03-10-2022 11:38 AM |
Originally Posted by Trollheart
(Post 2201129)
There is no accent on Earth as sexy as a female Scottish accent! :love:
I say this in the full knowledge that I am your creepy but harmless uncle.
Lol I find it hilarious that anyone would describe a Scottish accent as sexy, I love my accent but its pretty ridiculous :laughing:
Originally Posted by ribbons
(Post 2201132)
^ Scottish accents are the coolest, K (says your admiring harmless aunt, lol)! :)
Originally Posted by WWWP
(Post 2201153)
I love your accent but could never make out a single word you were saying lol
Hermione really had a skill for it :laughing:
She really had a great knack for it, she could understand Irvine Welsh books better than I ever could. It was baffling :laughing:
Originally Posted by Marie Monday
(Post 2201167)
@fetcher also if it helps I'm Dutch so I easily win the MB embarrassing accent contest :laughing:
Aw Dutch accents are amazing too, I'd love to visit The Netherlands.
Originally Posted by WWWP
(Post 2201205)
I sound like a valley girl
:laughing: you do not, Americans always sound so cute. I sound threatening :laughing: