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djchameleon 12-02-2013 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1390923)
I've always felt more appreciation for animals than people; I've always seen more wonder and love in the eyes of animals, compared to most of the dead-eyed people I encounter daily...

I know I brought this up before but it's kind of funny how much you appreciate animals when they are basically mentally stunted children. Their little brains don't develop past that of a 2 year old in cats and a 7 year old in dogs.

It is kind of sickening how badly you get punished in public opinion for mistreating animals but if you mistreat people zero fucks are given.

I don't think animals should be mistreated but I think the value that people place on animals over humans is just strange and shows a lack of empathy.

Tristesse 12-02-2013 11:34 AM

Double physics drunk was great.

The Batlord 12-02-2013 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1390977)
I know I brought this up before but it's kind of funny how much you appreciate animals when they are basically mentally stunted children. Their little brains don't develop past that of a 2 year old in cats and a 7 year old in dogs.

Because they're you think of them as your children yet for the most part they don't have a lot of the negative aspects of children.


It is kind of sickening how badly you get punished in public opinion for mistreating animals but if you mistreat people zero fucks are given.

I don't think animals should be mistreated but I think the value that people place on animals over humans is just strange and shows a lack of empathy.
A person can stick up for themselves and understand what's actually going on. A dog that gets kicked doesn't understand. And if you kick your dog you're betraying what is basically an unconditional trust that that dog has placed in you when they have no real recourse except to attack you, after which they will get put to sleep.

djchameleon 12-02-2013 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1391137)
Because they're you think of them as your children yet for the most part they don't have a lot of the negative aspects of children.

The negative aspects related to children will grow out of them in a couple of years but you still have the same aspects with pets that will last so much longer than that with their bad behavior.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1391137)
A person can stick up for themselves and understand what's actually going on. A dog that gets kicked doesn't understand. And if you kick your dog you're betraying what is basically an unconditional trust that that dog has placed in you when they have no real recourse except to attack you, after which they will get put to sleep.

That isn't enough to justify placing a higher value on animals over humans imo.

The Batlord 12-02-2013 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1391179)
The negative aspects related to children will grow out of them in a couple of years but you still have the same aspects with pets that will last so much longer than that with their bad behavior.

Not necessarily. My dog used to chew up half the house. Now she's stopped. Animals grow out of plenty of annoying habits. They just generally don't grow into the sheer amount of new bad ones as people do. No matter how old my dogs or cats got they never put my mother through the kind of **** that I did growing up (and still do to some extent).


That isn't enough to justify placing a higher value on animals over humans imo.
I really don't care about justifying it. I like being around animals more than humans so I value their company more than humans. Simple as that.

ladyislingering 12-02-2013 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1390977)
I know I brought this up before but it's kind of funny how much you appreciate animals when they are basically mentally stunted children. Their little brains don't develop past that of a 2 year old in cats and a 7 year old in dogs.

It is kind of sickening how badly you get punished in public opinion for mistreating animals but if you mistreat people zero fucks are given.

I don't think animals should be mistreated but I think the value that people place on animals over humans is just strange and shows a lack of empathy.

And yet I'd definitely rather have a cat than a child. At least the cat will (for the most part) take care of its own poop, and won't make any unpleasant noises or cost me too much money. Cats are just great, man. They do their own little thing, and they'll come to you for attention if they want it. They'll even sleep at the foot of your bed and not wake you up for anything (unless they're super hungry and they've already eaten all their food - at least they can make an effort to take care of their needs without your assistance).

I don't believe in mistreating people. Abuse to any life form is despicable. However, I feel worse for animals (and children) because they can't defend themselves. People who hurt children, other people, and animals should be executed. I'm sorry - oh, wait, no I'm not - but abusers need to be put down.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1391186)
I really don't care about justifying it. I like being around animals more than humans so I value their company more than humans. Simple as that.

This, though.

I've never once looked at an animal and thought "I wish you'd shut the hell up" or "god, you're an ass" or any other negative emotion I feel toward most unpleasant humans I meet.

