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The Batlord 03-27-2021 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 2167761)
Okay, I'm not getting involved in this, but I do have to say this. I am deeply disappointed in the level of modship here. I have always believed that mods should hold themselves to a higher standard than us, otherwise what is the point in them trying to settle disputes and so on, but here I see none of that.

I understand that two people have very deep feelings about the subjects being discussed, but I see a four-way personal attack here - Addidas/JWB, Addidas/Frownland, Frownland/Addidas and Marie/Addidas. Possibly even more permutations. The point is that I expect - and I think we all expect - mods to knock this kind of behaviour on the head and restore some sort of calm, but that's not what's happening here. Mods - not even just one mod but two - are fanning the flames, contributing to the drama in a very negative way, when they should be stopping it.

I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong, what I am saying is that this very much contravenes our rules, is a blatant and as I said above almost four-way personal attack, involving people who should know and do better, and it's become a serious embarrassment. Others are probably sitting back and enjoying the hypocrisy here, but it's setting a terrible example.

I'm particularly disappointed with you, Marie: I always felt you were a level-headed person who wouldn't allow herself to get drawn into these sort of circular arguments which go nowhere as nobody is prepared to meet halfway or just agree to disagree, but you've been pouring gasoline on the fire just like Frown has.

Mods should be able to shelve their personal feelings and say enough is enough; that's what you're paid the big money for. It's, to me, shameful to see you both allow yourselves be dragged down - or indeed, drag yourselves down - to the level of common baiting, namecalling and sniping we should perhaps expect from some members, but not mods.

After all, if we can't rely on mods to keep order and not be drawn into these petty arguments, things like this will go on forever. The hypocrisy is that were this a subject you were not invested in, with different people, the chances are it would have been shut down long ago. You can't, or you shouldn't be able to, pick and choose when to mod and when not. You can take your mod hat off, of course, to join in general discussions, but when it comes to personal nasty attacks you're expected to put on that mod hat and wade in.

I'm sure it doesn't matter to anyone, but the way this has been handled is, to me, an embarrassment for the forum, an indictment of poor modship (which I would normally balk at levelling at at least Marie, but here I can't) and overall a real disappointment to me personally.

That's all I have to say. Hate mail to the usual address.

jwb 03-27-2021 12:06 PM


jwb 03-27-2021 12:56 PM

I agree with the bring OH back part... Not because OH was the best... But because we need every ounce of lifeblood we can get

Where do I fit in in your scheme elph? Illiberal or neoliberal?

Frownland 03-27-2021 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2167799)
other homosexual liberal declares not liking hip hop to be racist from the safe distance of San Fransisco

Ja that stance usually has to be coupled with a framing of hip hop as degenerate, unintelligent, inartistic, etc to qualify as racist imo. Just as many hip hop fans approach it like minstrel music which is way more racist than preferring other genres.

jwb 03-27-2021 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2167799)
I'm just kinda laughing at

affluent gay with corporate logo as avi language checks you

other homosexual liberal declares not liking hip hop to be racist from the safe distance of San Fransisco

I've been working so much lately I've probably missed a good portion of the action in this thread cause I didn't even know hip hop was being discussed

What kinda annoys me though is hip hop only ever gets brought up here in political/social debates... Like is it more racist to like it for the "wrong" reasons vs not liking it at all.. other than that nobody here with a few notable exceptions seems to have **** all to say about hip hop in general.... They just use it as a bludgeon during political arguments... White people exploiting black culture for their own nefarious purposes once again tsk tsk ;)

Marie Monday 03-27-2021 03:07 PM

MB debates: the left-wing, progressive cyberintellectual version of 'how many angels can dance on the head of a pin'

jwb 03-27-2021 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2167813)
the music of hip hop is discussed in the music section

Not really.

jwb 03-27-2021 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2167812)
my (white) mates that are down with BLM the hardest are the most likely to scoff at hip hop honestly

right or wrong

I believe it lol

I was in the liquor store the other day and two white girls were debating which liquor to get and one of them was like no not Hennessey, that's boojie. Typical oblivious white girl comment.

jwb 03-27-2021 05:55 PM

Also most white people who laugh at how dumb hip hop is don't even understand the lyrics half the time cause they don't know the slang

adidasss 03-27-2021 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2167780)
"Bro"? That word is used by trashy blacks. Please use Proper English so that us civilized folk can understand you.

Damn, I wonder what you're gonna deflect to next. Am I a murderer too?

That's some weaksauce trolling boi, even by your standards.

Listen: I understand you're very butthurt because I think you're a troll who shouldn't be a mod and so you're on this inane, trumpian smear campaign to "get even". For the past couple of months I really tried to maintain some kind of civil relationship and bury the hatchet but you just won't let this beef go. I'd love to be able to simply put you on ignore not to waste anyone's time and energy but unfortunately while you're a mod I can't do that.

So, for the good of the forum, I make a solemn promise not to feed your trolling and engage you in any way from now on. I bid you adieu.

Remember kids, a troll is a troll, even if their name is in blue. ;)

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