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FRED HALE SR. 11-21-2013 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1387583)
It was that funny?

I had so many hangars left over from donating clothing I could smelt down the plastic and make a f*cking swing set. Don't get a closet. You just end up throwing things in there and finding skeletons years later.

Yes it was that funny. I read it in your avatars voice for some reason.

Paul Smeenus 11-21-2013 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1387583)

The Batlord 11-21-2013 02:42 PM

Been trying to load Photobucket for the last twenty minutes but for some reason that site is being a bitch and will get all the way to the upload page but refuses to let me click on the actual upload button. It does this sometimes but it's being especially douchey today. FML.

Dr_Rez 11-21-2013 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1387611)
Been trying to load Photobucket for the last twenty minutes but for some reason that site is being a bitch and will get all the way to the upload page but refuses to let me click on the actual upload button. It does this sometimes but it's being especially douchey today. FML.

Key 11-21-2013 03:22 PM

I went to take my driving test today. I got to the place, the instructor asked me how my vision was, I told him I was legally blind in my left eye, and he said I couldn't take the test.

And if you tell me "you shouldn't have told him you were blind" well, don't bother. Had I not told him, it would have turned into a bigger issue with the DOL.

Exo 11-21-2013 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1387631)
I went to take my driving test today. I got to the place, the instructor asked me how my vision was, I told him I was legally blind in my left eye, and he said I couldn't take the test.

And if you tell me "you shouldn't have told him you were blind" well, don't bother. Had I not told him, it would have turned into a bigger issue with the DOL.

Have you tried being a pilot?

Dr_Rez 11-21-2013 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1387631)
I went to take my driving test today. I got to the place, the instructor asked me how my vision was, I told him I was legally blind in my left eye, and he said I couldn't take the test.

And if you tell me "you shouldn't have told him you were blind" well, don't bother. Had I not told him, it would have turned into a bigger issue with the DOL.

Sorry mate that is a bummer. Anyway for you to still drive? I have a kid in one of my classes with no arms and he still drives legally.

Key 11-21-2013 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Rezdaddy Longlegs (Post 1387637)
Sorry mate that is a bummer. Anyway for you to still drive? I have a kid in one of my classes with no arms and he still drives legally.

I just have to get a doctors note and bring it to the DOL basically stating that i'm legally allowed to drive. I already have my permit so that's no biggie. The instructor told me if it wasn't a legal issue, he would have let me take the test.

Dr_Rez 11-21-2013 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1387639)
I just have to get a doctors note and bring it to the DOL basically stating that i'm legally allowed to drive. I already have my permit so that's no biggie. The instructor told me if it wasn't a legal issue, he would have let me take the test.

He can;t fail you if he's dead....nomsaiyn?

Scarlett O'Hara 11-21-2013 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1387572)
Fred beat me to it so all I'll say is pics or it didn't happen.

Ok check your pm in five minutes!

Burning Down 11-21-2013 08:19 PM

I got my computer back today!! So happy. I don't have to use my boyfriend's computer anymore!

Key 11-21-2013 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rezdaddy Longlegs (Post 1387718)
He can;t fail you if he's dead....nomsaiyn?

Taxman 11-22-2013 09:19 AM

****. I dropped my phone and now it is broken.

Bane of your existence 11-22-2013 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Taxman (Post 1387855)
****. I dropped my phone and now it is broken.

You probably deserved it for something you never got caught for.

The Batlord 11-22-2013 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1387739)

Who is dat? I would obliterate that.

Sansa Stark 11-22-2013 10:40 AM

Evan Rachel Wood in True Blood

Ninetales 11-22-2013 10:49 AM

Found out my dog has cancer :( im on the verge of being in shambles

Cuthbert 11-22-2013 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Ninetales (Post 1387883)
Found out my dog has cancer :( im on the verge of being in shambles

Sorry to hear that. Tough that is :(. How old is he/she?

I remember when ours had to be put down. He had been ill for a while but I was still gutted, still think about him often. Cliché but if people haven't owned a dog it's hard to understand.

