Originally Posted by Trollheart
(Post 2206331)
They still haven't posted mine. Probably all at home with bad backs. :(
Okay well first this is putting words in my mouth (and you do NOT want to go there! Not even my dentist will!) - I did not say that at all. I make no bones - as you can see further on - about the fact that I get no real traction with my journals. I hope people read them (from the views that would seem to be the case, but who knows?) but I write and post them anyway. I do this ALL THE TIME, whether the forum is buzzing or dead. It's NOT an attempt to shake things up, as I know it won't. All I'm saying is I work all the time, as hard as I can (without it becoming a chore or a job) on my journals because I enjoy doing so, and maybe, just maybe, one or two other people here might too. That won't, I know, contribute to the overall activity - or lack of it - here.
You can congratulate yourself on "starting discussion by saying the place is dead", but what have you actually achieved? A few posts in one thread? This might run a few pages, it might not. Then it will die as people forget about it. It's a finite thing, not going to do much more than help prop things up for the short term. I'm fine with you engaging in any way, but don't fool yourself that you're helping, just as I don't fool myself with my journals. It's a happy coincidence that debate has been sparked; neither you nor Elph can tell me this is what you intended, otherwise you would have started a thread about this subject. This is the Your Day thread and will soon be on other topics, with this long forgotten.
So thanks for trying, but don't pretend it was any effort on your part. Also, neither of you have taken part in the subsequent discussion, just watched it unfold, so no, still not doing anything.
In the end, I make no claim to be helping with my journals. I'll post them whether this place is dead or alive. But I do also make threads outside of the journals section, and try to get people talking and getting engaged. Sometimes it works, most often it does not. At least I'm trying.
That was always safe.
I'd disagree. Some threads can be very inclusive and get everyone involved. Remember Love or Hate? Batty's reviews of Key's albums? And even nodding back to my journals for a moment, Metal Month was very successful three years running. So there can be interest engendered without other third-party involvement; it just takes a little effort and engagement.
And no, I'm not starting Love or Hate again...