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Urban Hat€monger ? 08-10-2005 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO
What's next, the William H. Macy scrapbook!!!!!!!!

My sister`s met him

She says he`s very nice

Hoffa For President 08-10-2005 01:11 PM

How did she meet him?

Hoffa For President 08-10-2005 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO
You can Google til' the cows come home, lass.

*googles him*

0o0o, he's the guy in all those movies...hes ass ugly.

Urban Hat€monger ? 08-10-2005 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Hoffa For President
How did she meet him?

She went up to him & said hello

SATCHMO 08-10-2005 01:16 PM

I don't see Simon winning any beauty pageants. Ol' Will is a fine actor, which means he's nowhere near the total waste of precious oxygen that the "Cowell Boy" is. Face it, nobody likes a critic, not even a critic with a million pound box.

Hoffa For President 08-10-2005 01:17 PM

I do! I see him wining laods of pagents.

DIdnt say Will was a bad actor, hes a real good one..

Oh cool, where though? At like a premier or something?

holdyoualways 08-10-2005 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by holdyoualways
this is gonna turn into a rant fairly quickly so be prepared.

well about 10 minutes ago i just got my head chewed off by my mom. she finally got around to uploading the pics from my camera and came across the pics of my sis and matt all hanging on each other and yelled at me. she told me i was the responsible adult. which makes absolutely no sense since shes always calling me a kid and now when something happens im all of a sudden the adult. she said i was in charge of her and blah blah blah which is true but its not like they were making out or anything they were just hanging on each other which i guess is pretty bad to my mom. so i got yelled at when i didnt even do anything. needless to say im in a not so good mood and am listening to angry/depressed songs to let my rage out. rant done.

sigh. perfect ending to a perfect day.

the supposed plans i had with my friend on the weekend were shot when i found out that she had to go to jersey on saturday. which, in my insecure mind, made me feel like she didnt have time for me and didnt wanna hang out with little stupid amanda when miss grown up michelle whos going away to college soon has better things to do than hang out with a naive 15 year old. so i was pretty upset over it and was sulking as usual and no matter how much she tried to cheer me up it didnt help. so i have been in a depressed mood since i got home and unfortunatly, have done something that i didnt expect or want myself to do. so now im even more upset. what a crappy day.

Hoffa For President 08-10-2005 10:37 PM

sworry bout yer friend. Her loss, dont let her ruin your day.

holdyoualways 08-10-2005 10:41 PM

the thing is, she didnt do anything wrong. this is just me and my crappy self esteem creating my own misery. so i basically made her feel "bad" about it-which i know is bs-for nothing. and now because of my stupidity i have a gaping line in my leg. thatll look great in a swimsuit. sigh. seriously, what a bad day.

Hoffa For President 08-10-2005 10:42 PM

0o0o, dont cut her self. That bad bad bad ting to do..

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