Animals :cool:.

Ninetales 11-22-2013 11:04 AM

Shes 12. Its not really unexpected or anything, the last few months shes been a lot less energetic, doesnt eat much anymore, etc. but ya this is hitting me pretty hard.

The Batlord 11-22-2013 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Sansa Stark (Post 1387876)
Evan Rachel Wood in True Blood

OMG thank you. She is dumb fine.

Burning Down 11-22-2013 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Ninetales (Post 1387883)
Found out my dog has cancer :( im on the verge of being in shambles

That really sucks. I'm sorry to hear that. I remember when my childhood dog got sick and eventually had to be put down. He was only 4 and was deteriorating mentally.

FRED HALE SR. 11-22-2013 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Ninetales (Post 1387894)
Shes 12. Its not really unexpected or anything, the last few months shes been a lot less energetic, doesnt eat much anymore, etc. but ya this is hitting me pretty hard.

Thats a shame to hear. Gotta just make her comfortable and wait it out. I had an animal with cancer as a kid, ultimately you have to do the right thing and think of the animal rather then your self. Its a tough thing to decide but the thing that really sucks is animals will not be able to convey the pain they suffer. They love their owners so much that they will deal with it to the end.

ladyislingering 11-22-2013 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Ninetales (Post 1387894)
Shes 12. Its not really unexpected or anything, the last few months shes been a lot less energetic, doesnt eat much anymore, etc. but ya this is hitting me pretty hard.

Sorry about your baby. :(

My childhood cat passed away from esophageal cancer a couple years ago. Tomorrow (Nov. 23) would have been his 14th birthday.

Hold your precious pup as much as you can. Make sure that when she passes over, she knows that she is loved, and that she was everything to you. It's heartbreaking to lose our loved ones. It hurts so much just thinking about it, but there's one thing you can do to honor her, when her time is done and when you're ready: rescue another animal that needs to be loved and cared for. Her legacy will live on through the love you show to others you will bring into their new "forever home". :)

The Batlord 11-22-2013 01:14 PM

Damn. I got two cats that are having renal failure. It can take a long time for them to die from that and they're not suffering or anything, but I know that soonish they're gonna be gone. One of them pretty much follows me everywhere I go and scratches at my door and yowls when he wants to come into my room. That one's gonna hit me hard.

ladyislingering 11-22-2013 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1387951)
Damn. I got two cats that are having renal failure. It can take a long time for them to die from that and they're not suffering or anything, but I know that soonish they're gonna be gone. One of them pretty much follows me everywhere I go and scratches at my door and yowls when he wants to come into my room. That one's gonna hit me hard.


I hope they're not hurting. It's hard to know, because cats won't show when they're in pain.

poor babies, that's terrible. My grandma had two cats that died from similar illnesses, but the oldest one died from renal failure - the younger one seemed to have died from some sort of stomach disorder (she had gone blind and there was blood in her litter box and it was just so awful). My grandma was so attached to them (understandably so) that she didn't have the heart to put them down, so they both suffered to the very last minute (both died at home).

Spoiler for more sad stuff/some happy stuff:
I was about 7 or 8 at the time; she was so heartbroken that I didn't hear from her or find out about this until months later. She rescued another cat (who somehow made his way into a guest's vehicle when they were having a dinner party) when I was 11; he lived to be 12 or 13, then suddenly died from a heart attack brought on by anemia. :(

Miraculously, my grandpa was tending to his garden and found a little kitten. They were set on finding the owner, but looked no longer than a couple weeks. They named the kitten after their last cat: "Baby Sam". Cats just seem to be naturally attracted to them.

And me. (I've never met a cat who didn't like me, or didn't constantly whore itself out for my attention.)

The Batlord 11-22-2013 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1387970)

I hope they're not hurting. It's hard to know, because cats won't show when they're in pain.

