Kevorkian Logic |
06-07-2007 12:03 PM |
Last night there was a wine tasting at my house so my ex came over to entertain me while my house got invaded by about 50 aspiring law interns trying to impress the 8 parteners of the law firm that were actually there.
Since my ex was being so good about the whole thing I took him to the country club and fed him as much steak as he could possibly ate, then he came back home and he ate some more steak at the house that the caterers had left.
Then we went to the Melt-Banana concert, but left early because I'm on a new medicine that knocks me unconscious about an hour after taking it, in addition to causing my body to lose the ability of regulating my body temperature, so I felt pretty crappy the entire time. Plus my ex got really pissed at another girl there and was pulling the superfriendly approach to her to like guilt her into feeling bad or something, but was taking out his anger for her at me. But he got over it rather quickly on the way back...