Scarlett O'Hara 12-03-2013 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391217)
And yet I'd definitely rather have a cat than a child. At least the cat will (for the most part) take care of its own poop, and won't make any unpleasant noises or cost me too much money. Cats are just great, man. They do their own little thing, and they'll come to you for attention if they want it. They'll even sleep at the foot of your bed and not wake you up for anything (unless they're super hungry and they've already eaten all their food - at least they can make an effort to take care of their needs without your assistance).

I don't believe in mistreating people. Abuse to any life form is despicable. However, I feel worse for animals (and children) because they can't defend themselves. People who hurt children, other people, and animals should be executed. I'm sorry - oh, wait, no I'm not - but abusers need to be put down.

This, though.

I've never once looked at an animal and thought "I wish you'd shut the hell up" or "god, you're an ass" or any other negative emotion I feel toward most unpleasant humans I meet.

I totally agree, animals and children should be protected. It's hard to figure how abuses either because animal's can't talk and children can be threatened/bullied into silence.

Animals make me far happier than people.

djchameleon 12-03-2013 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391217)
And yet I'd definitely rather have a cat than a child. At least the cat will (for the most part) take care of its own poop, and won't make any unpleasant noises or cost me too much money. Cats are just great, man. They do their own little thing, and they'll come to you for attention if they want it. They'll even sleep at the foot of your bed and not wake you up for anything (unless they're super hungry and they've already eaten all their food - at least they can make an effort to take care of their needs without your assistance).

cats make unpleasant noises when they constantly meow and walk up at 2 in the morning for their nightly work out and wake me up. Might as well be a baby. I do agree with costing less money though.


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391217)
I don't believe in mistreating people. Abuse to any life form is despicable. However, I feel worse for animals (and children) because they can't defend themselves. People who hurt children, other people, and animals should be executed. I'm sorry - oh, wait, no I'm not - but abusers need to be put down.

I don't agree with that but this isn't the thread to get into a death penalty debate.


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391217)
I've never once looked at an animal and thought "I wish you'd shut the hell up" or "god, you're an ass" or any other negative emotion I feel toward most unpleasant humans I meet.

You just like animals because they can't talk. If they could talk I'm pretty sure they would say some unpleasant things that you don't like lol

Mr. Charlie 12-03-2013 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391217)
...People who hurt children, other people, and animals should be executed...

You also believe people who drink drive should be executed. But would you be willing to do the executing? It's easy to say stuff, far more difficult to put it into action and live with the consequences. Could you sleep at night having robbed a parent of it's child, a child of it's parent?

ladyislingering 12-03-2013 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1391316)
cats make unpleasant noises when they constantly meow and walk up at 2 in the morning for their nightly work out and wake me up. Might as well be a baby. I do agree with costing less money though.
You just like animals because they can't talk. If they could talk I'm pretty sure they would say some unpleasant things that you don't like lol

I've never had a problem like that. Female cats tend to be more talkative for whatever reason, but if you get them spayed they shouldn't make any awful howling noises. If you interact with them enough in the daytime, they'll sleep at night. I've never been bothered by a cat at any hour that wasn't at least sort of reasonable. (I used to sleep in a lot of the time when I was younger - my cat would toss things off the dresser to wake me up, but it was like 2 o'clock in the afternoon...)

I like anything that can't talk. Animals communicate differently. And they're beautiful. Sometimes they do get a little upset (usually if they're getting into things they shouldn't, or misbehaving - and you remove them from the situation) but for the most part, animals are good. They're kind-hearted. They love their parents (and yes, I consider myself a parent to any creature in my care - who wouldn't?).


Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie (Post 1391375)
You also believe people who drink drive should be executed. But would you be willing to do the executing? It's easy to say stuff, far more difficult to put it into action and live with the consequences. Could you sleep at night having robbed a parent of it's child, a child of it's parent?

Only if they kill someone. Better to take care of the problem before it can happen again, you know? I used to be more compassionate in that sense, but some people should just be removed from humanity - or just used for science. But that's a whole different debate that I'm just too tired for.

