Originally Posted by elphenor
(Post 2053761)
I quite like this woman is all
it's a very ordinary thing really
if the day came when I felt a natural emotion
Id get such a shock, Id probably jump in the ocean
Here's the most real advice I can possibly give you.
You're too obsessed with yourself to ever give that girl whatever it is she needs in this relationship. You're a selfish person even if the decisions you make aren't geared towards yourself. The inner you wants everything to be about you. I've been there. I've made decisions thinking it was about the girl but really it was about how making the decision would make me feel at the end of the day. It's like when a person gives money to a homeless person to make themselves feel better. "Look at what a nice thing I did. Good job, Exo. That was the right decision." Meanwhile, that homeless person just took your money and did whatever it is they do with money from strangers, leaving you on your nice cloud of self importance. It's out of your control because you didn't control the situation in order to drive an outcome for them. You control the situation to drive an outcome for yourself.
Homie, until you find somebody that makes you forget about your natural selfishness for a few moments each day, you're always going to feed the #1 person in the relationship, which is yourself.