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adidasss 02-02-2021 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by ribbons (Post 2160211)
Hope your dog is OK, OH. Or at least received a clean bill of health.

Glad your day went well, fire. I didn't sleep at all (literally) last night, so I'm exhausted and will be making a very light dinner soon of English muffin pizzas with different toppings. Sometimes when I have insomnia I find it difficult to sleep the following night as well - hopefully that won't happen toinight.

Sometimes I have trouble sleeping but successfully manage my sleeping problems with sleeping pills. Thank goodness for those, especially if you're used to switching time zones frequently like I am. Problem is you get addicted quite soon (3-4 days for me, which should be enough to fix your sleeping cycle), but I've also mastered the art of slowly weaning myself off of them (just managed it again after coming back from Europe 10 days ago).

WWWP 02-02-2021 05:11 PM

It’s also just expensive to own a dog. But everyone has a price point where they feel less like a part of the family and more like inherited debt. My bestie spent some $20K on her dog’s chemo all for him to die in pain anyway.
When I was growing up no one took their dog to the vet at all lol.
But look at me now, my pooch has always had better healthcare options than me, he gets his teeth cleaned annually (and I brush his teeth nightly), and I’m already looking into taxidermy options for when he “goes to college.”

It comes with the territory. Don’t have sex if you don’t want a dog or whatever.

The Batlord 02-02-2021 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by WWWP (Post 2160238)
I’m already looking into taxidermy options for when he “goes to college.”

I wonder if even a taxidermist would be creeped out if they were asked to make the dick stiff too?

OccultHawk 02-02-2021 05:33 PM


My bestie spent some $20K on her dog’s chemo all for him to die in pain anyway.
Without all the deets my first impression is that might have been a little selfish on your friend’s part. Maybe I’m just justifying my future inability to pay but I don’t think my dog would want chemo. I’m not trying to dis your friend but my take is dogs are like totally tied into their ability to romp around and enjoy food and a good ****. It’s not like they can reflect on Dostoyevsky and listen to Bach as they fade away. My dog will have to die when it’s time for her to die. I’ve done my absolute best by her and will until the end.


goes to college
All Dogs Go to Heaven

The Batlord 02-02-2021 05:37 PM

All slave patrol dogs are bitches.

jwb 02-02-2021 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by WWWP (Post 2160238)
It’s also just expensive to own a dog. But everyone has a price point where they feel less like a part of the family and more like inherited debt. My bestie spent some $20K on her dog’s chemo all for him to die in pain anyway.
When I was growing up no one took their dog to the vet at all lol.
But look at me now, my pooch has always had better healthcare options than me, he gets his teeth cleaned annually (and I brush his teeth nightly), and I’m already looking into taxidermy options for when he “goes to college.”

It comes with the territory. Don’t have sex if you don’t want a dog or whatever.

lol @ chemo for a dog tbh. you wanna talk about boojie?

i'm cold hearted i guess. the ****ing things only live like 15 years in the first place.

OccultHawk 02-02-2021 11:50 PM

I don’t even think it’s worth it to do chemo on humans.

I’d rather have a huge supply of morphine personally

jwb 02-02-2021 11:51 PM

ftr i'm not a pet owner by choice for that reason though

cause i know i won't really be dedicated to looking after it

i remember when my mom's cat got sick as **** i lamented on MB about having to pay the vet bill to try some medicine on it only to have to put it down like a week later and i got some **** for that on here from the MB boy scouts... this was back on my old account.

but that was the truth...whenever i went over her house that ****ing cat was always smelling like piss and having weird fits... i could tell easily the cat was doomed.. but the vets thought they had some bright idea about some 70$ antibiotics that might do something... 70$ and a week later plus another $100 or so for the euth and im digging a hole in my moms backyard to bury the damned thing... ****ing vets.

jwb 02-02-2021 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2160271)
I don’t even think it’s worth it to do chemo on humans.

I’d rather have a huge supply of morphine personally

honestly after watching my dad go through it im inclined to agree.... but where it has the possibility of actually saving your life i could see it. He had terminal bone cancer. There's no coming back from that.

but I personally have a hard time even seeing myself bringing an animal to get a $1000 surgery. forget about chemo.

for $1000 I could get 2 brand new pure bred puppies.

but like I said... maybe i'm cold-hearted.

OccultHawk 02-03-2021 12:02 AM

$1000 gave my dog ten years of life.

I don’t want two new pure bred puppies so it’s not altruism

On the other hand - about vets - you gotta understand, Father Time is undefeated.

Dogs like all organisms try to live but I think they just want to die when it’s time for them to die. Long painful artificially delayed deaths are a human hang up.

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