Lisnaholic |
09-23-2021 05:34 AM |
Originally Posted by jwb
(Post 2186001)
No. My sister doesn't even really care about catholicism lol she went to a methodist church for a while even though my family is catholic just cause her friend went there. Half of the catholics in this country are catholic in name only. Nobody really follows that **** hardcore like they used to
They are only catholic cause it's tradition. Hispanics are catholic. So are italians and Irish which is what we are.
Plenty of people like this in other faiths too. People who don't want to take a position against the faith they were brought up in, but don't really subscribe to all its rules either. jwb's family sound like "go along to get along Catholics".
So many people havwe this kind of approach, I think, at least in England; they don't want to put "atheist" on a questionaire, so they put "C of E" without having visited a church in years. ( = Church of England = Protestant )
@Batlord: "Francis" is a gay name ?!? Tell that to my Uncle Frank, who fought in WW2 !