Originally Posted by The Batlord
(Post 2104247)
No, since the ultimate objective is the same. To cast off moral responsibility so that your respective cultures can retain pride and moral high ground. You are in fact the American version of a German Holocaust denier.
except being a "denier" isn't the only way to "cast off moral responsibility," it's one particular method that specifically involves revisionist history.
Truth be told, I don't care about "moral high ground" on a national level. This country has plenty of sins. I think it's a gross exaggeration that it's somehow worse than Nazi Germany, but yea.
When you brazenly open the entire discussion with "I'm done being guilty about" you are most definitely trivializing.
actually I said "I'm done crying for...." and the reason given was that they were "wasting the continent."
Yes that comment was trivializing and was intended as such. It wasn't intended 100% seriously though.
Especially when you make no attempt to asterisk your point by explaining what Europeans actually are guilty of and what you think that means concerning the history of the Americas and the United States.
actually I did at one point make the distinction that obviously the raping, pillaging, and other forms of overt violence and intentional displacement wasn't justified.