if that interests anybody. :)

Zealious 07-22-2005 05:42 PM

Today I played basketball, I suggest you do it too because you're all lazy...just kidding

I did PFT tests on patients in NYC who can't afford to go to private physicians. I tested their forced vital capacity and printed out the test results for the attending staff. There were many follow ups so they didn't have a problem with the test, which made it easier for me. At around 3 I went home, but hit lots of traffic on the GW bridge.

Trauma 07-22-2005 06:15 PM

I went to Sterling Heights with my friend Nick last night and we bought a bottle of alcohol when we got there. Then at like 8 we recorded some short songs on Myspace...then we went to Tim Hortons and bought donuts. After that we visited Mao at the gas station and bought cigars. Then we went back home and skated and launched bottle rockets. Following this we made a huge smiley face and our initials with the bottle of alcohol and lit it on the fire department came...but I don't think it was for us (I think). Then I advertised those songs we made to some people.
After that we went to bed at about 2 AM. Nick woke up at 8 AM and found out he didn't have to go to work so we drove home and car spotted for hot chicks. Then I went to Adam's house to buy his bands new cd (Anaphora).....and I just got back from playing tennis with Joe and Steve, but I sucked because I haven't played in two months now. And I'm going to eat dinner soon. That's it.

Soundgardener 07-22-2005 07:06 PM

I jammed with my band pretty much the whole day. We took a little break in the middle and played video games. We came up with a sweet original song, a few random improvisational songs, and played a couple of covers, which were all recorded.

riseagainstrocks 07-22-2005 07:51 PM

I listened to alot of music. Watched alot of T.V. and found out that even though i missed BTBAM 2 days ago they are playing with The Black Dahlia Murder, Cephalic Carnage, and Into The Moat late September.

This could be the best show ever.

pastor of muppets 07-22-2005 07:58 PM

i went to school but got bored and bailed early.... had a bit of a jam in the afternon then went to work.... yes..... very boring....

Zygomycota 07-22-2005 11:27 PM

jammed and went to a ca-razy party.

SATCHMO 07-23-2005 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by right-track
Which leaves me to wonder...have you ever considered, that as you get older... you just may have already had, the best day of your life... :usehead:

If I start thinking that way I might as well be dead.

adidasss 07-23-2005 01:52 AM

man, i like reading about other peoples lives and trips me out!!

right-track 07-23-2005 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO
If I start thinking that way I might as well be dead.

mmm...I suppose it did sound a bit dark, but then that's the effect Peter Murphy can have on you, that and the dissapointment of a poor performance.
It was'nt all bad though, he ended the set with a tribute to Ian Curtis playing Joy Divisions - 'Transmission'. :)
Today I'll be taking my son aged 4 and daughter of 2 yrs to a travelling funfair, they are jigging about with excitement as I type.
Promised them a trip to McDonalds too (I know.. I know, but the kids love it).
So, what about the typical day in the life of to hear one.

gabbagabba_hey 07-23-2005 11:41 AM

woke up at 12:30am came on the computer took out my rats for a little bit went to my friends house and ate all her food then we walked around for a while and went to get something to eat then she sleept over and we tryed to pull an all nighter but we fell alseep at 5:00am then i came on the computer and now im here

my day was boring...stupid summer

shandapanda 07-23-2005 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by right-track
Which leaves me to wonder...have you ever considered, that as you get older... you just may have already had, the best day of your life...

that might be true. i just thought that what if one day when you were like four and thinking about something simple like candy could make your day, but then you wouldn't really remember so you don't think so later and the pursuit for the best day ever would be forever continued!..................

pastor of muppets 07-23-2005 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by right-track
Which leaves me to wonder...have you ever considered, that as you get older... you just may have already had, the best day of your life... :usehead:

i agree with satch, i you start thinkin like that you might as well be dead.... you never know whats around the corner....

right-track 07-24-2005 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by pastor of muppets
i agree with satch, i you start thinkin like that you might as well be dead.... you never know whats around the corner....

