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Paul Smeenus 10-25-2013 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Rezdaddy Longlegs (Post 1377122)
Call it boring

djchameleon 10-25-2013 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Rezdaddy Longlegs (Post 1377122)
Finally nothing I have to do and no plans tonight. I am going to musicbanter, play Counter Strike Source, and my fondle myself while drinking wine. Call it boring but I havnt been able to just chillax by myself and some music for the longest time.

Here I cum friday night!

I might be doing the same but replace Counter Strike with GTA V and Beyond Two Souls. Replace wine with vodka and everything else is the same.

I need to just chillax after what I feel was a defeat yesterday. We had this big protest/action but nothing went as planned and it ended up being a really big mess.

Some of our members almost got into a fight with this other group but it was pretty much a big argument/screaming match. Just super stressful for no reason.

It's so stupid that we can't come together for the same cause of helping out the community. There is too much in-fighting when there doesn't need to be. We have similar goals but they can't see that because of personal beef.

Exo 10-25-2013 06:15 PM

I'm losing my grandfather in a few days.

I've only had one grandfather. My dad's father died when he was 13 so I obviously never knew him. I only had one. I'm the oldest of the twelve grandchildren. I knew him when he wasn't an old man. I knew him when he was marching in the drum corps and frying up burgers at Johnny and Hanges. If you're from NJ then you know exactly how good of a cook my grandfather was. I think it was that lifestyle, working there for so many years, that finally did him in. It started last year when he got colon cancer. He beat the sh*t out of that, just like my mother did. Then he had multiple knee surgeries and a hernia, the first of four hernias. Then came the mini strokes. All those years of horrible eating caused blockage in his heart and brain and his body finally gave out. He lost about 20% of his motor functions and was just miserable trying to speak and eat and function. He'd suffer tiny seizures that would send him to the hospital and he just wasn't having any fun.

Then came the three hernias that caused him to have to have a huge surgery. They had to take him off his blood thinners to conduct the surgery and two massive strokes occurred either during or after the surgery. Right now he's blind, deaf, paralyzed, and has little to no cognitive functions. They're taking him off life support in the next couple of days.

I don't know how to feel really. I haven't really cried yet. I've been sort of mentally preparing myself for this I guess over the last week. Geez this has been a horrible f*cking year. I'm beating myself up because I really haven't seen him at all since all this has happened cause I've been so busy with work and I convinced myself that he didn't want to be bothered because in realty that's partly true but I miss my f*cking grandfather.

**** you 2013. You know what, I'm getting too bitter. This strip is going to make me cry but it always comforts me during these kind of times. I only have one grandparent left and I'm going to take her out to dinner soon. You just don't get second chances to do these things...

butthead aka 216 10-25-2013 11:16 PM

How can I live wutg hate when I only give loce. How can I accepr

Mondo Bungle 10-25-2013 11:26 PM

How can your grasp of the English language be so horrendous?

ladyislingering 10-25-2013 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 (Post 1377263)
How can I live wutg hate when I only give loce. How can I accepr

Don't drink and type.

Plankton 10-26-2013 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1377230)
I'm losing my grandfather in a few days.

I've only had one grandfather. My dad's father died when he was 13 so I obviously never knew him. I only had one. I'm the oldest of the twelve grandchildren. I knew him when he wasn't an old man. I knew him when he was marching in the drum corps and frying up burgers at Johnny and Hanges. If you're from NJ then you know exactly how good of a cook my grandfather was. I think it was that lifestyle, working there for so many years, that finally did him in. It started last year when he got colon cancer. He beat the sh*t out of that, just like my mother did. Then he had multiple knee surgeries and a hernia, the first of four hernias. Then came the mini strokes. All those years of horrible eating caused blockage in his heart and brain and his body finally gave out. He lost about 20% of his motor functions and was just miserable trying to speak and eat and function. He'd suffer tiny seizures that would send him to the hospital and he just wasn't having any fun.

Then came the three hernias that caused him to have to have a huge surgery. They had to take him off his blood thinners to conduct the surgery and two massive strokes occurred either during or after the surgery. Right now he's blind, deaf, paralyzed, and has little to no cognitive functions. They're taking him off life support in the next couple of days.

I don't know how to feel really. I haven't really cried yet. I've been sort of mentally preparing myself for this I guess over the last week. Geez this has been a horrible f*cking year. I'm beating myself up because I really haven't seen him at all since all this has happened cause I've been so busy with work and I convinced myself that he didn't want to be bothered because in realty that's partly true but I miss my f*cking grandfather.