I never said I'd kill anyone personally. Too much effort, and not an image I need in my mind for the rest of my life. But I have zero compassion for people who hurt other people and animals.

butthead aka 216 12-03-2013 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391217)
I don't believe in mistreating people. Abuse to any life form is despicable. However, I feel worse for animals (and children) because they can't defend themselves. People who hurt children, other people, and animals should be executed. I'm sorry - oh, wait, no I'm not - but abusers need to be put down.

more absurdity from you especially if you consider killin animals for food in that category. which it seems like you would.

this forum in general i think has collective social issues lol

FRED HALE SR. 12-03-2013 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 (Post 1391456)
more absurdity from you especially if you consider killin animals for food in that category. which it seems like you would.

this forum in general i think has collective social issues lol

:laughing: Sure did take you a long time to figure that out. :laughing:

ladyislingering 12-03-2013 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 (Post 1391456)
more absurdity from you especially if you consider killin animals for food in that category. which it seems like you would.

this forum in general i think has collective social issues lol

I don't believe in a human need to kill animals.

I think humans are pretty well evolved, and we don't need to go to those extremes anymore. Furthermore, the only reason a lot of people justify killing animals "for food, CUZ I GOTTA EAT, HURRRR" is because they're specifically bred out of proportion for the sake of "food" alone. In a natural habitat, we wouldn't have giant cows on steroids popping out a ton of babies all the time, and those babies being forced to breed.

It just seems really barbaric and horrible to put innocent creatures into these environments; when people are kidnapped against their will and held in basements/enclosed spaces, threatened, beaten, mistreated, it's a serious crime. (As it should be - how sick it is that people who do this to other people are even allowed to live) They're rescued and shuffled off to rehabilitation. But when it's done to animals it's "normal".

I could go on for the rest of my life talking about this but I'll spare you.

butthead aka 216 12-03-2013 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391461)
I don't believe in a human need to kill animals.

I think humans are pretty well evolved, and we don't need to go to those extremes anymore. Furthermore, the only reason a lot of people justify killing animals "for food, CUZ I GOTTA EAT, HURRRR" is because they're specifically bred out of proportion for the sake of "food" alone. In a natural habitat, we wouldn't have giant cows on steroids popping out a ton of babies all the time, and those babies being forced to breed.

It just seems really barbaric and horrible to put innocent creatures into these environments; when people are kidnapped against their will and held in basements/enclosed spaces, threatened, beaten, mistreated, it's a serious crime. (As it should be - how sick it is that people who do this to other people are even allowed to live) They're rescued and shuffled off to rehabilitation. But when it's done to animals it's "normal".

I could go on for the rest of my life talking about this but I'll spare you.

just a matter of where ya wanna draw the line. do we kill mosquitos and ants?? are they less than animals like deer? we prob dont need to but i mean meat is healthy and tastes great. and yes the world is barbaric just look at the animal kingdom if ya wanna see barbaric. theres a food chain and we are at the top, life isnt butterflies and rainbows

ladyislingering 12-03-2013 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 (Post 1391466)
just a matter of where ya wanna draw the line. do we kill mosquitos and ants?? are they less than animals like deer? we prob dont need to but i mean meat is healthy and tastes great. and yes the world is barbaric just look at the animal kingdom if ya wanna see barbaric. theres a food chain and we are at the top, life isnt butterflies and rainbows

But the difference there is that humans can walk into grocery stores and make an active decision to eat things other than carcasses filled with antibiotics, preservatives, steroids, etc. Animals in the wild scavenge for whatever they can get because they don't have the same option. They wouldn't know what to do with it because they haven't been raised to adapt in the way humans have.

I usually don't tell people I'm a vegetarian (unless they offer me something full of animals and still push after I say no) because of the ignorant ways they respond ("where do you get your protein?", "how are you still alive?", "PETA stands for 'people eating tasty animals' hurrrrrr hurrrr hurr I'm so funny hurrr"). It doesn't offend me; I just have a seriously low tolerance for people acting stupid. (Especially when they sit there and gnaw on whatever they're eating, make eye contact with me and make obnoxious sounds - what the hell are you trying to prove? That you act stupid for no reason??)

I don't judge people for their food choices, but I do like when they learn new ways to cut down on their animal consumption (but only if they want to/enjoy it). Meat is poison, but saying so isn't going to stop people from their habit.

djchameleon 12-03-2013 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391436)
I've never had a problem like that. Female cats tend to be more talkative for whatever reason, but if you get them spayed they shouldn't make any awful howling noises. If you interact with them enough in the daytime, they'll sleep at night. I've never been bothered by a cat at any hour that wasn't at least sort of reasonable. (I used to sleep in a lot of the time when I was younger - my cat would toss things off the dresser to wake me up, but it was like 2 o'clock in the afternoon...)