Your right never know whats around the corner.
Before you all start thinking I'm a miserable individual with suicidal tendancies, my remark about, already having the best day of your life, does have a positive twist. If only to serve as a reminder...that life is what you make it!
If I have'nt already had the best day of my life, then its gotta be pretty special to top the day my eldest kid was born. It was the moment I saw the reflection of my own face in the eyes of my newborn son.
Quality :)

Darkness 07-25-2005 06:55 PM

Play some video games.
Do some of my summer homework.
Lift 5 pound dumbells.
Eat junkfood.
Torcher 3 rats.
Spend some time in the computer.
Watch MTV music videos.
Eat dinner.
Listen to music.

gabbagabba_hey 07-25-2005 07:22 PM

you torcher rats and watch mtv all in one day *crys*

James Earl Jones 07-25-2005 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Darkness
Watch MTV music videos.

which one? the green day one or the southern rap one?

Zygomycota 07-25-2005 09:11 PM

I went to a friend's house, played some Halo (1&2), came home & got on the computer, currently listening to "Straight To Hell" by The Clash for the 80th time or something like that.

dog 07-26-2005 05:52 AM

um woke up, had corn flakes went to school (sigh) got my books, went to class sat through math and english doodling in my book and playin mini golf with my pen and little pieces of paper. had sport did a big 1.6k run thing, got really tired and screwed up, made a really long explanation to my friend about why i dont like people touching my head. last two periods was sose or sumthn, meh did that came home had guitar, went to my sisters reconciliation, came home, sung with listened to 'within without you" and "when im 64" by beatles and came online. and here i am..

bobinatcat 07-26-2005 07:00 AM

hmm lots of school and forums, and some halo 2 (so good)

adidasss 07-26-2005 01:30 PM

i got up at 9:30 am, went to work ( i work at my family's firm ( hardware store/building material ) so there's no pressure about being punctual ) did a lot of bullshit arrons, went home arround 12:30pm, had lunch and then went swimming with my boat. today i drove it solo for the first time ( i've driven boats before but we made this one last year and i went to college before i could enjoy the fruits of my labour ( yes, made it, my father's a carpenter and he used to build boats and furniture for a living before we started our firm 15 years ago .... i broke my back working on it last year )). I went back to work arround 6pm, and then my father came from italy arround 7pm bringing merchendise and most importantly THE TICKETS FOR THE BOLOGNA INDEPENDENT DAYS FESTIVAL!!!!! ( he didn't know he was bringing the tickets, we had this covert operation goin so he wouldn't find must be wondering why....suffice to say my father gets pissed off about very small things, and this would constitute a BIG thing ( money wise, stingyness springs to mind )...and now i got home, had a shower and am relaxing by smoking cigs and reading new posts.....( and looking at my beautiful ticket :))

Fenixpunk 07-26-2005 01:37 PM

its about time bologna gets its independence from the rest of the deli meats.

cuz oscar myer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A

HuKitKat 07-26-2005 01:37 PM

woke up this morning with a severe toothache and hearing loss (from a sinus infection). called in.

HomesickAtSpaceCamp 07-26-2005 02:15 PM

Well lets see i got up at about 8:30. I brought my cat to the vet for a check up and somr shots. then i went to sams club and got a trampolin. then out for lunch and then i had to drop my dog off at the humain society because we couldnt keep him. only to find out that they wouldnt take him because he was too aggresive. that was the worst part of my day because it was so heartbreaking, and to think i have to do it all over again. well thats pretty much it. a day full of animals. o and a trampolin.

gdroxandunoit 07-26-2005 03:01 PM

aww....that's bad....what's gonna happen to buddy?

adidasss 07-26-2005 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Fenixpunk
its about time bologna gets its independence from the rest of the deli meats.

cuz oscar myer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A

cultural differences prevent me from understanding any of this but i shall give you a curtious "bahahahaha"

Fenixpunk 07-26-2005 03:52 PM

dont worry about it adidasss, this time the joke is on my culture, Oscar Meyer being a brand that pretty much takes all the leftovers and smooshes it together to make "bologna", a sandwich meat thats hardly consumable.

SATCHMO 07-26-2005 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Fenixpunk
dont worry about it adidasss, this time the joke is on my culture, Oscar Meyer being a brand that pretty much takes all the leftovers and smooshes it together to make "bologna", a sandwich meat thats hardly consumable.