Nah, they're good for now. They just lose muscle mass and get kind of weak at first. Eventually they'll start getting anemia, which will be sort of the beginning of the end. Eventually they'll be too weak to do much of anything and pretty soon after that they'll have to be put down. It sucks extra cause the one who's sort of my cat has had a bad year. Right now he has an abscess (CAUTION: GROSS) on his cheek and is in quarantine in a room with a cone around his neck.

Spoiler for For gross and TMI:
A while back he had a tumor in his penis that blocked his urine flow. At first we thought it was cancer and were pretty much resigned to having to put him to sleep. There were a few days where I pretty much thought I was seeing him for the last time when I went to bed.
Eventually we found out it was actually a very rare kind of benign tumor and with medication he made a full recovery. The worst part though was that his urine flow was so blocked that it eventually ripped a hole in another part of his penis and he couldn't really control it anymore and would cry out whenever he went to the bathroom. It was just awful.

ladyislingering 11-22-2013 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1387977)
Nah, they're good for now. They just lose muscle mass and get kind of weak at first. Eventually they'll start getting anemia, which will be sort of the beginning of the end. Eventually they'll be too weak to do much of anything and pretty soon after that they'll have to be put down. It sucks extra cause the one who's sort of my cat has had a bad year. Right now he has an abscess (CAUTION: GROSS) on his cheek and is in quarantine in a room with a cone around his neck.

Spoiler for For gross and TMI:
A while back he had a tumor in his penis that blocked his urine flow. At first we thought it was cancer and were pretty much resigned to having to put him to sleep. There were a few days where I pretty much thought I was seeing him for the last time when I went to bed.
Eventually we found out it was actually a very rare kind of benign tumor and with medication he made a full recovery. The worst part though was that his urine flow was so blocked that it eventually ripped a hole in another part of his penis and he couldn't really control it anymore and would cry out whenever he went to the bathroom. It was just awful.

I'm so sorry. :( I'm actually tearing up a little; it's so difficult to read things like this. It's such a shame that animals ever have to feel any pain.

Please, please love them as much as you can. Just love them, hold them, and try to keep them comfortable until they're ready to go.

The Batlord 11-22-2013 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1387980)
I'm so sorry. :( I'm actually tearing up a little; it's so difficult to read things like this. It's such a shame that animals ever have to feel any pain.

Please, please love them as much as you can. Just love them, hold them, and try to keep them comfortable until they're ready to go.

Thanks. They'll be fine for the foreseeable future. But it's **** like this that made me tell my mom to stop telling me stories about her days when she used to volunteer at an emergency vet clinic. Nothing depresses me like dead/dying/injured animal stories.

ladyislingering 11-22-2013 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1387982)
Thanks. They'll be fine for the foreseeable future. But it's **** like this that made me tell my mom to stop telling me stories about her days when she used to volunteer at an emergency vet clinic. Nothing depresses me like dead/dying/injured animal stories.

I have a deep respect for people who help animals when they're very sick or injured. I could never do that; I'd get too emotional. Hell, sometimes I cry when I even see animals because they're beautiful or sweet and I just appreciate them so much.

My parents have a cat (I haven't met her yet as I haven't seen my family in a few years) who was involved in a terrible farming accident. It's a miracle she's alive. I cried so much when my mother told me about it, just because it was such a grotesque situation - even though the cat was fine when they adopted her, and she looks normal and everything. It's just so distressing to think of animals in pain.

djchameleon 11-22-2013 02:51 PM

all this sad kitty news.

This thread needs some lighthearted kitty related stuff.

38 Pictures That Prove Cats Have Hearts Of Gold

I know I know another buzzfeed list but it's so good.

ladyislingering 11-22-2013 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1387985)
all this sad kitty news.

This thread needs some lighthearted kitty related stuff.

38 Pictures That Prove Cats Have Hearts Of Gold

I know I know another buzzfeed list but it's so good.

my favorite ones are the ones where the kitties are smiling.

it's so nice to see cats snuggling with their parents/siblings - I have always believed that they know when we need them, when we're sick or sad or anything else ails us, they just want to be there for us.