Well , I have a male kitty that is super talkative and he also decides to go running at 2 or 3 am with his mother. So, you have just been lucky. I've heard stories of other people that have had to deal with that as well.

Man reason this pic is a thing.

It happens more often than it doesn't.


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391436)
I like anything that can't talk.

So you don't like yourself or Ki then?

ladyislingering 12-03-2013 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1391484)
Well , I have a male kitty that is super talkative and he also decides to go running at 2 or 3 am with his mother. So, you have just been lucky. I've heard stories of other people that have had to deal with that as well.

Man reason this pic is a thing.

It happens more often than it doesn't.

So you don't like yourself or Ki then?

Is your cat young? The behavior might lessen a little as he grows. :)

I never said I don't like things that talk (though I'm usually annoyed by things that talk too much). But I like things that can't, just the same.

djchameleon 12-03-2013 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391485)
Is your cat young? The behavior might lessen a little as he grows. :)

Yeah, he is going on 2 years old.

I don't remember my female kitty being like that when she was younger though.

ladyislingering 12-03-2013 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1391487)
Yeah, he is going on 2 years old.

I don't remember my female kitty being like that when she was younger though.

Awwwww, he's just a little baby. :love:

Maybe she's just kind of shy. I've always read that female cats tend to talk more, but I think animals are just as hard to generalize as people are. I love when kitties mew, though. I don't even mind if they mew too much, and sometimes I mew back (but then I get sort of worried that I mewed and offended them somehow - not sure if that's a little schizophrenic or a legitimate concern). :)

djchameleon 12-03-2013 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391490)

Maybe she's just kind of shy. I've always read that female cats tend to talk more, but I think animals are just as hard to generalize as people are. I love when kitties mew, though. I don't even mind if they mew too much, and sometimes I mew back (but then I get sort of worried that I mewed and offended them somehow - not sure if that's a little schizophrenic or a legitimate concern). :)

The rampant meowing bothers me so much. I much rather hear a crying baby than the meow.

I do meow back or just talk to him normally and we have little conversations but when I just walk past him and he meows it just grates on my nerves.

Also when humans meow back to a cat it is pretty much just jumbled words/sounds. I highly doubt we are saying anything similar to what they are saying when we repeat their meow sound.

ladyislingering 12-03-2013 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1391494)
The rampant meowing bothers me so much. I much rather hear a crying baby than the meow.

I do meow back or just talk to him normally and we have little conversations but when I just walk past him and he meows it just grates on my nerves.

Also when humans meow back to a cat it is pretty much just jumbled words/sounds. I highly doubt we are saying anything similar to what they are saying when we repeat their meow sound.

I'm the exact opposite. The very second a child starts losing their ****, I'm out of there. I can't stand the screeching. I can't even stand the disgusting whining sound. I get that it's their only method of communication, but it just irritates me more than any other sound (snoring and teeth-grinding are right behind it).

At least a sobbing adult can tell you what the problem is.

I love a cat's mew. I love the little sounds they make. Last week Ki and I were visiting his parents and I was holding their cat in my lap. The cat made a little "hmm" sound (I call it the "happy bird sound" - I don't know why) and so I hmm'd back. This went on for several minutes and every time, the cat would nestle his little head into my shoulder. :)

djchameleon 12-03-2013 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391497)
I'm the exact opposite. The very second a child starts losing their ****, I'm out of there. I can't stand the screeching. I can't even stand the disgusting whining sound. I get that it's their only method of communication, but it just irritates me more than any other sound (snoring and teeth-grinding are right behind it).

At least a sobbing adult can tell you what the problem is.

With a baby though there are only a select few things than can be wrong. All you have to do is a short little trial and error and the crying will stop.

I find snoring pretty soothing and it helps me fall asleep faster. I haven't had to deal with hearing teeth grinder though but yeah we are complete opposites when it comes to sounds.

that "hmm" sound has a name but I can't remember it right now. I like hearing that because their little body usually vibrates as well while they are doing it.

ladyislingering 12-03-2013 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1391499)
With a baby though there are only a select few things than can be wrong. All you have to do is a short little trial and error and the crying will stop.