**** you 2013. You know what, I'm getting too bitter. This strip is going to make me cry but it always comforts me during these kind of times. I only have one grandparent left and I'm going to take her out to dinner soon. You just don't get second chances to do these things...

Sorry to hear Exo. My condolences. Calvin and Hobbes are one of the best.

PoorOldPo 10-27-2013 05:15 AM

Check this **** out yo

Band of Clouds :: Shadows for the Trees - YouTube

djchameleon 10-27-2013 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1377230)
I'm losing my grandfather in a few days.

I've only had one grandfather. My dad's father died when he was 13 so I obviously never knew him. I only had one. I'm the oldest of the twelve grandchildren. I knew him when he wasn't an old man. I knew him when he was marching in the drum corps and frying up burgers at Johnny and Hanges. If you're from NJ then you know exactly how good of a cook my grandfather was. I think it was that lifestyle, working there for so many years, that finally did him in. It started last year when he got colon cancer. He beat the sh*t out of that, just like my mother did. Then he had multiple knee surgeries and a hernia, the first of four hernias. Then came the mini strokes. All those years of horrible eating caused blockage in his heart and brain and his body finally gave out. He lost about 20% of his motor functions and was just miserable trying to speak and eat and function. He'd suffer tiny seizures that would send him to the hospital and he just wasn't having any fun.

Then came the three hernias that caused him to have to have a huge surgery. They had to take him off his blood thinners to conduct the surgery and two massive strokes occurred either during or after the surgery. Right now he's blind, deaf, paralyzed, and has little to no cognitive functions. They're taking him off life support in the next couple of days.

I don't know how to feel really. I haven't really cried yet. I've been sort of mentally preparing myself for this I guess over the last week. Geez this has been a horrible f*cking year. I'm beating myself up because I really haven't seen him at all since all this has happened cause I've been so busy with work and I convinced myself that he didn't want to be bothered because in realty that's partly true but I miss my f*cking grandfather.

**** you 2013. You know what, I'm getting too bitter. This strip is going to make me cry but it always comforts me during these kind of times. I only have one grandparent left and I'm going to take her out to dinner soon. You just don't get second chances to do these things...

that's fucking rough. I don't even know what to say but I will at least say my condolences.

Scarlett O'Hara 10-27-2013 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletal (Post 1377230)
I'm losing my grandfather in a few days.

I've only had one grandfather. My dad's father died when he was 13 so I obviously never knew him. I only had one. I'm the oldest of the twelve grandchildren. I knew him when he wasn't an old man. I knew him when he was marching in the drum corps and frying up burgers at Johnny and Hanges. If you're from NJ then you know exactly how good of a cook my grandfather was. I think it was that lifestyle, working there for so many years, that finally did him in. It started last year when he got colon cancer. He beat the sh*t out of that, just like my mother did. Then he had multiple knee surgeries and a hernia, the first of four hernias. Then came the mini strokes. All those years of horrible eating caused blockage in his heart and brain and his body finally gave out. He lost about 20% of his motor functions and was just miserable trying to speak and eat and function. He'd suffer tiny seizures that would send him to the hospital and he just wasn't having any fun.

Then came the three hernias that caused him to have to have a huge surgery. They had to take him off his blood thinners to conduct the surgery and two massive strokes occurred either during or after the surgery. Right now he's blind, deaf, paralyzed, and has little to no cognitive functions. They're taking him off life support in the next couple of days.

I don't know how to feel really. I haven't really cried yet. I've been sort of mentally preparing myself for this I guess over the last week. Geez this has been a horrible f*cking year. I'm beating myself up because I really haven't seen him at all since all this has happened cause I've been so busy with work and I convinced myself that he didn't want to be bothered because in realty that's partly true but I miss my f*cking grandfather.

**** you 2013. You know what, I'm getting too bitter. This strip is going to make me cry but it always comforts me during these kind of times. I only have one grandparent left and I'm going to take her out to dinner soon. You just don't get second chances to do these things...