Scarlett O'Hara 11-22-2013 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1387902)

Mmm damn she's fine. I'd totally hit that.

Sorry for your dog nine. And your cats Batty. I hate losing pets, I still am mourning from my cats who died (one after the other).


Scarlett O'Hara 11-22-2013 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1387985)
all this sad kitty news.

This thread needs some lighthearted kitty related stuff.

38 Pictures That Prove Cats Have Hearts Of Gold

I know I know another buzzfeed list but it's so good.

I cried through the whole thing, so incredible.

Ninetales 11-23-2013 12:36 AM

Yo I apologize for ****ing this thread up. Didn't mean to down everyone. Thanks for anyone who cared tho she's so far doing ok but it's just that I can tell she's hurting. I've dealt with my pets dying before but it literally never gets better. **** I'm
Gonna start crying..

Scarlett O'Hara 11-23-2013 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by Ninetales (Post 1388123)
Yo I apologize for ****ing this thread up. Didn't mean to down everyone. Thanks for anyone who cared tho she's so far doing ok but it's just that I can tell she's hurting. I've dealt with my pets dying before but it literally never gets better. **** I'm
Gonna start crying..


Don't apologize its something that affects most people. I'm very sorry. Remember to lean on family, friends and forum geeks when things get too sad.

Er, so I have a bad headache behind my eyes for 5+ days. I thought it was a migraine but Dad thinks its my eyes again as quite often its blurry as hell and I'm struggling to read texts. A couple of years I got short sighted glasses but now it may be the opposite. Has anyone been through this? I'm taking panadol, ibprofen and codeine (which helps a bit).

Paul Smeenus 11-23-2013 09:53 AM

Actually it sounds like a sinus headache, which also affects the eye. I would describe a sinus headache as a hand gripping the back of my left eye, and every few moments it decides to go SQUISH!!!

Migraines are worse, I got them fairly often as a young man but thankfully I grew out of them. I describe a migraine as my head trying to give birth to my left eye.

Exo 11-23-2013 10:46 AM

My brother was arrested last night. He's a sh*thead. Most of you who are friends with me know this already but he's the biggest sh*thead I know. He got arrested for making a death threat against some kid and breaking his back window on his car. If that wasn't bad enough he did it because he had "the back" of his friend.

Yup. He might be going to jail because his friend was in a feud with another kid so Ryan decided to take it upon himself to rectify the situation. He's an idiot. OH! I FORGOT! HE THREATENED THE KID ON FACEBOOK! AS IF PRINTERS DON'T EXIST.

I hope he goes to jail and learns a lesson. He's 20 and needs to grow the f*ck up. I've never wanted to leave my house so bad.

Janszoon 11-23-2013 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1388378)
My brother was arrested last night. He's a sh*thead. Most of you who are friends with me know this already but he's the biggest sh*thead I know. He got arrested for making a death threat against some kid and breaking his back window on his car. If that wasn't bad enough he did it because he had "the back" of his friend.

Yup. He might be going to jail because his friend was in a feud with another kid so Ryan decided to take it upon himself to rectify the situation. He's an idiot. OH! I FORGOT! HE THREATENED THE KID ON FACEBOOK! AS IF PRINTERS DON'T EXIST.

I hope he goes to jail and learns a lesson. He's 20 and needs to grow the f*ck up. I've never wanted to leave my house so bad.

Jesus. I'm sorry to hear that man.

Exo 11-23-2013 11:00 AM

I'm sorry for my parents. They;re the ones having to pay out their ass for this kid who does sh*tty things whenever he gets the chance. I don't even care if he goes to jail. I hope he does. Is that f*cked up?

Janszoon 11-23-2013 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1388381)
I'm sorry for my parents. They;re the ones having to pay out their ass for this kid who does sh*tty things whenever he gets the chance. I don't even care if he goes to jail. I hope he does. Is that f*cked up?

No, I think it's a pretty understandable way to feel based on the other things you've said about his behavior.

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