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LoathsomePete 10-10-2009 07:52 PM

I'm sorry about your neck darlin, taken any aspirin or anything yet?

My day has been pretty meh. Got in late last night because I was doing an ethnographic exercise at a greasy spoon last night for my anthropology class. Went to sleep sometime around 2 AM and woke up at 7:30 AM. Determined to get my paper written early I decided to go out for breakfast to give me the energy to write the paper, but then I went home and messed around on my computer 'till about 11:30. Finally I got off my ass and decided to go to a cafe to write so I wouldn't be as distracted but it seems everyone had the same idea and I couldn't get a seat. So I give in and go to Starbucks and grudgingly order an expensive small cup of shit coffee. About two hours later I've written a decent 7 page paper and packed up my ****. Then I decided to go to the Game Shop at the mall and picked up some more d10's (10 sided dice). Stopped by this little coffee shack called Mug Shots and picked up an extra large cup of coffee (60 cents cheaper and about 2 times as big as Starbucks, also much better). Got back and messed around on my computer for a bit trying to get my Maximum RAM output to 4 GB instead of the 3 I had it set at. Played some Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth and here I am. Woot woot

NumberNineDream 10-10-2009 07:56 PM

returning from my second bday night, an very drunk (the usual). Anyway, my second present is a Design tablet for Mac that I'm trying right now.

Edit: And my cousin finally hook-up with my best friend (all three we're in the same uni). It's been obvious since last year, I can't understand how people can be so oblivious.

scottsy 10-10-2009 08:13 PM

Had a beautifully liad back non - working day today, went to in laws, drank booze with my brother and father in law, watched college football and Nascar... basically spent the day following mnaly purauits...

Now I am in my regular chair, at home, relaxing, listening to Radiohead and posting on this fine site!

savannah 10-10-2009 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 750195)
I'm sorry about your neck darlin, taken any aspirin or anything yet?

can i just tell you about my day/night? please just let me tell you about my night,....

yesterday, my best guy friend jake and i embark on a trip to keithville lousiana to his his uncle phil's band play,...
on the way we decide to stop in carthage, where he went to high school and see some old friends,...

so we get on the road about 12:30 pm, two six packs of new castle for the road, a pack of smokes for the both of us, and then night before jake rounded us up some pot,....

the drive to carthage is about 3, 3 and a half hours

we briefly talk about his now ended relationship, and his immediate future plans (he has if he can move in with me,.....worst case sanario)

mostly we just drove and smoked, which is one of my very favorite things about jake,...he never forces me to talk and we can sit in silence for hours just listenin to music, makein the occasional comment about the world around us, and just coexsist

when we make it to carthage we kill some time before his friends get off work, he takes me to his old house, we ride some dirt roads, stop by and visit the grandmother of one of his close friends,...she columbian, and wonderful, i immediately love her

we go to goodwill, where i made him buy two really great old jackets a vest

then we head over to this kid, larkin's, house,....i knew the moment i saw him i was gonna love him too, and the red flannel lumber jack shirt he had on
we talk about astrology most of the rest of the day, and his crazy girlfriend, numbers and decide we are now friends for life

i then meet his two other friends kobo and santiago,....they all tell me stories about jake and our other mutual friend maxwell, i loved hearin their high school stories

we then make plans to meet up after the show, but i decided larkin is goin with is

we get to this tiny little bar they band is playin at around 8,....i meet a fat man named butter ball who introduced me to bayou bombs (jager and root beer)

i love bayou bombs,...

jakes uncle gets there, we help load in,...i get immediate cool points because i know how to plug things in,...

the openin band plays country radio hits and i want to kill myself,...a head ache starts to set in,...its been cold and rainy all day, my dumb ass has worn flip flops, and i start to feel sick,....

the bar owner makes friends with us, jake smokes him out, we drink free the rest of the night

bring on the bayou bombs

from then it gets all alittle fuzzy,....i remember jake's dancein with random chicks, and he's a horrible dancer,....the next thing i know he's disapeared only to find out later he's gotten head from two different women, separately,....thats not the jake i know, but what the hell,...he needs it i suppose (bad break up and all) so i just pat him on the back, get him another beer, and join the band on stage to sing zepplin's 'babe i'm gonna leave you'

dan the bass player,...i do love bass players,....rescues me from the clutches of butter bean,.....jakes fallin over in his chair

we left the bar about 3,....we had planned on stayin with phil and the band, but jake tells me has has to work the next day and i decide that is a bad idea

larkin drives back to carthage,...i sleep in the back seat (i love jake for havin that sleepin bag),....jake throws up most of the way there,.....and it ****s my neck up

we drop larkin off, i lay jake down in the back seat, cover him up, and get on the road

i call mikey to keep me up, i'm still kinda ****ed up, and east texas roads are scarein the hell outa me,...