I know what its like to lose a grandfather who I really adored and who adored me. He worked at the same job for 40 years and dealt with second hand smoke from my nana which we think caused him to have three tumors in his head which we discovered way too late. We took him off life support, took him back to nana's and I held his hand as he died. I still cry when I think about him to this day. He visits me in dreams sometimes and a month before he died I predicted his death through a dream which mirrored exactly to how I found out (while I was at school). I hope you are okay Exo. Xx

Sequoioideae 10-27-2013 11:43 PM

Worked my ass off today, not going to care what anyone says tomorrow, I'm tired of people blaming each other for shit that doesn't get done. There always has to be someone at fault for some reason, and I'm pretty sure management is the only one to blame. They want us to bicker amongst ourselves while they cut hours, and half-ass the scheduling.

As soon as I got out, I learned that Lou Reed died. Great fucking day, huh?

Ninetales 10-28-2013 08:46 AM

My car door handle broke off this morningg. #canada

dreadman 10-28-2013 08:57 AM

So, I have the week off and thought I'd get some time to relax and just do whatever I felt like... fat chance. It's amazing how I manage to let stuff get piled up. I had a to do list that was a f-ing mile long. So I got up really early and took care of most of it, and now I'm kickin' back with a bottle of red, trying to score some tickets to Danko Jones while watching The Walking Dead. Not a bad day, really, but there are still a bunch of stuff that needs to get done. Anyway, I'm new to the forum and figured I should say something in one of the more open threads here.

djchameleon 10-28-2013 11:47 AM

I've been up since 1am and I'm starting to see spots so I think I'm going to go and crash now. yeah it's only 13 hours but so what!

The Batlord 10-28-2013 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1378096)
I've been up since 1am and I'm starting to see spots so I think I'm going to go and crash now. yeah it's only 13 hours but so what!

Pussy. Last month I stayed up for over twenty-four hours straight twice in a row while playing Mass Effect.

Scarlett O'Hara 10-28-2013 12:00 PM

My hair is really long but its still a few inches above my ass. I can't wait till its there, who needs extensions when you can grow your hair out? The only haircut I get is me cutting of the ends very occasionally. I'm awake from 5am so I'm going to get more sleep. I have cramps though.

Mr. Charlie 10-28-2013 12:02 PM

Spent most the day playing my favourite albums on my new CD player. It's surprising how different they now sound and the extra detail it digs up. Happy days. :)

The Batlord 10-28-2013 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1378101)
My hair is really long but its still a few inches above my ass.

That makes two of us. :pimp:

Scarlett O'Hara 10-28-2013 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1378104)
That makes two of us. :pimp:


Thanks for the beautiful mental images lol!

Burning Down 10-28-2013 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1378101)
My hair is really long but its still a few inches above my ass. I can't wait till its there, who needs extensions when you can grow your hair out? The only haircut I get is me cutting of the ends very occasionally. I'm awake from 5am so I'm going to get more sleep. I have cramps though.

I could never have my hair that long.

Key 10-28-2013 07:08 PM

Worked all day while being under the weather (I think I have the flu :( ). Glad to be home and resting in bed watching Youtube videos of random ****.

Dr_Rez 10-28-2013 10:25 PM

Ok so earlier today she said she was off to pee while were watching a movie, now shes been gone 5 minutes and i knew something was up, i knocked on the door and asked if everything is ok, she said yes she'll be right out...her voice was labored and i became i yelled "IM COMING IN!' she screamed no but there was no stopping this, i smashed through the door and i see her sitting on the toilet seat, i told her to get the fuk up, she didnt so i threw her off, i looked inside the toilet...just as i suspected, a goddam log, bitch u better pray this isnt yours. i looked around and saw no pet in site, I KNOW THIS IS UR POOP U WHORE, she screamed at me that im crazy and that shes calling the cops, all the while toilet paper in her hands. i told her no need to call the cops, im breaking up with u u some kinda poop whore. and that was that. I feel like a new man and off to find a woman who doesnt poop.

Scarlett O'Hara 10-28-2013 10:37 PM

I don't poop Rez. I'm a lady you see, ladies don't poop.

Dr_Rez 10-28-2013 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1378319)
I don't poop Rez. I'm a lady you see, ladies don't poop.

Yesterday when i was in the shower, i cupped my hands, and peed into them. i sat there holding 8 ounces of my own pee. i looked at it, felt its wamth, and then unclasped my hands as i watch the golden liquid flow down the drain. and i thought what if....what if i would have drank that pee?

butthead aka 216 10-28-2013 10:41 PM

peeing on your girl in the shower is just a normal friendly fire situation that signals to both partners they are getting a lil more serious but for myself a woman must always pretend she is peeing and never poo and thats why i keep several air fresheners in the bathroom so i never smell the scent and know the deuce was laid

djchameleon 10-28-2013 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Rezdaddy Longlegs (Post 1378321)
Yesterday when i was in the shower, i cupped my hands, and peed into them. i sat there holding 8 ounces of my own pee. i looked at it, felt its wamth, and then unclasped my hands as i watch the golden liquid flow down the drain. and i thought what if....what if i would have drank that pee?

used that one already. get a different one.