Its the crack cocaine of lunchmeat, still I'm down "lips & a$$holes".

HomesickAtSpaceCamp 07-26-2005 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by gdroxandunoit
aww....that's bad....what's gonna happen to buddy?

hes going to live on a farm in NY

adidasss 08-01-2005 05:38 PM

well i had a very interesting couple of days so i wanted to share. this saturday me, my 2 sisters and a couple of friends went to the neighboring island called Olib ( my sister's boyfriend has a house there ), that island is such a trip i cannot describe it to you ( i shall be posting pics tho ). we spent very relaxing 2 days on it, we went swiming, at night we went out to the peer to an island party, sparked up a couple of spliffs and chilled.....

Trauma 08-01-2005 05:51 PM

My two friends and I decided to try these things called Jagerbombs where you mix Jagermeister with Red Bull....anyway, they tasted like shit.
Tasted like cold medicine.
Well I drank quite a bit of that and two beers and smoked a cigar and half a pack of smokes so I wasn't feeling too hot.
My one friend was fine.
But my other friend was so drunk that he tried to light my pants on fire with my own lighter.
Then he was talking about the stars...and eventually I had to stop listening..
So I hold on to a pine tree and throw up on it and then help my other friend to throw up on a pine tree.
I walk him up a hill and the whole way up he keeps feeling my chest and repeating,"'re looking good through my mind..tired honey sexy baby,"
And I was fine after that but I helped my friend to the bed so he could pass out.
And then I chilled and watched Constantine with my friend and his sister and my other friend went to work with a terrible hangover.

Adidasss' time sounds far better than my experience last night.

tdoc210 08-01-2005 06:00 PM

i fell off my scooter when it hit a car parked on the sidewalk, then i went over to my friends house and they were looking for jobs and they were denied everywhere, so we went into a bank to withdraw some money amd they said the kids bank account had been deactivate d so he was their for an hour then we left him went to his house ate his food and watched his movies and he came in and we wer like what? then my other friend leaves and we watch slc punk a gain and im all like why the hell did heroin bob have to die and then it started to rain so i walked home in it like i care if i get wet and there wer all these people staring at me when it was pouring on me and i said screw you and went home to find that the cellar was leaking so i went with my mom and bought some cement and ate dinner and now im here

i f

Sneer 08-01-2005 06:03 PM

parents went away- free house for 2 weeks. i have a party- meet a girl- she goes away for 3 weeks so im screwed, i then contract a stomach upset, after recovery i start driving with my freinds to random places including a haunted mental asylum. then i get pissed too much. thats my week- not day.

tdoc210 08-01-2005 06:16 PM

my week wishing that people would come back from their damn vacations

adidasss 08-02-2005 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by Snickers
My two friends and I decided to try these things called Jagerbombs where you mix Jagermeister with Red Bull....anyway, they tasted like shit.
Tasted like cold medicine.

acctually i tried jegerbombs on Olib this weekend and it tasted pretty good ( i may have mentioned this before but i'm having trouble finding a drink that suits me, beer is too goddamn bitter, vodka and all that other shit makes me gag, so i'm left with coctails which take too goddamn long to get drunk and cost way too much, or something like jegerbombs where you can't feel the alcohol that much) interesting enough, last night i dreamt i tried scotch-cola and liked someone trying to tell me something?

tdoc210 08-02-2005 10:08 AM

i now have only one family member left my mother(i love her) i hate my life

Trauma 08-02-2005 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by adidasss
acctually i tried jegerbombs on Olib this weekend and it tasted pretty good

Dude to me it didn't even taste like alchohol, it tasted like shitty robitussin.

And if you're having trouble finding a new drink try..
1. Lemonade with gin
2. Coke and whiskey
3. Mudslides

If you want to get drunk without the gagging try..
1. Champagne and excedrin.

But I get that gagging feeling a lot like a few days after getting drunk on the stuff with high alchohol if I want to get drunk I usually stick to beer.

There's always the option of champagne and excedrin though, and it's worked for me twice.
That or wine and nyquil.
Take your pick. :soccer:

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