jadis |
01-17-2022 04:58 AM |
There are private boarding schools in Europe and elsewhere but the myths of preppiedom are very peculiar to the American psyche. The great Angela Carter, who was very familiar with American culture when she went to teach there, was still baffled by it:
"That being preppy might have hardened into a style a goodly number of non-preppies might either aspire to, or feel obscurely threatened by, was a notion beyond my ken."
Why would it not exist in Eastern Europe?
Whatever was the structure of society in the countries that spent several decades under communist dictatorships, it had little to do with the tripartite division into working, middle and upper classes.
In general, every society has its divisions into groups based on, among others, wealth and access to education; but "class" invokes the divisions characteristic of the industrial society in the 19th century with regards to "means of production" and thus has limited application in other contexts.