Psy-Fi |
11-18-2019 06:04 AM |
Originally Posted by Chula Vista
(Post 2091133)
Is it like a weird reverse deja vu kinda feeling for you?
It mostly makes me sad that I have missed or glossed over so damn much.
Not exactly sure what you mean with "reverse" deja vu, but, for some reason, the past 10 years in particular have seemed to come and go so quickly that it almost seems like I dreamed them and 10 years haven't actually passed.
Originally Posted by Lisnaholic
(Post 2091197)
@ Chula and Psy-Fi: Don't rule out your advancing years as a factor in that subjective view of the past, ole timers. Yep, the recent years whizz by and I have to consciously resist starting every sentence with, "It seems like only yesterday that...."
^ :laughing: Once you reach a certain age, the years really do seem to pass by quicker the older you get.
As a friends father (R.I.P.) once said, "Live it up while you can boys, because it all goes by too damn fast."