for the first 20 mins all i can think in my head is tom petty singin "got the windows rolled down,....i was drivin"

i finally find a starbucks around 5:30, i hear jake movein around so i ask if he wants anything,...he then tells me he wants a grilled chicken snack wrap, i relay that it is 530 and thats not gonna happen,...he decides if he cant have a ****in grilled chicken snack wrap he doesnt want a god damn thing,....i pull the covers up around him and he goes back to sleep,...

i drive the last hour home,....

when i got to my car, i woke him up, gathered my stuff, asked what he wanted to do, he said he was gonna sleep a few more hours and then go to work,....right on
i killed the car, set his alarm clock, left the keys in it and got my ass to the house

but my neck still hurts

scottsy 10-10-2009 10:19 PM

Well, you seem to have had a much more eventful day than mine... hope that neck pain subsides eventually...

anticipation 10-11-2009 07:32 AM

Yesterday I got a call from a friend of mine's father who is one if the foreman for the I-88 construction project that's been going on for about 8 years and still isn't done. He offered me a job for the day smoothing asphalt and settting rebar, to which I happily accepted. Spent 7 hours on the road and we managed to get about 250 yards done today, earned myself $140 and had a great time shooting the breeze with the regulars. Yesterday was also my homecoming, that I had promised to go to with a girl named Rachel. I called her and told her I wasn't going because I hate school dances, and I'm not really interested in dealing with annoying drunk bitches all night. Went home, took a quick shower, still smelled like asphalt, drove the hour and a half up north through rush hour to my friend Tim's house and drank beer with a few friends while we watched the homeopener. Didn't get home till 2AM, feel immediately asleep though. Pretty good day.

+81 10-12-2009 12:18 PM

I've got some musical opportunities coming up which is exciting. Meeting with an indie band today which I'm kind of nervous about. I'm taking a shot at playing keyboard which definitely isn't the instrument I have the most confidence with. Meeting with a post-hardcore band and folk band to audition for bass later this week.

Mojo 10-12-2009 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by NumberNineDream (Post 749589)
Today was my bday but I was still sick, so didn't do some bday-ish thing. My mum baked a chocolate cake that we ate with wine, and I got my first gifts: Black Armani T-shirt from my mum and my dad gave me the usual money, that I feel like spending on The Beatles Anthology DVD Box set. More gifts to come ... for next week.

I know this is a few days past but happy birthday. I would spend the money on those DVD's too! I may get money for my birthday on Thursday but if i do it will actually be spent on a night out that i may or may not be able to afford without it!

My last 3 days have been amazing. I really am quite bummed to be back home. I got to go to Belfast where i have never been before, see my friend, go to her wedding, spend time with some really good people who were all more than good craic, drink WAY too much and then go to Dublin and repeat. Well, repeat the drinking part of it anyway.

It's so weird for me to go to some of the pubs in Dublin and hear traditional folk music and dancing and everyone crowding around loving every minute of it. It's not weird in the sense that such a thing would go on in Dublin, but more if people tried that in a pub round my way they would probably get stabbed.

Astronomer 10-12-2009 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by +81 (Post 750978)
I've got some musical opportunities coming up which is exciting. Meeting with an indie band today which I'm kind of nervous about. I'm taking a shot at playing keyboard which definitely isn't the instrument I have the most confidence with. Meeting with a post-hardcore band and folk band to audition for bass later this week.

Congrats +81, hope it goes well. Bands are fun.

I'm feeling so unmotivated in my bad right now. I'm playing three instruments in it but I think I need to just concentrate on one instrument instead of floating around doing different things. Problem is that the instrument I am best at doesn't suit the band... :(

Seltzer 10-12-2009 08:16 PM

It's been a morbid week... a guy who was in the grade below me was killed in a car crash. His name rings a bell but I can't put a face to it. And then a couple of days later, one of my English teachers from back in high school died of cardiac arrest.

On the brighter side of things, I have job interview with a forklift robotics firm tomorrow!

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