05-27-2008 09:15 AM |
Wow Nice...
Anyways about my day (and past few days)
I talked to sweet nothing and my fiancé, played Civilization 3 for a few hours, cleaned the kitchen, watch Inuyasha, checked my MySpace once, did laundry, made pancakes, gave my dog a bath, brushed my dog, sat on the floor and stared off into space, made sugar hearts (instead of sugar skulls because we don't have skull shapes...), ate food, made supper, got bitched at by my mom, slept(a little bit), and talked on the phone and you know what I have noticed...I never get any sleep because I stay up like most of the night talking on the phone (I seriously bring a whole new definition when it comes to being on the phone constantly.... in February I spent 28,000 mins on the phone...not even kidding....My friend said I bring obsession to a whole new level and give it a different definition.)
I get like 4 hours of sleep a night....maybe... but the thing is I could get like 1 hour of sleep and its like I got a 8 hours of sleep....hmm maybe its because I sleep so deeply that someone could shake me very hard and it wouldn't wake me up....)