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Exo 08-01-2019 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Plankton (Post 2069511)
Pshh. Where's the subtlety in that?

You have to make them think it on their own so they own it.

Yes. Smoking is bad. I'm aware.

Frownland 08-01-2019 09:07 AM

*sees Exo smoking in front of his record shop*

Me: Hey Exo can I borrow $100?
Exo: No
Me: Oh ok what're doing right now?
Exo: Smoking

Got em

OccultHawk 08-01-2019 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Exo (Post 2069501)
I think I'm gearing up for an attempt at quitting smoking. My lungs hurt and I'm waking up phlegmy. Could just had a chest cold brewing but I'm also broke and my wallet could benefit from me quitting as much as my body. It might be time.

If the very modest withdrawal process is worth dramatically reducing your risk of developing cancer then the choice is clear.

To each his own but when I finally quit for good I spent the first month reading almost nothing but what it’s like dying from cancer. I found it very inspirational. Lung cancer is often like drowning in super slow motion for six years.

Plankton 08-01-2019 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Exo (Post 2069515)
Yes. Smoking is bad. I'm aware.

I hated everything about it, and quitting was hard.

S'all I got.

Exo 08-01-2019 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2069518)
If the very modest withdrawal process is worth dramatically reducing your risk of developing cancer then the choice is clear.

To each his own but when I finally quit for good I spent the first month reading almost nothing but what it’s like dying from cancer. I found it very inspirational. Lung cancer is often like drowning in super slow motion for six years.

I have a lot of self hate stored away in my soul that likes to reach its decrepit fingers through its jail cell and stick cigarettes in my mouth. I know all the dangers and have seen all the commercials. I don't want to die like that. Nobody does. I however made lots of advancements in my personal life dealing with depression and self loathing and whatnot but the last remaining remnant of my previous struggles has been those death fingers sticking cigarettes in my mouth. I haven't enjoyed it for some time now. I used to actually enjoy the smoking. Now I don't. I'm very very tired of it so I think it's time to tell that darkness that lives in me that allows me to shorten my life to f*ck off.

WWWP 08-01-2019 09:14 AM

Exo you won't regret it. It's been a couple years for me now, I still get cravings when I'm drinking or sitting on the porch drinking coffee. But the smell alone makes me feel nauseated now.

Exo 08-01-2019 09:17 AM

I'm getting a new car soon so the desire to have a vehicle that doesn't smell like a bowling alley will help with the habitual part of it. I do a lot of commuting and smoking was a good time passer. I've been down to about five cigarettes a day for years now. Two on the way to work, two on the way back. One after dinner. It's like, what's the f*cking point anymore?

OccultHawk 08-01-2019 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Exo (Post 2069521)
I have a lot of self hate stored away in my soul that likes to reach its decrepit fingers through its jail cell and stick cigarettes in my mouth. I know all the dangers and have seen all the commercials. I don't want to die like that. Nobody does. I however made lots of advancements in my personal life dealing with depression and self loathing and whatnot but the last remaining remnant of my previous struggles has been those death fingers sticking cigarettes in my mouth. I haven't enjoyed it for some time now. I used to actually enjoy the smoking. Now I don't. I'm very very tired of it so I think it's time to tell that darkness that lives in me that allows me to shorten my life to f*ck off.

Exo 08-01-2019 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2069528)

OccultHawk 08-01-2019 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Exo (Post 2069530)

Yesterday I visited a friend with a pool and we BBQed chicken wings and listened to all 4 and half hours of that new Mingus in Detroit release. And went night swimming. Driving home I almost hit a (probably) homeless guy who was walking his wheelchair against traffic in the middle of a five lane one way road in the middle of the night. There but for the grace of god go I. Thank God I was completely sober or things could have gone horribly different.

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