YorkeDaddy |
03-15-2021 09:06 AM |
I've never worked in a factory like JWB describes but just based on reading the descriptions and gut feeling I think it would be "easier" to work there than fast food just because of the distinct difference in how much pressure I would feel as an employee. In the factory you just kind of do the precise yet repetitive thing over and over. Once you're established as a competent employee I bet you kind of just get to do your thing and probably even have headphones in or some **** the whole time (correct me if I'm wrong). Fast food on the other hand I have worked multiple jobs and its fast-paced as **** and there's an extreme time sensitive pressure you feel on every single order. Karen ass mother****ers will raise hell to your manager if you're going slow or screw something up. The space you have to work in is so cramped and hot and sweaty, it's just gross and miserable up in there. Working cash register is slightly better but still pretty awful.