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WWWP 11-27-2019 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2092414)
It's nice to know YD hasn't changed. Just calmer hormones.

The rage is still there but he probably just displaces his anger onto his wife now instead of us

The Batlord 11-27-2019 04:14 PM

Probably why he bought a house. His apartment neighbors kept calling the cops.

Frownland 11-27-2019 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by WWWP (Post 2092412)
But if she can't take care of herself how can he be sure she will take care of him???

Its just a values thing frown you wouldn't understand.

As in thin people have more societal and economic value


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2092413)

Inb4 accusations of jealousy

WWWP 11-27-2019 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2092413)
Bro you're married, no kids, and economically well off enough to buy a house in your 20s. That's about as privileged as it gets. I'll bet you ten bucks after you have your first kid your nice little diet plan goes right the **** out the window cause you're too tired for that **** and picking up KFC on the way home sounds like a really good alternative. Pump out another kid and your wife's gonna let her body go cause she's not a celebrity who has nothing better to do than exercise all day and then you're gonna get a nice dad gut to match. (Unless you're just that shallow of a yuppie that your self image can't handle anything but looking like an LL Bean catalog.)

And then imagine being a single parent, two kids, two jobs, and barely enough time and energy to even go to KFC.

but the BEAUTIFUL produce displays!!!!!

The Batlord 11-27-2019 04:23 PM

I always get kicked out at the cucumbers so I barely even know what the rest of it looks like.

YorkeDaddy 11-27-2019 04:39 PM

Bat calls it privilege even though two years ago I was in an identical situation as him - no money, no future prospects, working at a restaurant and doing nothing else besides exist. Until I decided to get up and get my ass in gear and make **** happen in my life


As in thin people have more societal and economic value
This is honestly the actual truth even if its weird and hard to admit it


The rage is still there but he probably just displaces his anger onto his wife now instead of us
In actuality exercise is where I funneled my angry temperament, and its done wonders for my entire life. Kind of coming full circle here to an extent


but the BEAUTIFUL produce displays!!!!!
See now you’re getting it

Frownland 11-27-2019 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 2092423)
Bat calls it privilege even though two years ago I was in an identical situation as him - no money, no future prospects, working at a restaurant and doing nothing else besides exist. Until I decided to get up and get my ass in gear and make **** happen in my life


YorkeDaddy 11-27-2019 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2092425)

Tell me your story Frown, how’d you get where you are today

Frownland 11-27-2019 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by YorkeDaddy (Post 2092427)
Tell me your story Frown, how’d you get where you are today

I was born to party and that's how I do. I'm not gonna front like I'm not hella privileged though.

YorkeDaddy 11-27-2019 04:49 PM

The mystery deepens

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