I find snoring pretty soothing and it helps me fall asleep faster. I haven't had to deal with hearing teeth grinder though but yeah we are complete opposites when it comes to sounds.

that "hmm" sound has a name but I can't remember it right now. I like hearing that because their little body usually vibrates as well while they are doing it.

It's sort of the same with cats, but I think a lot of the time they mew because they're bored (or they like the sound of their own mew). You can have their food filled to the brim, fresh cold water from the fridge, clean litter box, playtime for an hour, and they'll still mew.

I usually sleep with earplugs because I'm a light sleeper and I'm easily disturbed by the smallest sounds - but I also sleep with a sleeptalker/sleepwalker/sleeptoucher. :laughing:

Cats communicate in strange (though adorable) ways. I swear my childhood cat used to say "mama".

djchameleon 12-03-2013 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391500)

Cats communicate in strange (though adorable) ways. I swear my childhood cat used to say "mama".

Yeah, it sounds like my kitty says "Why?" when he meows and that's why his former owner named him Porque. I thought it was cute and decided to keep it especially since he is such a big talker.

ladyislingering 12-03-2013 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1391503)
Yeah, it sounds like my kitty says "Why?" when he meows and that's why his former owner named him Porque. I thought it was cute and decided to keep it especially since he is such a big talker.

That's so cute. :)

Mr. Charlie 12-03-2013 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391436)
Only if they kill someone. Better to take care of the problem before it can happen again, you know? I used to be more compassionate in that sense, but some people should just be removed from humanity - or just used for science. But that's a whole different debate that I'm just too tired for.

I never said I'd kill anyone personally. Too much effort, and not an image I need in my mind for the rest of my life. But I have zero compassion for people who hurt other people and animals.

You support the death penalty but are unprepared to kill. So does that mean you're willing for somebody else to live with the guilt and consequences?

I don't see any consistency in your philosophy. You had a go at jingle balls in the hobbies thread for hunting and killing animals to feed her family, yet you're quite prepared to see humans killed who don't measure up to your moral abstractions?

Those who do battle with monsters... remember?

Cheese 12-03-2013 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391497)
I'm the exact opposite. The very second a child starts losing their ****, I'm out of there. I can't stand the screeching. I can't even stand the disgusting whining sound.

Yep fingernails down a blackboard is more tolerable

butthead aka 216 12-03-2013 11:03 PM

didnt know where to tell this kinda pointless story

so my buddy from back home is/was a 25 yr old virgin. huge social anxiety, used to be real heavy and lost a lot of weight but still like real uncomfortable talkin to girls. so anyways we were at the bar awhile ago and i noticed this girl checkin out my package. and id seen her do it the previous time i was there. so i go spark a cig outside and shes out there and im flirtin with her and stuff, we are all drunk. shes talkin to me and my buddy i mentioned. anyways i go inside and they chat it up, he gets her number. i go back to my current town and they end up hangin out casually for a few weeks.

that was all like 2 months ago so i finalyl catch up with him as im back in town for spanksgiving and he tells me how he lost his virginity to her and she told him not to wear a condom so he didnt. but she wasnt on the pill and shes had like 30 guys so shes slutty lol. im like ohhhh no dude you still got a dong?? hes like yea thank god. so she tells him afterwards she wants to marry someone with money so she doesnt have to work (typical loser chick) and it sounds like she was hopin to get knocked up. luckily hes safe and she isnt preggers but how much would that suck... pregnant chick after ya finally lose your v card at 25.

ladyislingering 12-03-2013 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 (Post 1391592)
so anyways we were at the bar awhile ago and i noticed this girl checkin out my package.

so she tells him afterwards she wants to marry someone with money so she doesnt have to work (typical loser chick) and it sounds like she was hopin to get knocked up. luckily hes safe and she isnt preggers but how much would that suck... pregnant chick after ya finally lose your v card at 25.

How can chicks even tell what's in a guy's pants these days? Nobody dresses well enough to actually have a visible package. It's all baggy jeans and baggy shirts and yuck, men are terribly dressed 90% of the time.

