Guybrush |
05-22-2021 12:04 PM |
Originally Posted by Frownland
(Post 2173918)
My main contention was that this seems more like a bad faith way to justify not liking vinyl or tapes than an environmental concern. Maybe jwb introduced that though, bad faith discourse is his jam.
Seems? You just assume I'm insincere and that this invalidates my argument? I'm not sure if this scores me any sincerity points, but I'm a biologist, worked pollution cases for years for the local government and the only car we ever bought was an electric. I used to bike a lot. I feel like I care about the environment.
I am a vinyl collector, or used to be. The turntable's right in our living room. I love playing vinyls and checking out vinyl shops. However, most of what I have by far is second hand and today, it's very rare for me to buy new pressings. Tapes I still remember, so yeah.. I'll readily admit I hate those and that probably colours my attitude towards them.
My feelings have changed over the years, hence the phrasing used to. I might add that I think music production in general is stupidly nostalgic. For example, I have lots of music software emulating old HW units. Like, if I wanna use a software compressor, I find myself blindly trying to turn old fashioned knobs with my mouse pointer. At some point, I realized how dumb that is, especially when there are better and more modern software out there like fabfilters pro-C2 that think more about new possibilities than being constricted by the past.