Lisnaholic |
08-18-2019 07:21 AM |
Originally Posted by OccultHawk
(Post 2072880)
I was thinking this while I was washing dishes. Man, you’re ****ed no matter what. As I teacher I was ****ed. Unemployed I’m ****ed. Restaurant negro. ****ed. The only time in my life when I didn’t have glass ***** up my ass I was overseas. Your time is stolen. Your energy is stolen. Your sanity is stolen. Rich people kill thenselves. Poor people kill each other. Instead of investing in ourselves collectively we budget a military bigger than the next ten put together. Honest to God, if you don’t hate America you’re a ****ing fool. People wonder how could I want there to be a civil war or for Putin to knock us off the map. How could you ****ing not? We’re ruining the whole ****ing world. **** America.
^ For your own piece of mind, perhaps you should try a policy of "Don't get mad, get even." Not major subversion, but a little token that lets you feel, "Aha! I really got back by making this personal photocopy at work!"
Originally Posted by elphenor
(Post 2072907)
"now here's more work than you can actually get done in your allotted hours and if you don't do it you're fired"
^ Yep, that's always the method, the unspoken subtext. Countries in order of abusive unpaid overtime:
Mexico is off-the-scale bad; US sounds brutal; UK workers don't fall for this ruse so much, which means instead that whole industries are collapsing because production costs so high. Some times you just can't win ;)
Originally Posted by Justthefacts
(Post 2072927)
I've been dating this chick lately. Totally Mexican girl. Olive colored skin, accent, knows Spanish the whole fucking nine. Parents don't even know fucking English. Just found out she came here when she was only 1. She was born in Mexico.
My allegiance to Trump is strong, but I'm really lovin this girl. I don't know what to do.
^ One option might be to ask your girlfriend why she isn't paying towards a border wall the way Trump told you she was going to. Or you could chant, "Send her back" next time yr girlfriend mentions her mom.You'd prob find your romance and accompanying dilemma over pretty soon.
A better option imo would be to re-assess your allegiance to Trump. This thread, for example might persuade you to see him as an incompetent racist conman:- Started in Oct 2016, even post#1 alone stands as a prescient testimony to how false Trump's "drain the swamp/get the best people" boasts were.