Burning Down 10-28-2013 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 (Post 1378323)
peeing on your girl in the shower is just a normal friendly fire situation that signals to both partners they are getting a lil more serious but for myself a woman must always pretend she is peeing and never poo and thats why i keep several air fresheners in the bathroom so i never smell the scent and know the deuce was laid

So being peed on is a significant relationship milestone? Who knew.

Scarlett O'Hara 10-28-2013 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Rezdaddy Longlegs (Post 1378321)
Yesterday when i was in the shower, i cupped my hands, and peed into them. i sat there holding 8 ounces of my own pee. i looked at it, felt its wamth, and then unclasped my hands as i watch the golden liquid flow down the drain. and i thought what if....what if i would have drank that pee?


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1378324)
used that one already. get a different one.

Burn Rez, burning pee.

butthead aka 216 10-28-2013 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1378330)
So being peed on is a significant relationship milestone? Who knew.

not really a milestone, more like a signal

kinda like 'hey we are progressin here and movin to a lil more serious state'

but instead of words ya use piss

Burning Down 10-28-2013 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 (Post 1378337)
not really a milestone, more like a signal

kinda like 'hey we are progressin here and movin to a lil more serious state'

but instead of words ya use piss

I haven't gotten that signal yet :laughing:

djchameleon 10-28-2013 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1378330)
So being peed on is a significant relationship milestone? Who knew.

yeah it's a relationship signal.

It's similar to having the bathroom door open when you poo and not caring that your S/O sees/smells.

You are that comfortable around them.

Dr_Rez 10-28-2013 10:57 PM

Just say listen bitch, i have the balls in this relationship and we're eating at 1 of 3 places, burger king, mcdonalds, or taco bell. and you get to eat off the dollar menu because you're not worth more than that. then after you're goin to suck my dick in the back of my car, got it?

butthead aka 216 10-28-2013 10:58 PM

years later i am comin to terms with how gay the high school sports locker rooms were but did nobody else ever piss on anyone or get pissed on??

*this was not an aformentioned signal situation lol

Burning Down 10-28-2013 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1378344)
yeah it's a relationship signal.

It's similar to having the bathroom door open when you poo and not caring that your S/O sees/smells.

You are that comfortable around them.

Well we've passed that point so I guess it's all good.


Originally Posted by Rezdaddy Longlegs (Post 1378346)
Just say listen bitch, i have the balls in this relationship and we're eating at 1 of 3 places, burger king, mcdonalds, or taco bell. and you get to eat off the dollar menu because you're not worth more than that. then after you're goin to suck my dick in the back of my car, got it?


That reminds me of this story one of my mom told me about one of her friends. She said this woman used to date losers and **** and one of them took her out on a first date to McDicks and she called it her Dollar Eight date, because they had the cheap menus back then.

ladyislingering 10-29-2013 11:26 PM

today was pretty awesome.

I slept in, found a great radio station in the car on the way to work, didn't get any crazy-asses for customers, and bought myself a new purse and earrings for under $7 (because being a thrift store employee kicks ass).

Kanga 10-29-2013 11:42 PM

^^ There's some pretty cool stuff in thrift stores!

Frownland 10-30-2013 01:05 AM

Today I wasn't able to come into work, but I did manage to get my dog a tutu for his Halloween costume. I also worked out naked while using a Swiss ball. Then me and my friends did dabs and annihilated the Denny's all you can eat pancakes. I had 9 pancakes. Stuffed.

The Batlord 10-30-2013 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1378319)
I don't poop Rez. I'm a lady you see, ladies don't poop.


Mr. Charlie 10-30-2013 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Kanga (Post 1378712)
^^ There's some pretty cool stuff in thrift stores!

Yeah, thrift stores are much cooler than any wanky swanky brand store.

Ninetales 10-30-2013 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1378719)
Then me and my friends did dabs and annihilated the Denny's all you can eat pancakes. I had 9 pancakes. Stuffed.

9 dennys pancakes how are you not dead tho

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