I hate chicks that use pregnancy to get by in this world. Welfare queens, yuck.

butthead aka 216 12-03-2013 11:33 PM

he told me when they were hangin out sober she would ask weird stuff considerin they casually dated for like 2 months. stuff like 'wuld i have to work if we got married' and stuff about havin kids cause shes a lil older than him, maybe 28.

i was wearin baggy jeans but my member was so large she was prob tryna determine if it was anaconda or kielbasa. she never did get to find out. and also yes my friend was completely desperate cause my other friend who gets laid all the time always makes fun of him lol

ladyislingering 12-03-2013 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 (Post 1391599)
he told me when they were hangin out sober she would ask weird stuff considerin they casually dated for like 2 months. stuff like 'wuld i have to work if we got married' and stuff about havin kids cause shes a lil older than him, maybe 28.

i was wearin baggy jeans but my member was so large she was prob tryna determine if it was anaconda or kielbasa. she never did get to find out. and also yes my friend was completely desperate cause my other friend who gets laid all the time always makes fun of him lol

Gold digger!!! :yikes:

Or maybe you were just imagining that she was looking. Maybe she was trying to find it because it was lost to the excess fabric in your pants.

butthead aka 216 12-03-2013 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391602)
Gold digger!!! :yikes:

Or maybe you were just imagining that she was looking. Maybe she was trying to find it because it was lost to the excess fabric in your pants.

i gave myself some strokes in the car before goin in so i had a nice bulge outline its a trick of the trade ive mastered. saw it in a porn once and porn stuff always works irl

ladyislingering 12-03-2013 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 (Post 1391603)
i gave myself some strokes in the car before goin in so i had a nice bulge outline its a trick of the trade ive mastered. saw it in a porn once and porn stuff always works irl

Is this a typical man-trick?

I always thought having a boner in public would be kind of awkward.

butthead aka 216 12-03-2013 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391604)
Is this a typical man-trick?

I always thought having a boner in public would be kind of awkward.

no lol i dont think but sometimes i just do it for the confidence impact it can have in basically any situation. its like a half or quarter bone but youre like fukc yea world come and get some

djchameleon 12-04-2013 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1391598)
How can chicks even tell what's in a guy's pants these days? Nobody dresses well enough to actually have a visible package. It's all baggy jeans and baggy shirts and yuck, men are terribly dressed 90% of the time.

What are you talking about? Sure some guys still rock baggy pants but skinny jeans for men is the current in style. Tacky mother****ers that go to clubs with their baggy pants and a long sleeved dress shirt just end up blending in with a sea of other dudes dressed the same way.

The Batlord 12-04-2013 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1391610)
What are you talking about? Sure some guys still rock baggy pants but skinny jeans for men is the current in style. Tacky mother****ers that go to clubs with their baggy pants and a long sleeved dress shirt just end up blending in with a sea of other dudes dressed the same way.

Yeah cause mother****ers in skinny jeans aren't tacky. Nope.

FRED HALE SR. 12-04-2013 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1391705)
Yeah cause mother****ers in skinny jeans aren't tacky. Nope.

Accidentally bought a pair once. Without looking tossed em on. Made my unit look like John Holmes. It was frightening. I don't know how anyone could wear skinny jeans and not walk around with flattened cock syndrome.

djchameleon 12-04-2013 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1391705)
Yeah cause mother****ers in skinny jeans aren't tacky. Nope.

It is usually a bunch a try hard hipsters that care about style so of course they aren't tacky. What kind of response is that? Skinny Jeans are just in nowadays. Hipsters and skaters rock them hard.

The Batlord 12-04-2013 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1391710)
It is usually a bunch a try hard hipsters that care about style so of course they aren't tacky. What kind of response is that? Skinny Jeans are just in nowadays. Hipsters and skaters rock them hard.

Just because it's "in" doesn't make it not tacky. Usually it's the opposite in fact.

Plankton 12-04-2013 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1391715)
Just because it's "in" doesn't make it not tacky. Usually it's the opposite in fact.

I'd rather rock the Dad Jeans. Less Douche Bag-ish, and my nuts don't feel like they're in a vice.

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