Originally Posted by OccultHawk
(Post 2074194)
She was racist.
Nah. That was my grandad
He was a classic Archie bunker type NY racist.
I remember when I was like 7 and we were visiting him at his apartment in the Bronx. Me and my sister were downstairs on his stoop and he and my mom were upstairs. I was looking at the city and all the people walking around. Then, a fully veiled muslim woman passed us.
I ran up stairs and told my mom and granddad that I had just seen a ninja. My mom was used to me saying crazy **** so she just brushed it off. My grandpa made the connection though, and explained what it was. Then he started talking about how bad Muslims smell under all that gear they wear.
Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
(Post 2074199)
It's not so much the milking as the rape for a lifetime... you know they dont just make milk all the time right?
You know I was joking, right?
I get why it's ****ed but I don't care enough to not really it.