09-08-2007 09:48 PM |
I went to a VERY religous wedding...my cousin's........HAD to wear this really stupid outfit that everyone thought that it matched but didn't...i felt so disgusting... i didn't feel like me... i hated it and i was there for 5 hours i almost started crying... because my grandma told me to just know that jesus will always love me... I hate that i can't even tell my family(because my mom won't let me...God forbid((no pun intended)) she look bad infront of them...she trys to have everyone accept her and that fact is I gave up on trying to satsify any one but myself...(((and my boyfriend))) and just be myself) anyway getting back to what I was saying about my grandma... i am atheist,i believe in reincarnation and she is Super big time christan and I almost started crying because I can't stand it, the fact that I am lying to her...she thinks I am still agnostic...... and i got into a fight with my dads girlfriend when i came to visit...i couldn't take it!! and now, well now because of some stupid F_CKING dumb C@RPET M_NCHING @SSF_CK!!...(no names needed to be mentioned because, I think they know WHO! they are!!...one, possibly even two of my friends have left mb...probably forever...so yeah someone pi$$ me off i am not in the mood that's how my day went......
come on someone say something about my name of something about me...or anything to irrate me just a little bit....then you can see just how much of a Mean, cranky, naggy, little B!TCH I REALLY CAN BE!! come some one just test me....
okay I am glad I got that out...seriously though don't p!ss me off today....
don't you even think about saying anything about my grammar because i really don't care if its right or not! if you don't know what I mean then you need to seek help Right now!!