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01-11-2020 03:31 PM
So I guess it less real in my mind.
Lucem Ferre
01-11-2020 03:35 PM
Idk, some of the things he's exploited to get a petty punchline is pretty abusive. When somebody makes it clear it bothers them he usually stops. Idk it's just a thought that came across my mind.
Black Francis
01-11-2020 03:42 PM
Maybe it's cause I'm just as bitter as him irl but not even his low blows have ever hurt me. I always get the sense he just likes to go hard on offensive humor.
01-11-2020 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre
(Post 2099791)
Idk, some of the things he's exploited to get a petty punchline is pretty abusive. When somebody makes it clear it bothers them he usually stops. Idk it's just a thought that came across my mind.
My dad was super personable socially. He was very popular with people but inside our home he was a monster. Idk if that’s a normal thing or what.
Lucem Ferre
01-11-2020 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by OccultHawk
(Post 2099796)
My dad was super personable socially. He was very popular with people but inside our home he was a monster. Idk if that’s a normal thing or what.
Yeah, most people don't usually advertise that they are abusers.
01-11-2020 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Black Francis
(Post 2099794)
Maybe it's cause I'm just as bitter as him irl but not even his low blows have ever hurt me. I always get the sense he just likes to go hard on offensive humor.
I think he’s gotten worse. Also, I’ve been trying to move in the other direction. Admittedly, with limited success.
Marie Monday
01-11-2020 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by WWWP
(Post 2099781)
Can confirm, mods are soft on batty and allow personal attacks because iT's JuSt A jOkE. He uses mad personal **** to attack everyone and feels entitled to because no one will do anything about it.
He's acting like a petty bitch and me and other mods have clearly told him so, just a few pages back in this thread for instance. I think he can read the warning through my habit of saying things in a dumb jocular way
Marie Monday
01-11-2020 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by OccultHawk
(Post 2099798)
I think he’s gotten worse. Also, I’ve been trying to move in the other direction. Admittedly, with limited success.
I think most people here (and in general) just behave better or worse based on how they are doing/feeling. And I would not call any of you really abusive
I appreciate your trying to be nicer though, I noticed
Black Francis
01-11-2020 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by OccultHawk
(Post 2099798)
I think he’s gotten worse. Also, I’ve been trying to move in the other direction. Admittedly, with limited success.
That's cool. But why tho? I think you been fine the way you are.
Yea, he seems a bit worn out and maybe he's overreaching now just to get some amusement outta this forum. He's been here awhile now. Still, i dont like to over analyze the dude cus it feels very intrusive and honestly im cool with the way he is but i get where you coming from.
Originally Posted by OccultHawk
(Post 2099796)
My dad was super personable socially. He was very popular with people but inside our home he was a monster. Idk if that’s a normal thing or what.
Fck, this hits so close to home it hurts.
My father fcked up my childhood to point i made it my goal in life to never lash out and be like him so i swallowed all that hurt which caused me alot of internal harm. I escaped deep into drugs and other bad habits, it really fcked me up and i don't think im quite over it and fuuuuck im opening up way too much now.. But on a related note, this song
The only lyrics in it
"People must be left alone
Unless they have a happy home"
01-11-2020 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by MarieMarie
(Post 2099799)
He's acting like a petty bitch and me and other mods have clearly told him so, just a few pages back in this thread for instance. I think he can read the warning through my habit of saying things in a dumb jocular way
I dont count you in with "the mods" when I'm complaining :) This has been going on for years.
No one throws a bigger fit than Batty after a ban, it takes .002517 seconds for him to declare he's never coming back when held accountable for his actions.
Originally Posted by OccultHawk
(Post 2099796)
My dad was super personable socially. He was very popular with people but inside our home he was a monster. Idk if that’s a normal thing or what.
Yep same here. I wouldn't call it normal but it is typical - I can't tell you the amount of times I wasn't believed about what was going on at home because "he's so nice though!" He describes himself on social media as "the sweetest guy you'll ever meet."